Obi-Wan Kenobi tv series (SPOILER ALERTS)


Jedi Knight
Feb 18, 2019
I would say, even with it's flaws - I think it's a very enjoyable contribution to the library. If one was to be very meta about it all - SW was a complete homage to the Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers/King of the Rocketmen serials. This show feels similar in terms of staging etc, and with a dash of our (Gen X) generation equivielent to those serials. Which was the cheesy high concept shows like A-Team, Knight Rider, Airwolf, McGuyver et al. This brings a dash of that, which to me feels more appropriate then "dark and realistic" content like Game of Thrones or Watchmen which a lot of the community seem to want.

I've kind of passed the age where I wanted my Star Wars are Grim and Gritty. I like my Star Wars quite light and crash bang boom. Probably the best tone would be 'V" the original miniseries. Serious-ish with some strong messages, but in a formula that was in the end, Han Solo with a Camera, bashing reptile Nazis.

I feel if they had done the sequels with a bit of joy and a bit less "Everything you know is wrong" teenage angst, they would have been vaguely tolerable.


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
A lot to enjoy in this episode.
For me, a satisfying finale (with a few misfires). Whilst far from brilliant, things have improved on the writing front.

It had some great moments.
The Star Destroyer chase felt very ESB. The duel was suitably epic and Obi-Wans apology to Anakin was emotional (shame we'd seen the mask thing before in Rebels) and finally we got some OT music as well.
Loved the Emperors cameo and Qui-Gons inevitable appearance (seemed a bit oddly placed though).
Obi-Wans farewell to Leia tugged at the heart-strings and JUST about got away with the canon-breaking.

The bad...
I'm sorry, but the Reva parts just didn't work and seemed superfluous and forced. It was aggravating when they kept cutting back from the duel to the Reva storyline.
Please, no more f**cking shaky-cam!
Also, some of the CGI was shocking.

Overall, unfortunately the finale wasn't enough to redeem a poorly written, unnecessary series for me.

Finale: 8/10
Series: 6/10
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Jedi Master
Apr 21, 2018
Really enjoyed the finale, the fight scene was hugely enjoyable, and I thought the last few episodes had got better.
Obi has his mojo back, and Qui Gon`s appearance however short was great,
Reva - didn`t do much for me , would have rather seen more of Anakin flashbacks, but without going into more depth of plot and cannon ,
it was enjoyable enough to watch.
It certainly didn`t feel like the ending of Return of Skywalker.
Plus for what we pay for Disney + it`s an extra series to watch..... we certainly need a Darth Vader series with Hayden, and his flashbacks with Obi and Ashoka.


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Loved it. The Obi-Wan/Leia goodbye scene was really emotional, as was the end of the duel and the appearance of Qui Gonn. Thought the battle was stunning- seeing them really going at it and Obi-Wan showing his full powers- wow! Quite liked Reva's story arc...
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Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
I enjoyed it, probably think Ewen McGregor isn't the best choice to play Kenobi, but he did a good enough job. The last episode gave most Star Wars fans what they wanted. The Vader dual was well done and seeing Anakin under the helmet had to be done!!! Hope they leave it at that for Kenobi now. Disney were on the edge of continuity throughout the series, but got away with it just for me. Role on Andor. 👍


Jedi Knight
Feb 18, 2019
I really loved it - I can forgive all the silly or badly made bits because of the cast. Leia was very good, I loved seeing alderaan and breha and bail. Reva was a bit useless and badly acted BUT that does seem to have been partially a deliberate choice. Her teenage raging was deliberate and her two facedness excused a little of a bad performance.

They do need to kill her off in something though - else she's going to turn up in Mando in a grey wig.

I don't watch the cartoons - I find them too fanboyish. So the half helmet and Hayden voice really really worked for me and really connected him to Vader.


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
episode 6 was the best episode for me. I would now go from good to call the series great but not fantastic. It did help a lot with the last 2 episodes to make the series better.

I miss a few things.

1. We should have seen how vader came back to the star destroyer and getting back in a new suit. Did he have an extra suit on the shuttle ? or did he go back to the star destoyer to get a new suit ? or did he not go back to the star destroyer. But used the shuttle to go back to the castle ? did he hide his damage from the battle from the troops and officers on the shuttle, star destroyer or the castle ?

2. Why did kenobi not kill him ? he must know vader will come after him again ? ok we know he can't kill him becuase he first die in return of the jedi, but I did not see any reason why he did not kill him.


Sith Lord
May 7, 2008
I thought the whole series was fantastic. Ewan is the best actor to play Kenobi IMO, he had a tough job with this new series as he had to try to emulate the Kenobi we see in a ANH. I also think the Leia actor was superb and she really portrayed Leia as we would expect to be as a child. That's what we expected Leia to be like, a clever and mischievous little girl who has a smart mouth and arrogance about her. Put it this way, she was a million times better than that bint Ridley - and that is clear as day - but I no longer consider the ST as anything to do with Star Wars anyway ;) The Vader / Kenobi fight was fantastic and is probably the best we have seen since ROTS - mindblowing and what we needed to see and it felt like Star Wars. Lee


Staff member
Jun 16, 2021
I was hoping they would drag out the series some more, to 2-3 seasons.
I think seeing Kenobi a broken Jedi, exploring some of the more mundane aspects of his life...was neat. I forget that he was more of a "hermit" when A New Hope starts.

I need to go watch, Rebels. I feel I'm missing out a good bit there.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
Well, now that it's over, I could write down my thoughts on the series as a whole, but there's no need to as The Critical Drinker has summed it up perfectly for me:



Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
2. Why did kenobi not kill him ? he must know vader will come after him again ? ok we know he can't kill him becuase he first die in return of the jedi, but I did not see any reason why he did not kill him.
Hi Lars, I hope that you are well.

My thoughts exactly. the Kenobi story was a strange story to tell as we all knew the outcome before it had started, so there was no real mystery too it.
I'm very mixed on this series as i was with the Book of Fett.
But it could be said that any Star Wars is better than no Star Wars…I am hoping that the Andor series will be a bit of a sleeper and be better than the last two hyped series.🤞


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
Hi Lars, I hope that you are well.

My thoughts exactly. the Kenobi story was a strange story to tell as we all knew the outcome before it had started, so there was no real mystery too it.
I'm very mixed on this series as i was with the Book of Fett.
But it could be said that any Star Wars is better than no Star Wars…I am hoping that the Andor series will be a bit of a sleeper and be better than the last two hyped series.🤞
Thanks mate, I am well. I also hope you are well 😊

Yes let us hope Andor is better (y), but I am not impressed with the trailer :(

Jake Maverick

Sep 21, 2021
But poor R2 though... :-( what did he do to deserve that and why leave him like that? :-( somebody needs to rescue that little guy......

I think it will be back in a few years...when Leia has grown up a bit....they have 9 years to work with! She's clearly aware of Obi Wan at the the start of few more stories to tell at least. I can even see a 'Leia' series at some point, early teenager... I think they have mistitled it though, it should have just been 'Kenobi' better with the naming system of what is to come. But I agree though, Obi did deserve a cup of tea at least after all that....

Personally, I'm also hoping for a 'Vader' happy ending to any episode or even the series....just Vader being a total cnut and wiping all the nice people out....methinks that would be awesome....
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