We are Generation Skywalker - And so are you!


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
Hello there (giving my best impression of Obi Wan) SWFUK

I hope that you are well. I thought i'd pop on and share a few pieces of information and some links for you regarding Generation Skywalker.
It really has grown massively over the last 3 years. You may be surprised with what is on offer, I was when I compiled this post!!

First question: So what is Generation Skywalker?

Generation Skywalker (GS) represents: All Eras, All Passions, All Star Wars.

Whilst the GS crew came together (on SWFUK) through our mutual interests of Vintage Star Wars collecting (for some of us we'd already been members of SWFUK Podcast and TVR), the team members were keen to expand their horizons and delve into new areas, as well as honouring Vintage. If it's Star Wars, we are interested.

We produce two regular roundtable shows – THOSE OLD FOSSILS, covering vintage collecting and THE MODERN WAY, focusing on contemporary collectibles – as well as shows exploring a wide range of topics from Star Wars books to Star Wars inspired beers (2 beer tasting shows so far that were great fun to record, as you can imagine!!). Almost every episode we produce is enhanced on YouTube, the videos are fantastic.

Those Old Fossils - Vintage Star Wars Collecting (Podcast & YouTube)
Even though this has always been our flagship show, it has very recently changed its format and now focuses on 3 vintage figures a month and the toys and beyond the toys merchandise associated with those figures. This has enabled the team to invite a wealth of guests on to the show in order to provide end to end vintage richness. The feedback has been phenomenal and the high caliber guests are lined up!! Exciting times.

Those Old Fossils Links This handy link hosts all of our Vintage Collecting podcasts including our very latest episode: https://linktr.ee/generationskywalkervintage
Our recent episodes include collecting giants such as: Bill McBride, Bruce White, Ron Salvatore, Matt George, Alex Pardi, David DeMarchis, Daryl Whitlow, Andy Goulding, and also include really helpful Variant Villains segments from: Mark Andrews, Will Mellish and Jamie Acott.

Those Old Fossils - Mini Episode - The Wild Find of Dreams (29 minute taster)
As a taster for you, this very short standalone podcast episode covers an incredible wild find that happened earlier this year in the USA. We were tagged in a post on facebook and within 24 hours had produced this first class show (audio and enhanced) to enable the lucky finder to celebrate his success!
(also available as an enhanced episode on YouTube)

The Modern Way - Collecting Star Wars since 1994 (Podcast & YouTube)
As original vintage die hards, we have slowly embraced modern Star Wars collecting as a way of continuing their enjoyment and passions, whilst also not braking the bank. I was the last to break! The team delve into all new releases from brands such as: Hasbro, Hot Toys, Gentle Giant, Lego, Geeki Tiki etc.

A new addition has been 'The Committee' aka where we (and guests) debate and often disagree on stuff
These are short discussions/debates where we produce our Top 10s. Subjects so far include: Top 10 Vintage Star Wars Toys that should have been made, Top 10 Star WarsLighsaber Duels, Top 10 Vader Moments, Top 10 on screen duos, Top 10 Star Wars Put Downs.

Film & TV Commentaries & Analysis: Kenobi, Book of Boba Fett, etc
Check out our film commentaries and Disney+ TV show reviews and analysis. There is also a 'retracing the trailers' element where the team delve into the OT trailers, the follow up delved into the PT. The Sequel Trilogy Trailer show is just about to drop. Do you share our thoughts?: https://generationskywalker.com/shows-%26-movie-reviews

The Interviews
We have a section of stand alone interviews here which includes Palitoy Junky from the forum AKA Jon Aves, AKA Wendy Williams: https://generationskywalker.com/interviews

Attack of the Clones Special
In May 2022 we held a dedicated Attack of the Clones Special month. You have to see it/watch it to believe it but this series was exceptional! Each episode delved into a different section from the toys to the sounds and from the art to the costumes. With a slightly negative commentary at the beginning the opinions of the team change throughout the month especially when we are joined by an AOTC superfan! It was an absolute pleasure to record: https://generationskywalker.com/episode-ii-month

In July 2022 we were honoured to be invited to support London Film & Comic Con and have our own triple booth set up and panel.
We have also provided Echo Base, Farthest From and LFCC with some very smart videos of their shows.
Some of the events we've been involved with: https://generationskywalker.com/interviews

Book Month
In 2020 we produced a series of podcasts as part of Book Month, it was so popular we did another in 2021. Keep an eye out later this year :) : https://generationskywalker.com/book-month-1

Skywalker Blasts
If you are looking for shorter edits on single topics, check out our SKYWLKR BLASTS series. Some of these are taken from the larger episodes which we think also work as great standalone.
Here is one for my 4 Pack Find (25 minutes) which covers all aspects of the Italian/German 4 Packs:

Browse our UNBXD videos which are so 2022 to see us review some key items up close.

