Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Patterson Cut


Jedi Knight
Apr 24, 2022
Not sure if many / any of you have seen this but it is definitely worth a watch. It's basically the series cut into a 2.5 hour film and the way he has cut it is sublime in my view. It's not just keeping the best and cutting the rest, it's also the flow and order of things, the pace and the additional little flashbacks and musical motifs brought in. I love it 😎🖤
Its a great attempt at polishing a turd.

Could edit down a bit more.
Use Joker 95's effects
Change some of the music cues

It highlights a frustrating of what could have been a fantastic additional bridge from 3-4.

Great that he sorted:

Why Kenobi doesn't kill Vader
Reva at the homestead
Tighter acting
Imperial charge on the Resistance fighters
Jedi on Tattoine
Qui-Gon Shoehorn becomes post credit
Some of the fortress cheapness
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