The forum is silent


Jedi Knight
Jun 17, 2017
To be honest I spend more time on Facebook and havnt been on here for ages. It's hard to explain though as I don't actually like Facebook. I suppose it's just that that's where there is more going on. It's so full of absolute rubbish though and so hard to find anything that's past. I suspect there are many that feel the same way and it wouldn't take much to swing the way of the forum.


Jedi Knight
Sep 16, 2016
I have always liked checking out what's happening on the forum. I check almost everyday. I know I do not post much as I normally like to browse and find old threads and discover posts that I may not have seen and maybe learn something new.

I agree that the forum has 100% died down since I joined a couple of years ago. As with most things in life, there are highs and lows with everything. There are new things replacing stuff all the time such as myspace and blackberry messenger were huge back in the day and now they have completely gone with little thought about. Its hard to bounce back from new trends that have taken over but there are always ways and means to bring in a new audience to the forum.

Regarding the current state of the forum, of course its not were we all would like it to be. We would like it to be back in the good old days of this site. Sadly I can not see this happening anytime soon but with everything in life, there are changes all the time. As I saw mentioned before, we have added new sections for different topics to find new audiences to join the forum such as retro video games etc....... I understand that this may help with the forum but the core is Star Wars on here and always will be.

With everything I have mentioned. I think the key is, what can we do to progress the forum even further than the good old days to bring it back to life??

I have a couple of suggestions that may help the forum such:

Forum buy and sell event held once a year?? - I know there are many toy fairs that go on every year but doing a forum event would make collectors keep hearing about the forum.

Forum App?? - I think with everyone's busy life styles they have today an app would be a huge boost as people use apps all the time on their phones so they could easily navigate to the forum and check out what's going on.

Of course these suggestions may not help at all but these are my thoughts.

Feel free to let me know if anyone else has any suggestions that they would think improve the popularity of the forum.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
While FB has its uses - and admittedly it is a lot easier/quicker to buy/sell on there - it lacks the depth and quality of discussion that we have had on this site. I wonder though if that's what people/new collectors want?
Some of them, no doubt, especially the younger ones, I suspect. For those of us who are old farts older and wiser, the benefits of the forum easily outweigh any downsides :)


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
They've all jumped ship mate and over on Facebook. I could never say I was an everyday user of the forum but when I did visit it was a great place and full of great people. That brings me onto the next one. The whole Star Wars and collecting thing now just isn't the same as it used to be. It's just full to the brim of the new and next generation who are absolutely clueless. That's my two cents and I'll stand by it.
It's not that I'm sore or whatever this generation choose to call it (as I say absolutely clueless) but Disney have absolutely ruined it. It's their property now and do with it as they choose but it's not for everyone. On the other hand there are those that think they're doing a great job.
I even had some dickhead saying I was trying to be edgey because I said I hadn't seen Andor (and still haven't). No, I've seen enough and what I've seen I haven't liked so why would I want to see more? Plain and simple.
I agree with some of it, but I like disney bought it since they make more star wars. But I would say disney could have done many things better. episode 7, 8 and 9 is something that is so bad that I would maybe never see them again. Boba fett series could have been much better, the same with andor it could have been a lot better. season 2 of the bad batch could also be a lot better. But that is just me. I think disney go to fast with makeing new movies and series. Maybe they should slow down and make them better. Solo movie and Rogue one and mandolorian is some of the best work they have done, I think.

I agree that the collecting is not what it was before disney came into the picture. I do not know if they are the problem, but everything changed with prices going up.


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
For me, I've moved on in the collecting world. I have hit my goal - MOC entire Kenner range - But not wanting to take it further (Card types, variants, Vehicles, loose).

I enjoy reading about all those things - But I've moved on to Action Force and GI Joe which is 1000x times harder to find and collect then SW.

I'm only in one or two SW groups on FB - And frankly I find Echo annoying with it's militancy towards a lot of things. I agree in principle but the nature of enforcement is just not friendly and a bit "gate keeper". The AF/Joe world is more forgiving of repairs etc because the nature of the toy (o-ring) means every single one at some point will break. I think that just means the groups are a bit more friendly then Echo et al.
Maybe we should make a thread where people also can talk and sell and buy Action Force and GI Joe here on the forum, if we do not have it. I have never looked for it on the forum :unsure:

Sometimes I have been thinking about collection Dino Riders and Starcom 😂


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
I have always liked checking out what's happening on the forum. I check almost everyday. I know I do not post much as I normally like to browse and find old threads and discover posts that I may not have seen and maybe learn something new.

I agree that the forum has 100% died down since I joined a couple of years ago. As with most things in life, there are highs and lows with everything. There are new things replacing stuff all the time such as myspace and blackberry messenger were huge back in the day and now they have completely gone with little thought about. Its hard to bounce back from new trends that have taken over but there are always ways and means to bring in a new audience to the forum.

