Upcoming Haslab Ghost?


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Not sure which way this will go (true or false) - but if it is true it will be two things - Bloody amazing & Bloody expensive

Not sure which way this will go (true or false) - but if it is true it will be two things - Bloody amazing & Bloody expensive

It makes sense that it will be the Ghost, but as you say it's going to be expensive and BIG. As far as I'm concerned it will come down to what the step rewards are, they need to include a lot of nice carded (exclusive) figures.
I would rather of had an Ewoke Village as it's the ROTJ 40th or a Sand Crawler.
An Ewok village would have been great - But a never before seen vehicle - which is also tied to a new TV show also makes sense
Whats Ghost?
Ghost ship from Rebels and the TV show Asoka IMG_6019.jpeg
Big year for The Ghost if it is true.
Lego are also releasing their updated version this year (the original was outstanding, so big shoes to fill)
At least I was wrong and it's "only" £500, it is one for one £ to $ though
Sadly that's been pretty standard for Hasbro for quite some time now; ripping off us Brits with a 1:1 dollar to pound price conversation :(

Regarding the Haslab Ghost, it looks like it's a very good ship, and I really want those stretch goal figures (although I imagine that most, if not all of them will also be released on standard cards, probably with different artwork to preserve the exclusivity of the Ghost's versions, much like they did with the Khetanna's Yak Face). However, my biggest problem with the Ghost is its size. The thing is massive! If you thought the 'BMF' Falcon was large, this thing is even larger, and sadly I simply don't have the space to display it. For that reason, I won't be buying one unless I can conjure up some creative solution that allows me to display it. Long gone are my days of buying things, sticking them into storage and never seeing or displaying them again.

I also wondered exactly how popular this would be, and whether it would attract its 8,000 minimum backers. However, less than 24 hours after the announcement, it's already got over 5,000, so I would say it looks almost certain to be made.
Getting made is a certainty, it would be something of a travesty if it didn't come with a full crew, and for the sake of moaning there bloody well should be a MOC Chopper. Anyway, probably wasn't going to buy it anyway so can now consider myself a true SW fan - moaning about things I wasn't ever buying 😂😂
I'm as certain as I can be that Chopper's absence from the set will be remedied by a standard carded release. They even show the figure in the escape pod on the Haslab page :)

CORRECTION - As per Rebelscum: The Chopper in the Phantom II (the ship's shuttle) is an exclusive removable mini bust that can be popped in and out behind the cockpit exterior.

Even so, there's no way Hasbro won't make a proper Chopper figure when they're making a Morgan Elsbeth for some unfathomable reason.
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This will pass all the stretch goal backer figures - I predict north of 20k backers by the deadline - it is probably the most requested model of the modern era and the biggest missing ship from the Hasbro lineup.

It looks great, nice figures and the missing ones (Sabine and Chopper) are already rumoured to be in the main TVC line for the show.

While a lot of money - when next to the Razor Crest or the Galaxy Edge Falcon - it isn't out of whack. But still a big commitment, which as stated, I am in on :)
What do you mean "display" this won't come out of the shipper If I order….and I can't make my mind up what to do.🙄
I only want the carded figures.

I'm currently measuring up to see whether I can expand one of my existing cabinets... I'm not saying I'll do it, but it doesn't look like it's impossible either... Just an awful lot of work!
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