Disney acquires Lucasfilm!!!


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Yes completely agree Gary. You may hate him now, but credit is due for what he created in the first place. He wouldn't be the first genius to go a bit **** in later life - Lennon and McCartney? Michael Jackson? In fact I can't think of many people who have been at the top of their game for their entire career. John Williams is one of the few.


Grand Master
Sep 22, 2010
Pretty much my feelings to - whatever he did do wrong ... and there are a lot ! He did make the original Trilogy and this is what encouraged most of us to start our collections


Grand Master
Jan 31, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
Good point, well made sith-smith, I agree totally with your sentiments. I really dont mind what comes in 2015, Its the original releases that I like. Catching the re-run of EP. 4 on ITV by chance last weekend was great fun.... :D


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Well, after more thought than a grown man should find time to apply to this topic i have decided that i will be excited by the news and in fact hopeful that Episode 7 will be a welcome and enjoyable return to the Star Wars Universe (on the big screen). This deal removes some of the major constraints that previously existed and means that now the studio can appoint any writer/directer/producer they like and that is a great thing. Not that i am Bashing George, far from it, i agree he is not the best writer/director that lived but the OT is seminal and the prequels are enjoyable (IMO) and he created the biggest, best and most colorful populated fictional universe is story telling history, and that is no small thing.

This deal also opens the way for the live action TV show (which i am prepared to bet will be with us sooner rather than later now) as Disney can afford the dollars per episode cost and having already committed to an Avengers TV show (SHIELD) a Star Wars one fits right in with their current thinking and with so much ground work already done it would be just plain stupid to not capitalize on that asset as part of the purchase. Obviously the Clone Wars cartoon will continue and that is good news but as it was already set for at least 1 if not 2 more seasons there is no surprise there.

What is interesting is what they will do with Indy, if there is a deal to be done with paramount who own the distribution rights then we could see something going on there as well.

As has already been said the big thing for Disney here is the merchandising and if you though Lucas sold out there years ago, that will be nothing compared to what Disney will slap an R2 face on, but if you don't like it, don't buy it. Personally i am going to look forward to years of quality TV and film entertainment (with great new Lego models to match :) ) that, if not entirely take me back to the early 80's certainly evoke that childish sense of wonder and awe in what i am watching.


Grand Master
Apr 11, 2010
edd_jedi said:
Yes completely agree Gary. You may hate him now, but credit is due for what he created in the first place. He wouldn't be the first genius to go a bit **** in later life - Lennon and McCartney? Michael Jackson? In fact I can't think of many people who have been at the top of their game for their entire career. John Williams is one of the few.

I think the credit for his early efforts goes without saying. I don't think that is ever in question. But i think the damage he did to the franchise in the 90s and 00s deserves every slagging and slating it gets. Let's also be clear, Lucas made 1 good film. Star Wars. Over 30 years ago. More competent men were bought in to make to following 2 films and when he re-took the helm for the prequels he made 3 abominations in a row. Then he started to ruin the originals by going back and adding ridiculous effects and extra cartoon like CGI characters. This in my opinion is in no way comparable to a musician no longer making great albums. Not even close. Had McCartney gonna back and rerecorded all the vocals on Sgt Pepper and swapped all the strings for synthesisers and added a Kanye West Rap to the Middle 8 of A Day In The Life and formed a new band called the Beatles featuring non of the original members just to turn a buck. We'd be getting close (tho still not as bad) as what Lucas did to the Star Wars franchise. And altho he should be partly respected and remembered for his brilliant early work and vision he should also be judged and dare i say even hated for what he did in the decades that followed.


Jedi Master
Feb 13, 2012
The north
Have to agree with you Pete, Lucas's original vision is with out doubt a great legacy but everything he did after that was nothing but trash. I have to say upon reflection I think Disney getting hold of the franchise is an even worse prospect than before, That last Avengers film was instantly forgettable, Lets hope they have something better in the pipe for SW or failing a new set of decent movies I can just ignore there existence like the other 3! Jar Jar who?


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
As someone who creates what is essential an art form he is no doubt open to judgment and criticism. And certainly what he has chosen to do with the amazing creation of star wars deserves criticism.

What annoys me is when 'fans' talk as if they own star wars and act like Lucas has no right to do what he is doing and that he's destroying their childhood.

I stand by what I said. It's his and his right to do with it what he wants. I don't like what he has done with it and don't know what Disney will end up doing with it, but it sure isn't going to ruin my love of Star Wars.

He certainly hasn't ruined my childhood, in fact he helped make it the good elements I experienced of it.

That said, he not making my adulthood any better by what he's done to SW over the years as I've seen all that potential go to waste turned into something that I really don't like.

So I'm all for criticising him. That's our right just as it's his to do what he wants with his creation. No matter how much jar jar he puts in it!!


Grand Master
Apr 11, 2010
sith-smith said:
What annoys me is when 'fans' talk as if they own star wars and act like Lucas has no right to do what he is doing and that he's destroying their childhood.