Regarding the current state of the forum, of course its not were we all would like it to be. We would like it to be back in the good old days of this site. Sadly I can not see this happening anytime soon but with everything in life, there are changes all the time. As I saw mentioned before, we have added new sections for different topics to find new audiences to join the forum such as retro video games etc....... I understand that this may help with the forum but the core is Star Wars on here and always will be.

With everything I have mentioned. I think the key is, what can we do to progress the forum even further than the good old days to bring it back to life??

I have a couple of suggestions that may help the forum such:

Forum buy and sell event held once a year?? - I know there are many toy fairs that go on every year but doing a forum event would make collectors keep hearing about the forum.

Forum App?? - I think with everyone's busy life styles they have today an app would be a huge boost as people use apps all the time on their phones so they could easily navigate to the forum and check out what's going on.

Of course these suggestions may not help at all but these are my thoughts.

Feel free to let me know if anyone else has any suggestions that they would think improve the popularity of the forum.
Thanks Joseph, that is some great ideas (y)


Sith Lord
Jan 1, 2014
i believe the forum has suffered because:
1. collectors have drifted off because they have exhausted their collecting
2. cash covid and brexit: sending abroad was fun, but now its a pain, everyone is skint and thus the hobby and this place suffers
3. the disney acquisition has opened up peoples fandoms and the vintage hobby has become swamped, meaning the larger platforms have awakened and for selling those appear to be the best chance to move stuff

a. maybe swfuk becomes a star wars collecting site (or an integrated vintage site), not just a star wars vintage place (see point 1)
b. little bit of viral marketing.. anyone fancy doing some swfuk branded swag for celebration.. TVR has a couple of panels, GS and friends have a panel or two, Jez has a booth.. same with Echo and FF - we could give out stuff
c. forums are as good as the people on them. maybe we should all pledge to start a topic every week. even if its just talking about a collectible piece you own or want


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
i believe the forum has suffered because:
1. collectors have drifted off because they have exhausted their collecting
2. cash covid and brexit: sending abroad was fun, but now its a pain, everyone is skint and thus the hobby and this place suffers
3. the disney acquisition has opened up peoples fandoms and the vintage hobby has become swamped, meaning the larger platforms have awakened and for selling those appear to be the best chance to move stuff

a. maybe swfuk becomes a star wars collecting site (or an integrated vintage site), not just a star wars vintage place (see point 1)
b. little bit of viral marketing.. anyone fancy doing some swfuk branded swag for celebration.. TVR has a couple of panels, GS and friends have a panel or two, Jez has a booth.. same with Echo and FF - we could give out stuff
c. forums are as good as the people on them. maybe we should all pledge to start a topic every week. even if its just talking about a collectible piece you own or want
Some excellent suggestions there Pete, this place needs to SELL itself and become relevant and offer something that others don't, which it does to a large degree already, but only a few know about it.
Celebration (a World wide attendance ), Echo Live and FF would be the ideal platforms to get the word out.


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
To be honest I spend more time on Facebook and havnt been on here for ages. It's hard to explain though as I don't actually like Facebook. I suppose it's just that that's where there is more going on. It's so full of absolute rubbish though and so hard to find anything that's past. I suspect there are many that feel the same way and it wouldn't take much to swing the way of the forum.
I agree with every word…lack of sales is a big thing that has killed this place, get them back and people will return, but it will be a very difficult thing to achieve.
FB is so well know now, but this place seems to be keeping itself a secret, Like Naughty Jedi said this place needs to be shouting and promoting itself at every opportunity. It won't be a quick fix or come to that a cheap, but it needs to happen or it will die a slow agonising death…which would be very sad and not what I for one want to see.


Jedi Master
Oct 21, 2012
Forest Moon Of Endor.
It is a real shame because as I have said before if you weren't around using this place back in 2012 you wouldn't believe how good it was, I do prefer forums over FB but if no one is on a forum and it is dead then it is no fun.
Hopefully we have a revival like everything from the past seems to come around again.👍


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
Well, out of nowhere a thread has just led to a lengthy discussion in a short space of time. So here's hoping we can get people back to posting regularly on here again.

Checking the forum each evening for updates etc. was always an enjoyable part of this hobby. Would hate to think there's no hope for the forum.


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2014
One thing that differentiated this forum against other in the early days was how accessible it was to new members. There was never any condescending over "stupid" questions and everyone was always friendly and keen to help. A lot of the old guard have moved on but just looking at those who've posted on this thread alone, I'd say this forum still has far more collective knowledge that most Facebook groups.

Capitalising on this could be a good way of gaining more interest from newcomers and playing on the forums strength of how the old information is still easily available.


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
Well, out of nowhere a thread has just led to a lengthy discussion in a short space of time. So here's hoping we can get people back to posting regularly on here again.

