

Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
I'm going to buck the trend slightly here. I hated the terrible CGI on Anakin's face at the end of the episode; it looked like something from about 15 years ago! Dreadful.

I also greatly disliked them making Sabine selfishly put her own desire to see Ezra ahead of the fate of the entire galaxy. I don't remember her being like that in 'Rebels' (granted it's been a while since I've seen it, but even so...), and as for Ahsoka getting beaten so easily by Baylan; that's simply annoying. And how exactly did she end up in the world between worlds by falling off a cliff?

I thought this was by far the weakest episode yet and I hope it swiftly picks up again in episode 5. At least we got to see The Ghost at last, I suppose...


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
Got a horrible feeling the World Between Worlds sequence is going to be a cop out.
I'll be disappointed if Ahsoka wakes up on the cliff edge and it all ends up being 'just a dream'.

Ep4 seems to have been lauded online. Personally, I thought it was OK. We're halfway through the season and I still get the feeling it's being needlessly dragged out.

Agree about Anakins CGI. After the great de-aging of Luke in BOBF, I thought Anakin was a step backwards.

Still hopeful the season will kick into higher gear in the second half.


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2014
I think episode 4 was really great. But again to short and the cgi with anakin face could have been made better, even a blind one could see it was fake. I hope we will soon see thrawn :)

I am also thinking what will it end with and what will it open up for. Will disney make the 3 Timothy Zahn books as 3 movies about Thrawn :unsure: or will they make a series, one movie or a trilogy about thrawn that has nothing to do with the books, just a different story :unsure: or will they do nothing :unsure:

I see the danish actor lars mikkelsen are playing thrawn in the series.

Is it just me or do Marrok have a red lightsaber in episode 4 :unsure: I could not see it was orange :unsure:
My bet is on an avengers style movie with characters from the mandalorian and book of boba fett showing up to fight thrawn.
Disney will use this as a link to the sequels and establishment of the first order so you can probably throw in Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and others too.


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
My bet is on an avengers style movie with characters from the mandalorian and book of boba fett showing up to fight thrawn.
Disney will use this as a link to the sequels and establishment of the first order so you can probably throw in Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and others too.
:oops: I hope you are wrong about that


Staff member
May 9, 2014
My bet is on an avengers style movie with characters from the mandalorian and book of boba fett showing up to fight thrawn.
Disney will use this as a link to the sequels and establishment of the first order so you can probably throw in Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and others too.
I hope you're right about this. Would love it.


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
I am on the side that thinks we won't see Ezra and Thrawn until late in the series and that events from this show will indeed lead directly to the 'movie event' which will see Boba, Mando and others join the fight against Thrawn, which will somehow lead to some of the remnant imperials disappearing to form the first order and setting up events in the Force Awakens.

While this is Disney 'enshrining' their mythology once and for all, it really could make for a fun movie, lots of action, pretty cool, well established characters and decent villain to boot.


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
After a few so-so episodes, Ep5 finally kicked into a higher gear.

The WBW scenes with Anakin and young/old Ahsoka were fantastic, with emotional impact and some wonderful imagery.
Thankfully, Haydens de-aging was much better than the glimpse in Ep4.
Special mention for Kevin Kiners score, which is sublime.

It all made me yearn for a live-action Clone Wars series.
I was a bit disappointed when we left the WBW scenes and went back to Hera & Co.

My only gripe is the pacing issues.
Scenes tend to outstay their welcome and my attention starts to wander.
I do find myself thinking "Just get on with it!"

Can Filoni save Star Wars?
For me, the jury is still out, but the potential is definitely there.
Looking forward to seeing where all this goes.


Jedi Master
Apr 21, 2018
After a few so-so episodes, Ep5 finally kicked into a higher gear.

The WBW scenes with Anakin and young/old Ahsoka were fantastic, with emotional impact and some wonderful imagery.
Thankfully, Haydens de-aging was much better than the glimpse in Ep4.
Special mention for Kevin Kiners score, which is sublime.

It all made me yearn for a live-action Clone Wars series.
I was a bit disappointed when we left the WBW scenes and went back to Hera & Co.

My only gripe is the pacing issues.
Scenes tend to outstay their welcome and my attention starts to wander.
I do find myself thinking "Just get on with it!"

Can Filoni save Star Wars?
For me, the jury is still out, but the potential is definitely there.
Looking forward to seeing where all this goes.
Agree with the pacing, otherwise a truly enjoyable episode, especially with Anakin -what could have been, so to speak.
Disney would be mad not to do a series with Hayden in, or include more flashbacks with him.