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/generation-skywalker/id1502895941
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/17xZWA6Q6jCPxFNTjKtVBm?si=347d489ebfd145ed
Podbean: https://feed.podbean.com/generationskywalker/feed.xml
Plus pretty much every podcast platform

Social Media
A dedicated Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/GenerationSkywalker
A dedicated Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/335786451030079
We have 3 x Instagram accounts:
The Main Account: https://www.instagram.com/generation_skywalker/
The Vintage Collecting Account: https://www.instagram.com/gen_skywalker_vintage/
The Modern Collecting Account: https://www.instagram.com/gen_skywalker_modern/

GS Website: https://generationskywalker.com
GS YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjIJTeRKRW2jt9MPmusnLA/videos

There is so much more to see on the main website. We hope that you enjoy.

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Jedi Master
Oct 19, 2006
Great post Jez, must admit now I'm not driving a distance to and from work my podcast listening has pretty much stopped. BUT… absolutely love the enhanced podcast on you tube works so well for me on my Star Wars market stall.
Listened/watched the wild find one today and it's so great to see the pics too, also a couple of unboxed videos!
Hopefully got you a couple more listeners by having it on too!


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Staff member
May 9, 2014
Great post Jez- thanks for sharing! Have stickied for you ;) I must have a look at the enhanced versions- must add so much more. I tend to download the podcasts and either listen to them on the way to work, or when I'm doing exercise, which really works well for me. However, seeing everything will add an extra dimension.

Paul, that's a great idea! Works really well. The stall is looking mighty fine, I might add :cool:


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
Oh you're too kind, thank you so much!
There really is so much to see/watch as well as listen!




Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
This is the Big One!! (SO FAR)

It's Darth Vader time, so we had to get Bill on board.

Bill McBride is universally recognised as THE Darth Vader collector. The lifelong Star Wars fan holds the Guinness World Record for the 'Largest Darth Vader Collection in the World'.

Generation Skywalker were delighted to have Bill join the team for this months extra special deep dive in to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

We would be honoured if you'd join us and listen to the probing questions on all aspects of Bill's life as a Star Wars fan and a variety of his collecting highlights.

Bill shares some incredible collecting stories and covers all aspects of his Vader Vault from his mushroom tipped DT to his treasured Ralph McQuarrie Party Favours and from his 1978 Darth Vader beer to his 1999 Japanese Motorcycle Jacket. The less said about the Darth Condoms and Darth Vader Mr Potato the better! The interviews are split into 2: 'Bill & collecting' and later in the show 'Bill's collection'. Plus there is a Rapid Fire round at the end of the show to put him on the spot.

The team is also blessed to host two small sections from the Variant Villains crew who open our minds to the plethora of differences in: figures, capes and sabers. A fascinating insight.

Jez, Dan, Craig and Stu also cover a variety of beyond the toys Darth Vader items to ensure that the greatest film villain in the Galaxy is truly honoured.

The enhanced youtube version of this great show has just begun will be out towards the end of September.

I couldn't be prouder of this show. Available now on all the usual platforms: Apple, Spotify, Podbean Alexa etc.



Jedi Knight
Feb 18, 2019
I really enjoyed when everyone was on the one podcast - when they spilt, I have to say I've stopped listening to both. I need to start listening again!


Sith Lord
Dec 29, 2012
Ah Jez so glad you re-jigged the format. I loved listening to the podcasts but slowly drifted away and pretty much stopped.
Covering 4 figures and inviting guests to discuss is just great - informative, entertaining easy listening, exactly what a podcast should be.
Excited about enjoying the Darth Vader episode over the weekend, nice timing with the James Earl Jones announcement


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
I really enjoyed when everyone was on the one podcast - when they spilt, I have to say I've stopped listening to both. I need to start listening again!
Thanks for your message. I totally understand. People move on and things change. Our interests ebb and flow and that's cool.
Whilst it's been a blast getting involved in new projects: Film commentaries, TV show analysis, unboxings, special months, The Modern Way etc I felt that we needed to sharpen up the Those Old Fossils Show. It appears that we've done that. The feedback has been great.