I stand by what I said. It's his and his right to do with it what he wants. I don't like what he has done with it and don't know what Disney will end up doing with it, but it sure isn't going to ruin my love of Star Wars.

This doesn't really make much sense to me. I've heard the point from a couple of people but it doesn't really mean anything. "it's his so he can do what he wants" Yes true but it's also in a sense a thing created in no small part to millions/billions of people who paid their money to see it and to buy the toys, dvds, t-shirts and so on and create Lucas's fortune and empire. So when Lucas turns out utter **** and you go and spend your hard earned money on it you have every right to feel betrayed, ripped off and all-in-all taken for a ride and you also have the right to demand he does better and listens to those whom he expects to spend their money. It's the same reason fans of a football club have the 'right' to demand better from players in their team or call for the sacking of an incompetent manager. It's a give and take relationship and one can't exists without the other and so both sides have a right to their say. Once one side (Lucas) choses to arrogantly ignore his "fans/long-time investors" then the whole thing falls apart.
You're talking as if people are in outrage over the colour of a neighbours garden shed or their choice of car or something that has absolutely no affect on them and is in no way any of their business and personally i just don't think we can say that's what this is and that no one has any right to speak out or demand better.
Yes, technically of course he does have the right to do what he wants with Star Wars and rape and pillage it over and over and over again but that's rather the problem and 'fans', customers, whatever, have the right be angry and to speak out against it. To me saying that is wrong or it annoys you or you don't agree with it really makes no sense to me.


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
To me saying that is wrong or it annoys you or you don't agree with it really makes no sense to me.

Your football reference makes little sense to me as I can't stand football, but I do see your point.

But if you read my post correctly you'd see that I agree with complaining etc. It's the whole he has no right, ruined childhood stuff that annoys me.

So in fact we are actually agreeing...

Yes, technically of course he does have the right to do what he wants with Star Wars

Which is what I said...

'fans', customers, whatever, have the right be angry and to speak out against it

Also what I said.

So unless you are arguing that he has ruined your childhood and destroyed star wars forever, we are in agreement.

Your point about it being a give & take relationship does make sense and I couldn't agree more. As for feeling betrayed? Well I guess you are entitled to feel that. I don't. Not at all. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying I like where he went with it, the PT or the way he's mucked around with the OT. I've always had the feeling from interviews with Lucas that essentially he was always going to do what he wanted, regardless of others, fans, co-workers, whoever. And yes it is arrogant to ignore these people. That's the way he his! But to feel betrayed? No. He never promised me anything, so I find it hard to feel like he betrayed me.

Maybe it would be better in someone else's hands. Perhaps disney will listen to fans and give them the star wars they want. I certainly hope so.

But once again. I'm not saying don't complain, be angry or feel betrayed if that's how you wish to feel. It is you right.

Just like it's mine to get annoyed with the whining about how it destroyed someone's childhood, he's killed star wars etc.

For me he hasn't. I was there from the beginning and that's all I care about and all I remember when it comes to spending my hard earned money on my collection.

Perhaps I should be really angry at him for that. I'd have no mortgage now if it weren't for Star Wars....Bloody George Lucas :twisted:



Grand Master
Apr 11, 2010
Yeah, ok, i see what you're saying now. The "he stole my childhood" thing is not really something i've heard as much as people just pissed off at what he has done and keeps doing to Star Wars and a general growing hatred for Lucas which is what i assumed you were aiming at. I think people have a right to be pissed off even if it is "his".
I think my taking it that way came from a couple of posts following one which said "i don't get all the hate for Lucas.." (firstly.... really??!) and the "it's his so he can do what he wants" quote (which as i've said i've heard from at least one person as soon as anyone starts complaining) doesn't hold any meaning. Except from a legal view-point which lead to my football analogy which it seems you are in complete agreement with... :lol: I have more football analogies to explain my stand-point if it helps. Just PM me.


Apr 19, 2012
Could do a lot worse than hire some the of the Clone Wars writers - really enjoying the series at the moment


Apr 19, 2012
tundra9 said:
Heith said:
Could do a lot worse than hire some the of the Clone Wars writers - really enjoying the series at the moment

Couldn't agree more, season 4 was great, hope season 5 keeps it up!

been watching season 5 on youtube, normally out on the monday


Apr 19, 2012
Heith said:
tundra9 said:
Heith said:
Could do a lot worse than hire some the of the Clone Wars writers - really enjoying the series at the moment

Couldn't agree more, season 4 was great, hope season 5 keeps it up!

been watching season 5 on youtube, normally out on the monday

was even a nod to the blue snaggletooth in one!


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
I think the Clone Wars series is really good :D

Does any of you know if the star wars TV series is getting cancelled after lucas have sold star wars ?

A couple of months ago I heard he told there was 50 episodes complete on paper.



Grand Master
Sep 22, 2010
Hitler's not too happy with the news

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