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Jedi Knight
Jun 10, 2009
Southern Ca. USA
Not Vintage but I wanted to share this... 8)

May 4, 2012
Hi guys and girls any anyone else who reads this forum here is some new hot vintage items , very early star wars vintage new hope goodies... well apart from the patrol Dewback!! all are kenner USA
editions the Dewback remains unopened all the play sets are complete with all the parts and are in
mint condition boxes are in fantastic condition and will display nicely just got them today so not had
a chance to display and set the sets up yet but better photos will follow ( i take them for other forums and i will show them here as well ) the creature cantina looks amazing very 70s!!! will have fun with that , I have the palitoy version its a little different i like both :p got a great deal on them!!



The Vader mask looks hawt Iv got something like that i dont usually collect anything new but some of the new vintage items are superb .

PS and i will be taking the Dewback out of his box!!! i mean wheres the fun is having it trapped in there ?


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
Princess Leia Organa said:
PS and i will be taking the Dewback out of his box!!! i mean wheres the fun is having it trapped in there ?

Buy an opened one and don't open your sealed one. You may not be able to grasp that originally sealed items are sought after but that doesn't mean it is a good idea to open them up.

Do the right thing and go buy one of the thousands of opened Dewbacks that are out there and try to get that sealed one into the right hands (a collector who will appreciate it being still sealed after so many years)


Sith Lord
Jan 6, 2012
Joe said:
Princess Leia Organa said:
PS and i will be taking the Dewback out of his box!!! i mean wheres the fun is having it trapped in there ?

Buy an opened one and don't open your sealed one. You may not be able to grasp that originally sealed items are sought after but that doesn't mean it is a good idea to open them up.

Do the right thing and go buy one of the thousands of opened Dewbacks that are out there and try to get that sealed one into the right hands (a collector who will appreciate it being still sealed after so many years)

Joe, you're far more diplomatic than me. But well said mate :D
May 4, 2012
Joe said:
Princess Leia Organa said:
PS and i will be taking the Dewback out of his box!!! i mean wheres the fun is having it trapped in there ?

Buy an opened one and don't open your sealed one. You may not be able to grasp that originally sealed items are sought after but that doesn't mean it is a good idea to open them up.

Do the right thing and go buy one of the thousands of opened Dewbacks that are out there and try to get that sealed one into the right hands (a collector who will appreciate it being still sealed after so many years)

Hello i do keep some items sealed a lot of my bionic stuff and loads of star wars stuff but i always feel guilty if i dont open them i know its daft its just how i am , I do get a buzz knowing its totally mint :) I got some bionic figures graded (afa) totally mint ones and i really dont like them i cant touch or at look like i used to I see how i feel in a day or so .
May 4, 2012
Maulster79 said:
Open a sealed Dewback?


Hi you dont have to get mad with me I collect the vintage line for pure pleasure not to make money from it
i just love collecting i know its naughty to open them but surely i am not the only guilty on on her for doing that :p


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
It's not about making money out of these toys it's about keeping things that have survived sealed for so many years..SEALED.

The fact that you can go out and buy a Dewback loose or even loose with the original box any day of the week makes a sealed example all the more rare..just don't open it - it's a silly thing to do which considering your current standings on the boards will only make members dislike you even more than they do now.

No one can tell you what to do with your collection but that doesn't mean to say every decision you make as a collector is the right one that other collectors will agree with, I think it would be good to realise that opening sealed 30 year old toys isn't something people generally agree with which might not matter if you are a hermit collector but if you want to take part in a community like this one then perhaps you should things like this on board.
May 4, 2012
Joe said:
It's not about making money out of these toys it's about keeping things that have survived sealed for so many years..SEALED.

The fact that you can go out and buy a Dewback loose or even loose with the original box any day of the week makes a sealed example all the more rare..just don't open it - it's a silly thing to do which considering your current standings on the boards will only make members dislike you even more than they do now.

No one can tell you what to do with your collection but that doesn't mean to say every decision you make as a collector is the right one that other collectors will agree with, I think it would be good to realise that opening sealed 30 year old toys isn't something people generally agree with which might not matter if you are a hermit collector but if you want to take part in a community like this one then perhaps you should things like this on board.

I totally see your point :p and i am thinking about it i like having minty stuff as well i get a buzz out of it
and regarding the members not liking me if i had been given a fair chance when i become a member and was not bullied i would not have acted in the way i did how dare any of them accuse me of not being me
i ****in love being me and proud of my self for being a surviver i am a nice soul when treated with respect I help anyone i enjoy seeing peoples stuff and reading there opinions on stuff its great :)

I just wanna enjoy myself on here and thats about it . i dont wanna offend people i dont know others should think about that before starting on me :) if any of you are waiting on me flipping out you will have a long wait .


Sith Lord
Jan 29, 2009
Awesome additions folks. Its been awhile so there are way too many to mention :lol:

I agree with the mob- dont open a MISB, and if you do I wouldn't mention it on here if you care what people think of you. Its your item and you can do whatever you want with it, but you wont win many friends on here in the process.


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
Interlude -

Nice additions folks

Nice score on the Canadian Wicket & the yodas not half bad either :)

Awsome ESB-a stormie Tundra, loving the amount of baggies that are cropping up on the thread 8)

I forgot to take a photo, but I just picked up a Rancor Keeper proportional flyer for 99p
chuffed to bits as its my first oddball baggie related item.

& thanks to Wayne for these great baggie additions that turned up today -







finally a lando No teethe in baggie, I was starting to suspect a conspiracy as the amount of ones I have seen & every bloody one is the with teeth (blob of white paint) version
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