SW Films Return to the Cinema!


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Looks like pretty much all the films are returning to the cinema over the next few weeks. Cineworld and VUE are definitely showing them. Had a quick look earlier and looks like they are in chronological order (not sure about R1). Not sure how many I'll get to see, but planning ROTS, SW, ESB, ROTJ, R1 & TFA.
Watched EP1 last week. EP2 tonight.

Got EP3-6 and R1 in the future.

Nice way to spend sunday nights and forget about monday mornings
I assume they are heading back to the cinema because Disney is broke and realised they are the films people want to see :)
Real Star Wars. Can't wait.
Only downside is that it's gonna be the bloody Special Editions.
Vue are also showing the Lord of the Rings Extended Versions.
Can't remember if I've seen the Special Editions or not - are they very different?

I'm contemplating going to the original Trilogy ones if possible but there aren't many different dates at my local Vue and the ESB only has two available days - Friday 13th - eek or the 29th, which would mean me going to see ROTJ the next day, which would be difficult to do.
Annoyingly ROTJ has loads of earlier dates.
Can't remember if I've seen the Special Editions or not - are they very different?

I'm contemplating going to the original Trilogy ones if possible but there aren't many different dates at my local Vue and the ESB only has two available days - Friday 13th - eek or the 29th, which would mean me going to see ROTJ the next day, which would be difficult to do.
Annoyingly ROTJ has loads of earlier dates.
They are different enough…if you can remember what the original ones were like…but still worth seeing at the "flicks' in my opinion.
To be honest I can hardly remember what I had for my breakfast these days, ha ha and haven't watched them for a while, so it's probably fine, thanks :)
Many thanks for letting us know @Cazza - I would not have known about it otherwise. I have booked to see Star Wars and ESB next week and will book ROTJ when I've been to the first one and seen which seats are best to book as I haven't been to the pictures for over 10 years

Regards :)
Just booked for ROTS on Sunday. Seems the different chains are showing them on different days. Cineworld is one every Sunday, VUE is giving each one 3 or four days. My local VUE is showing SW on the same weekend that Cineworld is showing ROTS. Make sure you check those dates, so you don't miss out!
I'd second that, my local Vue only had 2 available dates for ESB - the second one being on the 29th, which only left the next day to see ROTJ. Good job I'm only going to see the original Trilogy.

Edit: my local have now added a few more dates after the 13th for the ESB one? I have now cancelled the Friday 13th one as I didn't really want to go to that one, and it was a later time too, and rebooked a different date.

So, might be worth checking dates occasionally in case they change.

I'm not sure why mine did, as the rest of the films are bookable up to the beginning of October?

Hope everyone enjoys them :)
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