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Another great episode- thoroughly enjoyed the Clone Wars sequences. Agree about the pacing- in the first couple of episodes especially, the conversations seemed really slow, with long pauses etc. It was a little odd. The pacing is still a little slow, but the conversations seem to have picked up the pace a bit in the last couple of episodes.


Dec 15, 2020
Fantastic episode, i kept saying to myself 'what am i watching'🤣

Filoni is the master at character development and any episodes he directs are visually stunning. I cant wait for his movie🤞

I loved the bit where he kicked Ahsoka back onto the bridge and his voice was both a mix of Anakins and Vaders...and the live action Rex😍


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
The cgi got a lot better in episode 5 with anakin. But some scenes could still be better with his face, I think.

I think they used a little bit to much time on ahsoka and anakin it was nearly 50% of the episode but finally we got a longer episode.

I really hope we will see some imperials in the next episode and thrawn, but I guess we will first see him in the last episode and only for a few sec. surprise me disney 😂


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
Episode 5 was great. Loved the live action clone war scenes.

What I really need now is some stormtroopers. Never quite feels 'Star Warsy' until I see them! 😁


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Another great episode- goosebumps when Thrawn's Star Destroyer arrived. Great Stormtroopers, too. Enjoyed Sabine's encounters on her trek across Scotland :ROFLMAO:

Will be interesting to see what Ezra brings to the party in the next couple of episodes.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
Hmmm... I thought this series got off to a good start and I initially enjoyed it. It was fun to see the 'Rebels' characters and locations brought to life convincingly, and I also gave it a pass on its massive female bias since the characters were at least true to 'Rebels'. I have commented on the slow pace of the storytelling and also my misgivings over some of the choices made in episode 4, but I was hoping things would pick up, however....

My liking of the series has taken a hit in episodes 5 and especially 6. The whole edifice is starting to creak for me. If you manage to still love it then good for you, but I'm really starting to question how much this feels like Star Wars for me. Yes, it was nice to see Hayden and glimpses of what a live action Clone Wars series would have been like, but that hardly advances the plot in this series, and since we aren't getting a live action Clone Wars, that amounts to teasing the audience with memberberries. And that aside, what else happened in that episode? Hera was ignored and then effectively slapped down by the Government; despite being a trustworthy General her reports were instantly dismissed! I'm struggling to find Elsbeth even remotely threatening, Ahsoka spent god-knows how long underwater and yet didn't drown (and because a woman simply cannot be saved by a man in modern Hollywood, did you notice she was fished from the water by a short female pilot when there was a much larger and stronger male pilot standing right on the ramp next to her like a big useless lump, when she emerged from the sea?). Ahsoka suddenly wearing white like she's the new Gandalf after being rescued and then standing on the exterior of a fast moving, extremely high flying space craft to Force-talk to the whales stretched credulity to breaking point for me, and the hyperspace whales themselves were a ridiculous idea in 'Rebels' and they look even more ludicrous in live action (they need baleen why exactly? Do they eat air plankton?).

As I say, this really isn't feeling much like Star Wars to me any longer.

And then we come to episode 6... Well, at least we finally got to see Ezra and Grand Admiral Paunch / Wig. We certainly didn't get to see much of Ahsoka in a show supposedly about her, but we did get to see Sabine ride a wolf-bat-horse that she was instantly able to communicate with without any difficulty whatsoever, have both of her blasters shot out of her hands by sharp-shooters who then sportingly stopped using their own blasters as soon as she switched to her lightsaber, enabling her to suddenly win a fight she was very much losing. We got to see Muppet tortoises who seem to spend a large portion of their lives pretending to be rocks miles from their homes for some reason, but we did finally get to see some stormtroopers.... this time complete with painted armour just like we never saw at any stage in the original trilogy, plus 1980's style post-apocalyptic leg-warmers / rags which served no obvious purpose that I could see other than to allow Hasbro to pump out a billion tweaked reissues. And as for the one with the ridiculous golden face... SMH!

As I say, if you're enjoying this, then well done, but for me this series fell off a cliff when Ahsoka did. It doesn't look like Star Wars and doesn't feel like Star Wars to me. What it worryingly does feel like to me is Disney Lucasfilm setting the stage to completely undermine everything we know and love about Star Wars. The rumours about them 'killing' the Force and shifting the action to the other galaxy where only women can wield the Force's replacement (unless you're a villain, in which case men can... of course [must smash that nasty imaginary patriarchy with a load of hateful misandry]), sounds only too plausible...

I've come this far, so I'll finish the series and hope against hope for an improvement, but after this I genuinely think I may be done with Disney Star Wars... :(

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