Premier League 22/23 Thread

Apparently so, there was stuff on twitter yesterday that he was in Germany with the squad but that now appears wide of the mark. Hopefully the woman involved is okay if the allegations are true
Yeah, I saw it. The pictures were, according to random punters on Twitter, from Friday and not yesterday.

You hope the allegations aren't true. Not because I don't want to see an Arsenal, player done, but more cos I don't want a woman to actually have been raped.

If it is true, he will be a big loss to Arsenal, and I hope he spends a long time in prison. Where he will no doubt love being on the other end in the showers
Yep, him, Greenwood, Sigurdson and basically anyone else that can't keep it in their pants, away from kids etc need to enter a special level of hell (if they did it, don't want to be sued, not saying they have)
Apparently there's more than one incident with more than one woman. I get footballers/celebrities are probably more likely to get allegations but it doesn't look good. Honestly how hard is it not to rape someone. Sickening
Add in what's his name Johson (ex Sunderland) who shagged the 15yr old.

TBF footballers r no better than the average population. When you think about how many have played in the PL over all the years it's, sadly, inevitable that some will be cunts. MAYBE a lot of money and being used to getting their own way/not being used to people saying "no" means they are slightly more prone to doing it. But there are far too many 'ordinary' people who do **** like that too.

Money doesn't stop you being a **** if that sort of **** is in your nature
Apparently there's more than one incident with more than one woman. I get footballers/celebrities are probably more likely to get allegations but it doesn't look good. Honestly how hard is it not to rape someone. Sickening
Heard that.

He could be Mendy mark2, or it could be women lying or chancing their arm. I always remember the girl who claimed to have been raped by Johnny Evans and another Utd player. Turned out she sat with them all at breakfast the morning taking selfies and smiling. Something you are unlikely ro do, I would assume, if you gave been raped. The hotel staff confirmed it and she retracted her claim.
I always remember that when I hear of claims against footballers. NOT saying I don't trust the women in question, just saying there have been cases of women trying to make a few quid for themselves by alleging stuff like this before, so innocent until proven guilty/an utter ****.

But more charges so quickly doesn't look good, especially as his name isn't public knowledge yet.
Sterling to City.

That's a strange one all round. Why would he want out of City, they are miles better than Chelsea? Yes, Haaland has been signed but surely Mahrez is more likely to miss out than Sterling? Especially now Jesus is away. He's hardly on a pittance at City either, so not like money is the issue. As for Chelsea why do they need or want another light weight attacker? They have Ziyitch, Pulisic, Haevertz and Werner. They also need a few defenders. A lot of defenders, in fact. Why are City happy to sell to Chelsea? Yeah, 45m for someone entering the last yr of their contract is a good deal, but money is pretty irrelevant to City, and they have already flogged Jesus for 45m. It seems weird to offload Sterling on a rival.

I'm struggling to get my head round that deal. It just makes no sense from any angle.
I think part of the problem is that for them to try and maintain a semblance of FFP (don't laugh too hard) is that clubs abroad don't have any money so they can only really sell to a PL top 6/7 club if the want to get a substantial fee. They probably just assume they'll still be good enough next season anyway.
To be honest as long as Barca and Madrid are in the relative poor house, PSG are apparently moving away from stellar signings, Bayern can just keep nicking the best Bundesliga talent and top tier Italian clubs can sell players for 80-100 million then get them back for **** all one to four seasons later plus the rest of those leagues remain (comparatively) skint we will continue to see the top PL sides sell to each other, possibly with the exception of derby rivalries
You could be right. Although FFP is a nonsense, and from memory City have made a fortune in the last few yrs by selling kids/squad players. Though I could be wrong there.

I guess Grealish and Haaland, plus that other striker they signed (I forgot about him, and cant remember his name) probably do mean they are showing a huge outflow of funds.

But then, when your main sponsor is also your owner, why not just hike up the annual cost of sponsorship to a figure that coincidentally means you slip JUST under the FFP limit? Not like them and PSG haven't inflated their sponsorship rights as it is.
Absolutely, although in theory at some point even the wealthiest people want to turn a profit. They didn't get rich by giving stuff away after all
Ehhh in the case of the Sovereign wealth fund (SWF) that owns City they got rich by right of birth. Their king and princes keep all the wealth that derives to the country via the fluke of their oil and gas assets. That money is invested in the SWF.

They got rich by right of birth and the fluke of their country having natural resources that were deemed valuable, and exploitable, at the time.
Ehhh in the case of the Sovereign wealth fund (SWF) that owns City they got rich by right of birth. Their king and princes keep all the wealth that derives to the country via the fluke of their oil and gas assets. That money is invested in the SWF.

They got rich by right of birth and the fluke of their country having natural resources that were deemed valuable, and exploitable, at the time.
True enough, they're certainly a level or ten above mere billionaires
Seems crazy to let Bergwijn go for 26m, who else can you buy for that kind of money? He was usually solid when coming on as a sub, arguably he got Spurs CL football this season with that last gasp win over Leicester. I guess he must want more game time.
I think it was a case of that, plus Spurs having added Kulesevski in Jan and Perisic and Richarlison now meaning he wouldn't be getting much pitch time. Ajax don't have big money. That is a huge fee for them. You prob did well getting that much from them.

If I was a Spurs fan I would worry more about Lenglet. That boy is a donkey. Barca lost something like 60% of the games he started. Granted, they aren't what they were, but they are still Barca and La Liga still has a lot of dross in the bottom half. Spurs may have just signed the most Spursy defender out there.
Zinchenko looks to be a done deal as well. Our squad is definitely getting stronger, but we have a stack of players to get rid of with very few suitors
I saw an article that said Arsenal would accept less than they paid for Pepe.
surely that wins the "No **** Sherlock" award for this year?

They'll be lucky to get 20m for him FFS
I saw an article that said Arsenal would accept less than they paid for Pepe.
surely that wins the "No **** Sherlock" award for this year?

They'll be lucky to get 20m for him FFS
There are some truly shite "reports" out there right now, that's for sure. And yeah, at this point I'd be happy with 15 just to be rid of him. I don't doubt in a different system he's be better but (a) still nowhere near 70 mil and (b) still only a one in 3 or one in 4 attacker at best
Agreed. He needs a run of games and probably at a lower level than the PL. He has some talent, but nothing close to being worth 70m. Whoever negotiated that deal should be sacked…..and probably instantly picked up by Utd who are attracted by his/her incredible deal making ability.
Agreed. He needs a run of games and probably at a lower level than the PL. He has some talent, but nothing close to being worth 70m. Whoever negotiated that deal should be sacked…..and probably instantly picked up by Utd who are attracted by his/her incredible deal making ability.
Fortunately the main culprit has gone.

In other news Lingard looks to be off to Forest. Decent signing for them imo, he worked well as WH
Reports he's on £200k a week at Forest??? WTF!!! Ok they saved on the free transfer but no way should Lingard be in the top 15 best paid PL players list.
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