Even though there are more and more podcasts coming out of the word work nowadays i'm still of the opinion that there is plenty of room for all of the Vintage Shows: Chive Cast, TVR, Prototypes & Production, Fantha Tracks and Generation Skywalker. We're all different and bring so many different things. All of the various teams put so much into their respective shows, there is plenty of Vintage to talk about :)
Try our new format, hopefully you'll like it too!


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
Great podcast Jez. Love the new Old Fossils format especially if you're a fan of the 96 figures and variants like me
That's great to hear. Our downloads have been telling us that this is the way. The lads are recording a new Modern show tonight and i'm cutting together the next Those Old Fossils. I already have the next one and awesome guest lined up. Good times :)
Ah Jez so glad you re-jigged the format. I loved listening to the podcasts but slowly drifted away and pretty much stopped.
Covering 4 figures and inviting guests to discuss is just great - informative, entertaining easy listening, exactly what a podcast should be.
Excited about enjoying the Darth Vader episode over the weekend, nice timing with the James Earl Jones announcement
YES!!!!! That is music to my ears :) Thank you so much. You won't be disappointed.

Sorry for the delay in replying chaps. I've been away for a long weekend :)


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
Absolutely loved the Vader episode and the previous ones too come to that.
There really is something for everyone with this new format, even if your not a fan of the figure being discussed, you will certainly learn something of interest I'm sure.
I will even admit to listening closely to the VV guys, even though as far as I'm concerned there are only two variants, ( carded and loose) their enthusiasm is infectious and interesting.
BUT…I'm sorry to be that person, can you do something about the "Lets talk about" song that you use before talking about the figures…like get rid of it…it drives me mad!😔🤔
Other than that minor irritation, it's a great show.
Keep up the great work, we all appreciate, I'm sure, the amount of time you spent on these shows for us to enjoy.

PS: Nice to see Stu giving you a bigger part to play in the shows. 😏🤔😂


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
Absolutely loved the Vader episode and the previous ones too come to that.
There really is something for everyone with this new format, even if your not a fan of the figure being discussed, you will certainly learn something of interest I'm sure.
I will even admit to listening closely to the VV guys, even though as far as I'm concerned there are only two variants, ( carded and loose) their enthusiasm is infectious and interesting.
BUT…I'm sorry to be that person, can you do something about the "Lets talk about" song that you use before talking about the figures…like get rid of it…it drives me mad!😔🤔
Other than that minor irritation, it's a great show.
Keep up the great work, we all appreciate, I'm sure, the amount of time you spent on these shows for us to enjoy.

PS: Nice to see Stu giving you a bigger part to play in the shows. 😏🤔😂
I was loving that reply right up to your thoughts on my Salt N Peppa riff! :LOL: I love those little intros. They take me a while to make them but I thought they were a nice little intro:oops: You wait until the ERG, it's epic!! Do you like the All Kinds of Kinds song?
Thanks for the feedback dude, we really appreciate it. If others feel the same way I'll drop Salt N Peppa lol.


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
I was loving that reply right up to your thoughts on my Salt N Peppa riff! :LOL: I love those little intros. They take me a while to make them but I thought they were a nice little intro:oops: You wait until the ERG, it's epic!! Do you like the All Kinds of Kinds song?
Thanks for the feedback dude, we really appreciate it. If others feel the same way I'll drop Salt N Peppa lol.
Thanks Jez, I love the show and most of what Gen Skywalker put out, as I'm sure your aware.
But the intros grate on me…and yes "the all kinds" one is as bad….sorry, you did ask.
It's not that they are the wrong tunes, I don't see the need for any tunes.
it's probably just me but I find they don't add anything and start to take me away from the show…if you follow my meaning.
It's a tiny thing in what is a great new format, that will be running for many years.
carry on the brilliant work, and don't worry what I think.😀😏
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Sith Lord
Jun 28, 2017
Somewhere Down The Rabbit Hole
I thought something like Changes by David Bowie for the VV section if people don't like the all kinds thing

