Premier League 24/25 Thread

I can pretty much guarantee that Arsenal losing to Newcastle and United in successive home matches means they will come out all guns blazing on Wednesday, one of us will be wrong though!
We might be all guns blazing, but we're firing blanks
Well it should be an interesting game against the leagues worst defence then! :)
That new Spurs keeper looked pretty decent against Pool, too early to pass proper judgement but he's a lot less fun to watch (as a neutral) than Forster. He actually looks like he has done nets before.

Cue a clusterfuck of a performance in midweek.
Anyone watch the Forest Pool game last night?

I saw the last 70 minutes of it and appear to have watched a totally different game to everyone else.
The media and most of the commentators in it, would have you believe Forest stood toe to toe with Liverpool and "showed they belong at the top of the table." What I saw was a side who had one chance, scored it, and then sat in and defended with little interest in doing anything but playing out time. They were literally just hoofing it away and not moving from the start of the 2nd half. Think George Graham's Arsenal of the late 80's and early 90's and you have Forest's style to a T!

Now, I know, without patronising Forest, that Pool are a bigger club and or a better team, and I am not having a go at Forest for their style of play (albeit it is ****ing horrendous), in their place I would most likely have done exactly the same. What I am doing is having a go at the media who are making it sound like it was an evenly matched game. It wasn't. Liverpool played them off the ****ing park. Sels(?) made 2 or 3 superb saves, and they had to scramble the ball off their own line twice. On another day that's 3-1 to Pool.
FFS Alison could have spent the game shagging all the decent looking women in the stands (assuming there were any) and it would have made no difference to the final score.

The XG tells it's own story, Pool's was five times Forest's! And Forest's wasn't even a 0.5.

That's not "proving you belong at the top." That is going one up and setting shop. Pure Jose or Rafa from 20 years ago. Without the theatrics and time wasting so beloved of that Portuguese tosser.

Again, I'm not slagging Forest, they are very very well drilled defensively and those two CB's are superb. But they are side riding a wave of confidence for whom things are dropping at the minute. In two years, when their better players have been poached or their luck has reverted to normal, they will be lower mid table again. I'm not trying to belittle them, I just don't get why the media are making them out to be something they are not. Just tell it like it is. They copied George Graham's Arsenal's blueprint, got lucky and are riding a wave. We can still enjoy it while it lasts, it is nice seeing someone else challenging at this stage of the season.

But they aren't a great team, they aren't some plucky underdog punching above their weight. They are an average side who play very defensively and aim to knick and goal.
What I saw was a side who had one chance, scored it, and then sat in and defended with little interest in doing anything but playing out time.
Pretty sure this sums up their season. Very high chance conversion rate and then defend like trojans
Main stream coverage of the PL is a waste of time it's full of 'I've played the game' pundits who contradict themselves from week to week and producers that have agendas and are constantly pushing them. Man Utd are at the top of the list. Forest vs Liverpool game, Matz Sels was MOTM,
Says it all.
I hate the NLD, honestly one of the most stressful games you can watch. We were lucky to get that corner and had a good bit of luck near the end when the guy hit the post. Overall I do think we played better though. Also, and I'm sure there must be actual stats out there to support this, but it feels like the team to open the scoring fails to win in this fixture more than any other.
I was going to say the same thing, I don't have the stats to hand but Spurs must have been ahead in 10 recent NLDs and then gone on to lose. It's a shame you can't substitute managers, I would have brought Dyche on right after Son's goal, doesn't take a rocket scieniest to figure out you can win against a team that is having trouble scoring by... defending!

I agree, didn't even watch last night, there's nothing enjoyable about watching 2 hours of venom and hatred, I watched the Villa game.
That's very similar to how I feel about Utd Pool games. I endure them. And dread them coming up.
That new Spurs keeper looked pretty decent against Pool, too early to pass proper judgement but he's a lot less fun to watch (as a neutral) than Forster. He actually looks like he has done nets before.

Cue a clusterfuck of a performance in midweek.
I did jinx it, he should have saved that shot from Trossard.
Ange will do well to survive this.

The radio said it should have been 5 or 6 at HT. That is against an Everton side who have scored about 4 goals all season.

In other news, that will surprise no one, Andre Onana is shite
Seven games in and Liverpool have won as many games in this season's CL as Utd and Spurs have won, respectively, in 22 PL games.

Some stat that 😬
Can someone explain how this is a straight red?
****ing dirty Arsenal at it again. Clear red. Should be 3 reds and a life time ban!

It was very soft. I can KINDA see why he gave it as from one angle he does get the side of yer man's calf and ankle. That would make it an orange card for me. Seen them given, seen them not etc etc.

The issue is as much the fact that there will be a dozen tackles like that that go unpunished this weekend.

Apparently the PL website/twitter thing said something along the lines of "studs to the ankle or above is considered dangerous play and a red card."
Fair enough.
But ehhhhh…..that does make me wonder why Doku was able to kick Alexis MacAllister in the chest, inside his own (City's) box in stoppage time and not even concede a free kick. If one of them was a red card offence, it sure as **** wasn't the Lewis Skelly one!

Kick to the chest inside your own box = play on.
Cynically trip someone and get a bit of his calf = red card and 3 game ban.

Make it make sense please!
It gets better, the PL website that highlights "high foot challenges" uses a picture of the Doku boot on MacAllister's chest. The same tackle that wasn't even given as a foul.

You can't make **** like that up. Utter morons
Great result for Arsenal. Safe to say City ain't back!

Is it just me or are Arsenal really really hard to watch? I just find them biblically boring.
Great result for Arsenal. Safe to say City ain't back!

Is it just me or are Arsenal really really hard to watch? I just find them biblically boring.
It's very "safety first", without parking the bus, combined with a bit of late Wenger era infinity horseshoe of nothing.

Can't fault the result today though
Oh aye, if you offered me the most boring style of football the world had ever seen ( and Arsenal aren't THAT bad) but guaranteed me thumping City 5-1, or the like, every week I would bite your ****ing hand off.

Apparently that's the first time a Pep side has ever conceded 5.

And to think, if Havertz wasn't the white Jason Lee, minus the Pineapple, it would have been 6!

He looks/acts like a broken man

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