The Ghost (Unboxing)


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
With full credit to @monkey_roo who posted his pics first (, I thought I would go the full unboxing route, as I did with Boba Fett's Throne Room (

First off, and as mentioned in @monkey_roo's thread above, the thing is f*cking huge! The outer packing box is 32 x 34 x 13.5 inches and weighs a back-breaking 22.5 KG! A kid's toy this most certainly is not! Inside the outer mailing box is a second, inner mailing box, complete with internal stiff card edge protectors, and tough plastic corner protectors (all this packing material / protection weighs approximately 6 KG by itself!). Inside that second mailing box, is The Ghost box itself. And inside that are 4 further boxes containing the ship, accessories and carded figures.

Outer mailing box:

Ghost - 01.jpg

Ghost - 02.jpg

Ghost - 03.jpg

Inner mailing box:

Ghost - 04.jpg

A peek inside:

Ghost - 05.jpg

The Ghost box itself:

Ghost - 06.jpg

Ghost - 07.jpg

Ghost - 08.jpg

Ghost - 09.jpg

Ghost - 13.jpg

Ghost - 12.jpg

Ghost - 10.jpg

Both packing boxes, edge and corner protectors, and The Ghost box itself:

Ghost - 11.jpg

Opening The Ghost box:

Ghost - 14.jpg

Inner Box 1:

Ghost - 15.jpg

Ghost - 16.jpg

Ghost - 17.jpg

Ghost - 18.jpg

Ghost - 19.jpg

Inner Box 2 (the figures):

Ghost - 20.jpg

Ghost - 21.jpg

Ghost - 22.jpg

Ghost - 23.jpg

Ghost - 24.jpg

Ghost - 25.jpg

Ghost - 26.jpg

Inner Box 3:

Ghost - 27.jpg

Ghost - 28.jpg

Ghost - 29.jpg

Ghost - 30.jpg


Ghost - 31.jpg

Ghost - 32.jpg

Ghost - 33.jpg

Ghost - 34.jpg

Ghost - 35.jpg

Ghost - 36.jpg

Ghost - 37.jpg

Ghost - 38.jpg

Inner Box 4:

Ghost - 39.jpg

Ghost - 40.jpg

Ghost - 41.jpg

Ghost - 42.jpg

And that's it! I have very mixed feelings about this. It's certainly a great likeness, and the figures are terrific. However, in truth the thing is simply too big (and heavy!) for most collectors to display. I am lucky to have a lot of display space available to me, but even I don't have room for it :(. Perhaps one day I will, but for now (figures aside), this will not go on display, but rather into storage... which is a crying shame considering what it cost!

So 10/10 for Hasbro for the design, but only 1/10 for the practicality of the thing.
Thanks for posting! Mine arrived yesterday and looking at your pictures i think im going to remove both shipping boxes, store them flat and then store the main box to save some space!
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