Turn and face the strange
Don't want to be a richer man
Turn and face the strange
There's gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
I thought something like Changes by David Bowie for the VV section if people don't like the all kinds thing

Turn and face the strange
Don't want to be a richer man
Turn and face the strange
There's gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I thought something like Changes by David Bowie for the VV section if people don't like the all kinds thing

Turn and face the strange
Don't want to be a richer man
Turn and face the strange
There's gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
Nice idea. I'll work that in. Thanks for the great idea


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
I thought something like Changes by David Bowie for the VV section if people don't like the all kinds thing

Turn and face the strange
Don't want to be a richer man
Turn and face the strange
There's gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
Your wish is my command! I have changed the intro/outro music for the Variant Villains to David Bowie :)

****** NEW Vintage Collecting SHOW LIVE ******
Those Old Fossils in back with another absolutely stellar episode, packed with nothing but pure Vintage goodness.
Thanks to the knowledge and help of : Daryl Whitlow, Chris Moorehead, Ron Salvatore, Mark Andrews, Mark A Baker, Jamie Acott and Will Mellish, the GS boys take a deep dive on The Emperor, his Dignitary and his Royal Guard.
Ron journeys into the realm of the Bald Emperor prototype and throne room options whilst also declaring his disdain for any name other than 'The Emperor', don't call him Palpatine and don't even dream of saying Sheev!
Jez gets Daryl up at 7am to learn all about his passion for The Emperor and later chats with Chris about his fantastic ERG collection, you won't want to miss either interview.
Stuart also announces his undying love for the Imperial Dignitary and appears to be well on his way to becoming the seminal Imp Dig Focus Collector.
The Variant Villains give us the downlow on variant options for all 3 figures and the episode is completed with Stu, Craig and Dan finding a whole mix of Beyond the Toys wonders.
It's a feast of greatness covering Imperial badness. It's Sith Hot!!!!!



Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
Hi SWFUK. I've just updated the first post to reflect a few changes that have taken place since I initially wrote that.
So much content has been created, it's hard to catch up! More unboxings, more shows, more discoveries, more blasts, more Farthest From coverage, and especially for you lot, more Vintage Collecting Podcasts!!

The amount of info we've been cramming into the shows is incredible, so for the Leia special we decided to split it into 2 more digestible podcast rather than a 4 hour beast. These 2 will be getting enhanced on YouTube, but all of our Enhanced shows are done with such passion we don't want to rush them out. Until then, enjoy these 2 fun and informative shows :)

Those Old Fossils Episode 18 - Princess Leia Organa Part 1
Who is she? She's beautiful. She is Princess Leia, and she is so amazing we've dedicated a whole show to her, in fact we wanted to afford her the attention she rightfully deserved therefore this is the first of 2 shows dedicated to our Princess from a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

For Episode 18 of Thise Old Fossils, the gang are joined by David DeMarchis, owner of an incredible Vintage Star Wars collection with some extremely choice Leia pieces: Check out his R2/Leia miscard, some 'Hair Routing Samples' which are like something you've never seen before and his 12" Leia Bespin Box Flat, seriously this collection is mind blowing!

Plus, Jez is joined by the Vintage collector everyone thinks of when you say 'Princess Leia': Bruce White. Jez and Bruce chatted for so long, we've put the first half (focused mainly on the character and Carrie Fisher) in this episode and the second part of the interview (vintage collecting) on the next show!

Bruce's enthusiasm and love of both Leia and Carrie is infectious, and he shares some incredible stories and insights including how he has been kissed by Carrie twice and she gifted him a very special 'Intimate Inflatable Love Piggy' as a thank you!

Once again, The Variant Villains are back with some seriously impressive knowledge on Leia Organa variations and drop some cape information that might make you wish you hadn't binned that suspicious 'repro' cape that you once bought!
The show is sewn together by Stuart and Craig who share stories of when they met Carrie Fisher and what the Princess means to them.
Download and enjoy this 2-hour podcast dedicated to your first love!

Those Old Fossils Episode 19 - Princess Leia Organa Part 2
That's right, two Vintage Star Wars collecting podcast episodes in the same week (2 x 2 hr. shows, rather than a mammoth 4hr show)!
Hot on the heels of Episode 18 we bring you even more Leia Organa magic and a large sprinkling of Leia Bespin and Leia Endor.

