Well the last 3 were so damn poor I've not even gone back to give them a 2nd watch, went to the cinema to watch them all, but came away dragging my heels, I feel R1 was a really strong film & had the right feel about it, one I have since watched a good few times, solo was half decent & I just recently re-watched it a 2nd time.
It sort of feels like we need to move totally away from what we know with the films history & make a fresh start, I think going back in time & starting a new story line is needed, no need to keep going over trodden ground, but no point in any of it if they just want to churn out more of the same.
We moaned about the prequels, but in comparison to the latest 3 we were spoiled rotten, it's not just SW though just look at the Alien films & the predator movies, so much epic material available for them to really push them forward & what we've been getting is meh, I've read most of the Alien / Predator & AVP books & they are really great story arcs, gritty & dark & thoroughly gripping, yet they go with weak story lines & poor casting & questionable acting etc.
Balance needs to be returned to the force for sure.