Just Started Watching Star Wars


Apr 25, 2023
Hey Guys,

Sorry for my bad English first... :D I started watching Star Wars yesterday with my gf and a friend. We all knew Darth Vader, but non of us ever watched it until now. We decided to try the movies, and we checked a few posts on the internet in what order should we watch it, because it is very confusing... :D Nevertheless, we decided to start from 1 to 9 - in chronological order.

Also, it turned out that only the first 6 movies are made by the same person /George Lucas/. The other ones are from different people, but they are still continuing the story, so I guess they are part of the same story.

And we watched the first one - "The Phantom Menace". And I am only sharing my thoughts on this, not of my gf, or my friend. Man... What a start! I know this film came out before some of the others /don't know the order in years/, but this is the introduction, right? I loved it!!!!!

First. The main villain... AWESOME!!! Darth Maul. I only saw him and I know him from some posters, but now I know why he is so famous. Too bad he had to die. Hope he returns for the next movies :))

Second... This movie was made in 1999. The CGI was GREAT! Mabe a little too much, but still better than everything back then.

And third... The score and the battle scenes. I believe that makes the movie EPIC! Maul vs Qui Gon and his learner Obi Wan was so well choreographed. I even found the scene on YouTube without the other scenes in the movie - so freaking good, I loved it.

Too bad also that the main character had to die... Didn't expect that! Never saw a movie when the main character dies in the beginning except maybe Game of Thrones, but there Ted Stark is not the only one main I guess :D .... So, that was surprising! Except, he comes back of course.

The most I loved Anakin's character. Guess he will be pretty main along with Obi Wan and Jar Jar. he is sooooo funny and good. Maybe he will become the jedi who will fight Darth Vader :D

Nevertheless, if Darth Vader is Darth Maul's master or not, I am looking forward for what will come. Padme, I also liked very much, Natalie Portman is one of my favorite actresses, although she had a big role here but never shined too much.

Overall - 9/10 for me for now. I expect MORE Anakin, MORE Obi Wan, and MORE Padme /and Darth Maul to return, or his master to be be the cool as he was/! And where is Darth Vader?!?! :D Hmm... May be he is the one, but where is his mask? :D


Apr 25, 2023
Sorry for the spam, but I missed something I wanted to shar.. I loved the line /something like that/:

Anakin's mom asked him why he wanted to help strangers and he replied something like that:

"You always said the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other. So I want to help them"..

Man... That hit me hard. :) Very well written. And it is true for the world we are living in.


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Welcome! Really good to hear a review with fresh eyes. Glad you enjoyed it. Personally, I really like Episode 1 as well- was a great time to be a SW fan, back in 1999.


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Welcome along.

If you really enjoyed the films and have Disney+ try watching the animated shows, Clone Wars (starts with a 2007 movie before going into a 7 season run), then Rebels and then Bad Batch (although if watching in the Disney Timeline you would watch Bad Batch before Rebels) - they are a fantastic continuation of the stories and wrap up the Obi-Wan / Darth Maul story in a very satisfying way (Among many other great stories).



Apr 25, 2023

Thanks for the replies guys, and for the welcome :))

@sith-smith , you mean the back story episodes?

@monkey_roo , I would love to if I have the time to do so :(( But for now I am going to stick only with the movies. Maybe I can check them in future. And thanks for the recommendations.

We are planning to watch the 2nd episode /Attack of the Clones/ today or tomorrow, will be glad to share more :))



Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
Generally the main 9 movies (3 trilogies) are referred to as follows;

Ep 1-3 Prequel Trilogy
Ep 4-6 Original Trilogy
Ep 7-9 Sequel Trilogy


Apr 25, 2023
Hi guys,

Thanks for clearing that sith-smith :))

Just wanted to share this quickly - we've watched "Attack of the Clones" and in my own opinion it was as good as the first one! My gf loved it /because of the main actor I guess Christensen :D/, our friend preferred the first one better, but we all liked it.

A few things, just the way I saw it... First, the time skip was unexpected, but nevertheless, it made sense.
Little Anakin, grown up now, dealing with his inner complexes also made sense. I mean, I remember someone from the Jedi Council mentioned in the previous movie that if you want to become a Jedi, you need to be trained while you are young. And Anakin already had this soft PTHD stuff. Interesting they allowed him to be trained, but I guess the plot to work... :D

Still, glad to see him taking the main spot along with Obi-Wan /who was so much better developed than "The Phantom Menace"/. I love Liam Neeson and his character, but it worked out better that way, I believe - for Anakin and Obi-Wan to be the main characters in the movie. Obi-Wan is so wise, I think without him, even with Anakin the plot will not be the same as good.

Although I didn't like Anakin as a character as much as I loved him in the previous movie, I understand and agree with the decision of the screenwriter to make him a little bit annoying. He is still young, so it's okay. His mom's death was soooo gooooooooood. I mean... So different than the MARVEL, DC's, and other similar movies' formulas. Nothing in common. Star Wars, at least until now, does everything in its own way and it is completely unique. Good job, Lucas!

Also, Anakin's relationship with Padme was the best part for me. It was cringing at some parts, but overall they picked up very good-looking actors, and it was a pleasure to watch. Padme's planet is so relaxing. And she is becoming one of my favorite characters - very badass, especially in the final battle :)) I always heard of Anakin /or Luke - if the same character/, Obi-Wan, Vader, Yoda, etc. Never of Padme.

More Yoda here, which was GREAT! And the final scene should be longer when Yoda fought. He was soooo cool!

The bounty hunter Jango Fett was the best character for me, and I am sad that he died. For someone who is not a Jedi or Sith, he deals pretty well with Obi Wan :) !!!

Why do They kill off the best-looking characters? Maul, now Jango :D Count Dooku managed to stay alive, but I didn't find him as interesting as the other two villains /I see the TV show Mandalorian is based on him/. And the Big Bad - Darth Sidious /thought it would be Vader, but no /keeps the mystery very well. I guess Vader will be his Ultimate learner after Dooku/ :))

Too many characters there are, which I love in every story. R2, CThreepeo, Jar Jar, Palpatine, and the tall aliens were amazing :D The clones MAN!!!!!! I know why their masks are so famous.

"The Phantom Menace" was Great! But "Attack of the Clones" makes you craving for more, so i will put it among my favorite ones :)

Take care :))


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Nice review- can't share your love of the film though. Has some tremendous bits, but interspersed with way too much truly horrific writing/acting/script/directing/CGI overuse, that ruin it for me. Last time I watched it, I forwarded all of the Anakin/Padme scenes and it made it bearable. Shame, as the story arc needs those scenes, but they are unwatchable in their current state!


Sith Lord
May 7, 2008
I've certainly grown to love the prequels more as the years have gone by.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Well said Gary, me too.

The even better thing is that I've already forgotten the sequels. I gave them a chance and tried to like them but I couldn't!


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
I hated the phantom menace the first time I watched it. I immediately watched it again on the next showing and it was better. I think at the time (as is often the case now) the reality could not live up to the hype or my own imagination regarding what I wanted to see.

I think after seeing the Force Awakens I felt a sense of nostalgia for the prequels - which was odd and unexpected to say the least!

I like the overall story of the prequels - rise of Palpatine/fall of Skywalker. There are just a number of things that for me let it down enormously in places.

I'd definitely recommend watching the Red letter media reviews of the 3 prequels.


Apr 25, 2023
But compare Episode I and Episode II to everything else. Every single MARVEL movie is basically the same story, but with different characters. Nathan Drake story, the ROCK movies, they are all the same. At least the first two Star Wars movies have something original and unique. You all know what I am talking about :D
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