Premier League 23/24 Thread


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Another flukey last minute winner from Arsenal 😉 I saw chunks of the game but missed the goal. It looked fairly even. Brentford are a hard side to play against at their place. The 'new Stoke' if you like. So a win in any form is a good result there. I've no idea if it was deserved or not, I did see Rice and Zinchenko clear off Arsenal's line and also called the disallowed Arsenal goal as offside in real time. Regardless, a banana skin avoid by Arsenal.

I also saw chunks of Newcastle Chelsea which looked quite good and quite even up until Chlesea shipped 2 in a minute and the Rece James got sent off. The former killed Chelsea's momentum and ended the game, the latter was the nail, in the coffin. Chelsea arena hatd side to figure out, run City close one week and get thrashed by an injury hit Newcastle the next. I guess that's what happens when you are a work in progress. Needless to say the solution is another 4 players at 50m each in the Jan window. 🙄

On the subject of City, that was yet another pish early kick off. I've seen tonnes of them, some bod at the PL keeps giving them to Liverpool especially after the Int break (the stats are ridiculous), and almost all of them are poor games. No one ever seems to 'click'. It's as if the fans and the players aren't quite up for it. The game itself was quite even, there weren't many clear cut chances. It was a bit cagey. Got to be honest and say I would have given City's first disallowed goal. There was contact on Alison but contact doesn't mean it's a foul and he (Alison) needs to do better. He needs to man up. The second disallowed goal was never gonna stand, Akanji pushed Alison in to the nets. So, City can feel a bit hard done by by VAR, but given the regularity with which VAR bends over to help City out (the Fulham non offside when Ake is stood in front of the keeper or yer ex Chelsea boy avoiding a couple of red cards, etc etc.)
I still don't see anyone stopping City, but it keeps it interesting for a few weeks, and it's proof that this Pool team aren't the shambles they were last year.


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
Two goal line clearances are lucky for sure, last minute goals are just a sign of not giving up 😁

Whilst the offside goal is technically correct what advantage is there? All three were onside from the initial pass, once you're through legally it shouldn't matter that there's not a defender there imo, as you've already beaten them.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
Most VAR offsides are ridiculous, they need to change the rule to clear daylight.

Liverpool were lucky to get away with a point. That said I'm not sure drawing to Man City is unlucky. I would say unfair with how much advantage they have through cheating.

Everton will have an us against the world attitude today for sure. Can see a good smacking for Man Utd today, haven't had one for well over a month.


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Thought Arsenal were a bit lucky, but those are the sort of games you need to win, if you're going to challenge. Interesting seeing how they've tightened up a smidge defensively this season- exactly what they needed to do, in order to progress.

That first disallowed goal for Man C was ridiculous! Words fail me...

We got away with one yesterday. Very poor for most of the game, but the quality came through in the end. They all looked like they had an international hangover. Missed Bowen, but Mubama looked lively and should be starting over Ings now. Harsh on Burnley- a draw would probably have been a fair result. Similar to Arsenal though, you need to get results out of those sorts of games, if you want to be up there. We would've lost that 3 years ago.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Yeah, not sure where I stand on the Arsenal disallowed goal. Technically it was offside, and I saw it in real time, but I take your point. It's one of those grey areas.Frustrating whne it goes agaunst you and a let off if it goes for you.

I haven't seen any of the WH game but two late goals is always nice, albeit it's probably a tad concerning that you need them against Burnley. But 3pts is 3pts.

Everton Utd will be interesting today. Either Utd wilt in the atmosphere or Everton get carried away and end up 9 men and a hiding. I would say the first goal will be crucial to setting the tone.

Spuds Villa could be interesting too, albeit Villa haven't turned up against the "big" sides so far. If they do, injury hit Spurs could have a game on their hands.

Edited for a typo…who the **** are "Cilla"?
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Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
As you know I'm not one to moan or feel hard done by, obviously, but the last 3 goals Spurs have conceded have been in "injury time." That one was in the 7th of 6 minutes after the first half. Would that goal have happened in any of the last 31 PL seasons? You wouldn't get 7 minutes of added time after 90, let alone after 45.

Nice of Matty Cash to get away with that leg breaker on Bentancur too. Obviously would have been a straight red if it was a Spurs player (or against Chelsea.)

So that makes it 8 first 11 injured, are we still just lacking squad depth!?


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
I saw chunks of the Spuds Villa game. Spurs looked very much a side running on empty. By the hour mark they were crying out for fresh legs but there was nothing on the bench. They were probably the better side up until then, but Ange's high tempo game takes its toll and when you have a lot of injuries and a small squad/FA quality beyond the first 14/15/16 players, then you have a problem. Villa are a decent side though. It's not like you lost to Luton.

Oohhh and ehhh @edd_jedi remind me when Spurs scored their winner against Pool 😉

There was 8 minutes of ET in the second half of City Pool yesterday, even Pep was asking why it was 8 minutes (and not cos he thought it should be more).


