Obi-Wan Kenobi tv series (SPOILER ALERTS)

I re-watched it and have to agree- those bits were so sloppily written. Very disappointing. Leia under the coat was ridiculous and how did they all fit in the T47?!

One of the few positives in this episode for me was Leia again. Really liking her think she's perfect. Also liked Vader going off on one with Reva, although that led straight into the silly tracking business. Really hope the next two episodes pull it out of the bag!
Also, the way the speeders were flying straight into the hanger and then (off screen lol) they obviously slowed right down and did a 180 outta there. A bit weird!
I would like to offer up another perspective, which is apt given Obi Wans different point of view speech. I tend to view these as a bit of fun and a vaguely acceptable bit of Star Wars. Anyway, I digress. I was talking to a couple of my neighbours this evening and they are definitely not hardcore fans, they're both approximately 10-15 years older than me (as are a good few of you I think, I'm 41) and they both enjoyed BoBF and are enjoying Kenobi. They aren't looking for continuity, canon or anything else. They want vaguely recognisable characters and 30-40 minutes of escapism, both of which Disney delivers in droves. I think the hardcore fan probably needs to realise that they are not the target market and that Disney are going for broad appeal.
I would like to offer up another perspective, which is apt given Obi Wans different point of view speech. I tend to view these as a bit of fun and a vaguely acceptable bit of Star Wars. Anyway, I digress. I was talking to a couple of my neighbours this evening and they are definitely not hardcore fans, they're both approximately 10-15 years older than me (as are a good few of you I think, I'm 41) and they both enjoyed BoBF and are enjoying Kenobi. They aren't looking for continuity, canon or anything else. They want vaguely recognisable characters and 30-40 minutes of escapism, both of which Disney delivers in droves. I think the hardcore fan probably needs to realise that they are not the target market and that Disney are going for broad appeal.

I'm glad your neighbours enjoy the show. I'm envious of them. I have nothing against people who like DisneySW, I wish I shared their enthusiasm, believe me.

But you can appeal to both the 'normies' AND the long-term fan base, by crafting well written, respectful shows rather than the crap we're currently being served up. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, surely. I suggest the success of Top Gun: Maverick proves this.

I just don't get Disney's business model. It's the long-time fans who go out and spend millions on merchandise etc., not the 'normies' I would suggest. Surely, by pissing off the fanbase, they're stunting their future income (I haven't bought a single piece of DisneySW merchandise since the takeover).

Your neighbours may be onto something though 😀.
Perhaps it's time to accept DisneySW is never going to reach the heights of the OT and just switch off.
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As already stated, people that are fine with canon-breaking can enjoy these shows, but it's only them that will. If a good, canonical show was written instead then everyone could enjoy it, not just some. To criticize those fans who object to needless, sloppy canon violations is actually to adopt a rather selfish viewpoint, as it essentially states that only those fans who don't mind Disney playing fast and loose with the canon matter, whereas a good show that doesn't break canon would appeal to everyone.

And it really isn't hard NOT to break canon. All it requires is a little care, writing talent, Star Wars knowledge and giving a damn. Sadly however, those qualities are in very short supply under Kathleen Kennedy, and all they will succeed in doing by continually churning out material unacceptable to a large part of the fanbase is to drive away their most dedicated and lucrative customers. Over the years I have spent god-knows how many thousands of pounds on Star Wars merchandise. If they want to lose my business, they're going the right way about it!
I'm really enjoying it overall, but as a longstanding fan, the biker gang and final 'battle' in TBoBF and a few moments in this latest Kenobi were really irritating and poorly conceived. I'm generally loving all the new stuff though!
What did R2 to end up being buried alive and left to rot though? and how did Talon and the third sister not pass each other in the tunnel...and how did she get ahead of Leia? regardless of facial recognition technology, Leia hiding under coat was tad ridiculous...but overall I'm still enjoying the show!
Well, that was an improvement.
A change of writer results in the series highlight, so far. After last weeks debacle, it couldn't get any worse.

Loved the Anakin/Obi-Wan flashback (Haydens de-aging didn't go far enough imho) and the Order 66 scenes. Although, Im still not 100% how Reva survived.

The Vader/Reva fight scene was fantastic. Glad he was shown to be just toying with Reva (shame she wasn't killed off).
The return of the Grand Inquisitor was a welcome (if obvious) twist.

Overall a much more enjoyable episode, which finally felt a lot more Star Warsy in places.

It wouldn't be DisneySW without a few eye-rolling moments. We get the old bait-and-switch decoy ship again (why did Vader just stand there and let it go).
Stormtroopers still can't shoot for toffee and apparently LOLA can use the Force to open panel doors.

So, with Reva surviving and discovering Bails message, we seem to careening inexplicably towards a showdown at the Lars homestead (if the leaks are to be believed).
Sounds awful. Hopefully, the canon-breaking is kept to a minimum.

A much needed upturn in quality.
Score: 7.5/10
I enjoyed it. I remember someone back in the seventies calling Star Wars "Enjoyable Hokum" - I felt that was unfair. That is pretty much where Marvel is and now Star Wars has joined them. And I am not sad about that.
Well, that was an improvement.
A change of writer results in the series highlight, so far. After last weeks debacle, it couldn't get any worse.