The show jumps straight in with another brilliant interview with the ever friendly Bruce White. Bruce has a truly wonderful collection of Princess Leia Vintage collectables from carded figures and Proofs to some fascinating Beyond the Toys merchandise. Bruce also introduces Jez to Carrie Fisher's staring role on Saturday Night Live.

Joined once again by our resident expert from the Star Wars Collectors Archive, Ron Salvatore gives a fascinating insight into the origins of Leia Organa in Bespin Gown, which leads to a really interesting fact on Blue Snaggletooth and Bossk. He also drops hints about what Leia card art "brings out the Lando in him"!

Mark Andrews and Jamie Acott from the Variant Villains give us a great rundown of Leia Endor variations. A really interesting insight into the world of variations which is explained in a really digestible format. These guys really know their stuff with regards to the figures and the accessories. This show is rounded off with an amusing rapid fire round which is far from rapid! Download and enjoy this 2 hour podcast dedicated to your first love.

All of the Vintage Star Wars Collecting Shows are here: https://linktr.ee/generationskywalkervintage


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
New shows!
Oh blimey it's been a while since I spoke about what the Generation Skywalker crew had been up to.
Probably the best thing to do is check out https://generationskywalker.podbean.com (or apple/spotify/any other podcast provider) where you could peruse the variety of content produced by us over the last few months.

The 100th Show with 100 different voices/stories/memories
One of the shows that should really get a mention is the 100th show, rather than have us simply talk about what had come before we simply wanted 100 stories from Star Wars fans and collectors. It's really lovely and has something for everyone. There will definitely be lots of people you recognise on this episode from all over the world.

A new fun addition has been 'The Committee' aka where we (and guests) debate and often disagree on stuff
These are short discussions/debates where we produce our Top 10s. Subjects so far include: Top 10 Vintage Star Wars Toys that should have been made, Top 10 Star WarsLighsaber Duels, Top 10 Vader Moments, Top 10 on screen duos, Top 10 Star Wars Put Downs.
These are available as podcasts and on youtube.
We'd love it if some of you came on future committee shows.

Those Old Fossils Vintage Collecting
TOF Episode 20: Vintage Collecting 101

As well as a full review of collecting in 2022 and a look forward into 2023, this packed episode of Those Old Fossils had three exclusives:
The first being a brilliant real-time talk through the fascinating Toltoys auction which took place in New Zealand, thanks to David Phillips. Then we have Peter interviewing Chuck Lang regarding the imminent Morphy auction and finally we give one more exclusive which is so hot we won't even write it here! Seriously the Tolstoy's auction and the way that was put together was absolutely brilliant. Give it a listen!

TOF Episode 21: The End of the Line!

This is an awesome episode where we talk in depth and fondly about SWFUK. We also have the amazing @sith-smith on the show to educate us all about Try Logo miscards. Thorsten Greth also pops by to talk all about POTF German 3 Packs and his awesome in the wild find. Craig explains all about his trip to the UK Graders, yes he was there and he also tells all about his recent involvement with the Leicester Vintage Toy lads. Plenty of chat about vintage and nothing but vintage.

The Palitoy Book 'My Palitoy Story' with Bob Brechin and Brian Hickey
With less than a week to go on their Kickstarter campaign, former toy designer Bob Brechin and art director Brian Hickey join Dan, Craig and Pete to discuss 'My Palitoy Life'.
10 years in the making, the book charts the rise and fall of one of the most iconic toy manufacturers of the 20th Century and creators of some of the most sought after vintage Star Wars playsets in the world.
And this is your opportunity to hear directly from the writer and designer about how the book came be, the meticulous work that has gone into it and what's in store for everyone who backs the project.
Bob and his team's contribution to so many childhoods is immeasureable and the Palitoy story is one that needs to be told.

Additionally we continued to have plenty of content for: The Modern Way and both before and after Star Wars Celebration.
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Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
Who has listened to the latest episode of This Old Fossils? What did you think of our piece on SWFUK? Is it time for a comeback? Has Facebook become too much?? Keen to know what the hardcore SWFUKers thought. @db94 Col, have you finished it yet?

Available on all Podcast platforms

And for all those people who fancy something a bit different, we've just launched the final edition of the 'Revisiting the Trailers' where this time we finally get around to talking about the Sequel Trailers and reminisce about promises made, hope and excitement, "Chewie we're home"

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