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
It's a bit like VAR - why can't they just apply with common sense? Yes, add 15 minutes of injury time when Newcastle fall over every 30 seconds to hold on to their 1-0 lead. But don't punish a team that is already stretched and running on empty. Wasn't the whole 5 substitues thing about player welfare? How is making 9 men play 120 minutes of football at PL tempo anything but dangerous. Anything more than a couple of minutes should be exclusively for time wasting, otherwise it's just turned into basketball.


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Just saw it- fantastic. Very similar to Rooney's, although this one is probably cleaner, as Rooney's was a bit of a shinner, if I remember correctly?


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
It was a great goal, a total fluke, but a great goal.
Definitely better than Rooney's (he did shin it) although not a patch on Trevor Sinclair's in the FAC all those years ago.

Emre Can scored a belter against Watford in Klopp's early days too.

As far as ET goes, it's supposed to be 30 seconds a goal/substitution. I don't know how they treat double or triple substitutions, they definitely don't take as long but even at that I have no idea how they even got 4 minutes for City Pool, I was expecting 1 or 2. One goal and a few subs, in the second half. It wasn't a niggly game and neither side time waste.
From what I saw of Spurs Villa, it was similar. Albeit with more subs made.

Just checked, Spurs made 2 second half substitutions and Villa made 4, two at HT andtwo in stoppage time. Villa also got four yellow cards, albeit I dont know what half they were dished out in.
In City Pool, City made no changes and had 1 yellow, again not sure what half, Pool made 5 changes (in 3 batches) and had 3 yellows (no idea on half). I still cant make that add up to 8 minutes.

So, is it 30 seconds a substitution, a minute for a double etc, and 30 seconds a card too? Newcastle Everton will last 4 days at this rate.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
I think last night summed Utd's season up pretty well. Play not particularly well, rely on a couple of moments of brilliance and then shoot yourself in the foot. Twice. Onana really is doing his best to go down as the worst GK signing in the PL ever (allowing for fee). Even at that Utd should still have won.

Being two goals up, TWICE, in consecutive games against the might of Copenhagen and Galatasaray and coming away with one point is woeful. An English CL side should be able to close out a game. Granted they have injuries and a few howlers haven't helped, but to let FOUR two goal leads slip against two very average CL sides is inexcusable. The question is, do you blame the manager, he should know how to shut down a game, or is it the players not doing what they should?

Either way Utd are looking at flunking out of a very progress-able group (they were never winning it, but 2nd place was there for the taking). Do Utd fans want the ball ache of EL and Thursday night football, but with another shot at CL qualification, or would they rather no European football and concentrate on the PL?

Ohhh and Newcastle were robbed. That was NEVER EVER EVER a penalty, even in European terms that was beyond harsh. I heard the VAR bod was stood down for last night as a result. That'll make up for the 2pts Newcastle have lost and the tens of millions they'll lose if they miss out on the knock out stages. 🙄


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
All I have seen of the Arsenal game was the result. I will assume it was a fluke and sure Lens play in a farmers league 😉

It is nice to see an English side, other City Zzzzzzz, cruise through a fairly comfortable group.

Also good to see you don't hold a grudge against Newcastle lol


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Yeah Holland/France in the same group also.
Did they not come through the same qualifying group?
Agreed on England getting a bye to the knock out stages. Ohhh and 6 groups with the four best 3rd place sides qualifying is ****. Four groups, top two go through, as it was, is the ideal set up. Teams HAVE to play to win. The new set up rewards not losing, or losing narrowly. And evertyone loves to watch sides playing damage limitation from start 🙄.

Still, 6 groups = more games which OBVIOUSLY = better as far as UEFA are concerned. Sod the fact most of them will be dull and the number of "good" games is halved despite there being more games played.

Back to proper footy, feck me Utd (the Manchester one) were lucky last night. To use a phrase that may not have made it across the Irish Sea, 'Utd were lucky to get nil'. Had that finished four nil Ten Hag could have had no complaints. What saved Utd was Newcastle's complete lack of cutting edge in the final third and their inability to play a decent final ball.
There is logic in playing Luke Shaw at CB, he has played well there the two or three times previously, and he played well last night. But, ehhh, playing him there and them playing a RB at LB all while leaving one of the most decorated CB's in world football on the bench is……strange.
As is picking Anthony Martial, a player who has NEVER looked anything other than someone who flatters to deceive. Playing him in a game where you will need a high work rate is like employing Susan Boyle for a porn shoot and being surprised when no one wants to pay to see it.
Even at that what he produced and what Rashford produced was shameful. If I was ETH I'd drop the pair of them for a month until they at least realise the utter bare minimum for a professional footballer is to break sweat and you know….run!
Scott McTominay was also anonymous, but at least he ran about and tried, albeit from inside Joelinton's pocket.

Credit where it's due, fat Maguire was very solid last night. Those are the kind of games that suit him, backs to the wall and making clearances etc. It's the games where he has time and is expected to pick passes and almost dictate play that he struggles. But him and Shaw were all, but a two man team last night.

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