Loved the Anakin/Obi-Wan flashback (Haydens de-aging didn't go far enough imho) and the Order 66 scenes. Although, Im still not 100% how Reva survived.

The Vader/Reva fight scene was fantastic. Glad he was shown to be just toying with Reva (shame she wasn't killed off).
The return of the Grand Inquisitor was a welcome (if obvious) twist.

Overall a much more enjoyable episode, which finally felt a lot more Star Warsy in places.

It wouldn't be DisneySW without a few eye-rolling moments. We get the old bait-and-switch decoy ship again (why did Vader just stand there and let it go).
Stormtroopers still can't shoot for toffee and apparently LOLA can use the Force to open panel doors.

So, with Reva surviving and discovering Bails message, we seem to careening inexplicably towards a showdown at the Lars homestead (if the leaks are to be believed).
Sounds awful. Hopefully, the canon-breaking is kept to a minimum.

A much needed upturn in quality.
Score: 7.5/10
Don't ****ing watch it then 🖖
Really enjoyed today's episode 8) My boys actually called Reva as being a youngling in the first episode - good story arc.
Don't ****ing watch it then 🖖

Now, now. Play nice.

Whilst I enjoyed the latest episode, the rumoured finale just doesn't sound very good (my opinion). You obviously disagree.
That's the joy of the internet.
On paper, it sounds awful, but that's not to say it won't turn out to be a fantastic, well written finale.
Although, judging by the writing quality of the previous episodes (again, my opinion), I'm not holding out much hope.

An Internet FORUM is going to have differing views (clues in the name). It's something you're going to have to deal with, I'm afraid, without resorting to insults.
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Finally an episode that delivers for the most part (you would have thought that amount of Stormtroopers would at least hit a few people lol!). Interesting that it had different writers on it and does go to show how that can improve things. There were also a few things I didn't see coming even though I'd heard about the youngling connection on RFR.

Hopefully we'll get another episode like this to end the series but I must admit that it's not overly grabbed me on the whole and I'm having more fun with stranger Things and Ms Marvel right now :confused:

Now, now. Play nice.

Whilst I enjoyed the latest episode, the rumoured finale just doesn't sound very good (my opinion). You obviously disagree.
That's the joy of the internet.
On paper, it sounds awful, but that's not to say it won't turn out to be a fantastic, well written finale.
Although, judging by the writing quality of the previous episodes (again, my opinion), I'm not holding out much hope.

An Internet FORUM is going to have differing views (clues in the name). It's something you're going to have to deal with, I'm afraid, without resorting to insults.
I mean I didn't resort to an insult, I merely suggested you not watch something that you're so determined not to like.
Perhaps you should try and obtain a better understanding of the written word before attempting a witty riposte or a patronising response. There you go, that's an insult.
I mean I didn't resort to an insult, I merely suggested you not watch something that you're so determined not to like.
Perhaps you should try and obtain a better understanding of the written word before attempting a witty riposte or a patronising response. There you go, that's an insult.

I would suggest it was antagonistic, at the very least.

Other posters have been critical of the series. Palifan has just stated that the series hasn't grabbed him and that he's "having more fun with Stranger Things and Ms Marvel".
Are you going to tell him "Don't f***king watch it then"?

Look, you seem to have a problem with me, so let's agree to disagree and refrain from commenting on each others posts.
I would suggest it was antagonistic, at the very least.

Other posters have been critical of the series. Palifan has just stated that the series hasn't grabbed him and that he's "having more fun with Stranger Things and Ms Marvel".
Are you going to tell him "Don't f***king watch it then"?

Look, you seem to have a problem with me, so let's agree to disagree and refrain from commenting on each others posts.
He wrote:
"Hopefully we'll get another episode like this to end the series but I must admit that it's not overly grabbed me on the whole and I'm having more fun with stranger Things and Ms Marvel right now"
Hoping for a good finale but not particularly liking what he has seen.

You wrote:
"So, with Reva surviving and discovering Bails message, we seem to careening inexplicably towards a showdown at the Lars homestead (if the leaks are to be believed).
Sounds awful. Hopefully, the canon-breaking is kept to a minimum."
Forming a prejudiced opinion about something you haven't even watched.

Hopefully you can see the difference there, I don't think it's too nuanced
He wrote:
"Hopefully we'll get another episode like this to end the series but I must admit that it's not overly grabbed me on the whole and I'm having more fun with stranger Things and Ms Marvel right now"
Hoping for a good finale but not particularly liking what he has seen.

You wrote:
"So, with Reva surviving and discovering Bails message, we seem to careening inexplicably towards a showdown at the Lars homestead (if the leaks are to be believed).
Sounds awful. Hopefully, the canon-breaking is kept to a minimum."
Forming a prejudiced opinion about something you haven't even watched.

Hopefully you can see the difference there, I don't think it's too nuanced

Surely, that's just me speculating, based on the leaks (which, AFAIK have been pretty much spot on) and what has come before.

Are we not allowed to speculate now?
Dont think, just consume product.

I later go on to say....
"On paper, it sounds awful, but that's not to say it won't turn out to be a fantastic, well written finale."

Seems pretty fair to me.
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