The Greedo, Nabrun Leids and Arleil Schous will be released on different cardbacks at a later date (the Haslab YouTube video practically admits as much), however the Wuher and the Tonnika sisters are less certain. Hasbro said they 'have no current plans' to release them any other way, which obviously doesn't guarantee anything, however we know that the Tonnika sisters have been mired in legal / rights issues for years, so it may well be that this is the only way Hasbro can afford to release them.
As I understand it (and I could be misinformed), the actresses (especially the now deceased one) that played the Tonnikas felt Hasbro / Lucasfilm weren't generous enough with the amount of cash / royalties on offer when previously approached to have figures made of them (many of the bit part players in the original Star Wars film did not sign away their likenesses at the time, like the main actors did, since no-one in their right minds thought there would ever be any money to be made from those minor characters at the time
... How thing's change!). Other actors like the one who played Wuher were happy to make a deal years ago, but not the Tonnika actresses.
Now things change, not least the fact that one of the actresses has sadly passed away, but it may well be that since the fans have been clamouring for the Tonnikas for decades, Hasbro / Lucasfilm finally feels they can absorb a higher royalty payment per figure by releasing them in a very expensive playset as opposed to a regular release? Or maybe I'm talking nonsense and Hasbro will put them out of the same cards next year! Who knows? What I do know is that for now, the only way to get them is via the HasLab Cantina....