Checking the forum each evening for updates etc. was always an enjoyable part of this hobby. Would hate to think there's no hope for the forum.
Exactly…this was what it used to be like and was always fun to check in and see what was happening.
🤞this is the start of a new renaissance, I've been back here more this week than all of the rest of the year.

Michael Sith

Grand Master
Mar 2, 2013
Up North
There is always hope

i drop into the forum regularly but don't post as much as I used to, it's about interaction really, characters on the forum, having a laugh, jibes ( in the right vein) and the knowledge base on here wether that be what figure came on what card, Palitoy questions, there is a wealth of knowledge on here.

competitions, quizzes, etc seem to have died a death. But you can bet your life, if someone asks a genuine SW collecting question, wether a newbie or an old hat, they will get answers and advice.

it's like everything in life … things change and evolve in different ways, but if the central ethos is still there ( collecting SW, thirst for knowledge etc) then this forum will survive and thrive.

I feel a ditty coming in ha ha

things may change for better or worse,
FB and the like to many is a curse,
But if something has honesty, decency and values old fashioned,
it will still entreat the curios and the impassioned,
this forum will last, all will be fine,
the best things in life stand the test of time

keep posting gents:)


Oct 22, 2018
I've read all this thread and several others since I received an email from Blackbeard earlier today asking if I was active/incarcerated/breathing etc and although I only found the site originally a few years back as a place to learn more regarding the value of my childhood items, I find it very sad to see the current state of affairs in what was a passionate and lively place a few years back even though I was only active very briefly. However, I have seen the same downturn in other forums I have been involved with, particularly the motor racing site Autosport which has a massive number of subscribers but they are currently suffering with a lack of quality informed contributors and a depressing rise in animosity amongst the newer members most probably caused by issues and unpleasant traits social media seems to breed in abundance.
I've not been involved enough here to merit many people's interest but I would say that the values, passion and knowledge people on this forum offer are THE selling point of a forum like this and that is the way to promote it for the better.


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
Exactly…this was what it used to be like and was always fun to check in and see what was happening.
🤞this is the start of a new renaissance, I've been back here more this week than all of the rest of the year.
I hope you will be here a little bit more (y)


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
There is always hope

i drop into the forum regularly but don't post as much as I used to, it's about interaction really, characters on the forum, having a laugh, jibes ( in the right vein) and the knowledge base on here wether that be what figure came on what card, Palitoy questions, there is a wealth of knowledge on here.

competitions, quizzes, etc seem to have died a death. But you can bet your life, if someone asks a genuine SW collecting question, wether a newbie or an old hat, they will get answers and advice.

it's like everything in life … things change and evolve in different ways, but if the central ethos is still there ( collecting SW, thirst for knowledge etc) then this forum will survive and thrive.

I feel a ditty coming in ha ha

things may change for better or worse,
FB and the like to many is a curse,
But if something has honesty, decency and values old fashioned,
it will still entreat the curios and the impassioned,
this forum will last, all will be fine,
the best things in life stand the test of time

keep posting gents:)
and the poet strikes back, maybe the forum need more of that ;) (y)


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
I must admit my outlook on the forum has changed for the better over the last month, bare with me…

I joined this forum in 2011 and it quickly became the hub for all of my collecting wants: purchases, knowledge, socials, competitions etc. The TVR Podcast originated as the SWFUK Podcast until Episode 11. I even held an annual prize draw and Stu had his figure of the year poll.

I've made life long friends thanks to this forum and i literally bought the T-Shirt (s).

I loved the thrill of getting a email notification every time itfciain posted a sales thread, what would he have? What would he have as I quickly logged on.

Yes, i drifted away from here to Facebook as everything (efficiency wise) just seemed easier and for a while i felt that the forum was often just the same questions asked over and over again.

I'm not a big poster on Facebook. I agree with some of the comments above. It's too much. The most recent ridiculous thing (IMO) was a 2023 trend of posting a valentines message to your partner, I mean seriously.
The sales posts are crazy with high turnover, high prices and high expectations of prices. Plus, people are 'claiming' items so quickly, in some cases they haven't read the full description or looked at the photos before claiming.

There are too many groups. Having said that we have. Generation Skywalker Group for people to have a nice space to share things apart from sales posts, we don't have a sales area. We mainly use it for updates/news/Celebration stuff

Back to the forum: up until 2022 Stu ran the SWFUK forum figure of the year poll, however he/we looked at the forum this year and as this thread says, it was silent, so we decided to host the poll on our Facebook group and also on Instagram. That's where a lot of ex forum folk have gone. Stu thought that uploading photos to here was harder than it actually is, so didn't initially include SWFUK.
The upset/disappointment from Pomse/Snaketibe etc was clear for me to see, so I continued the poll on here. It was super easy for me to upload everything and keep the flame burning. I'm glad that Snaketibe got involved and in some cases was the deciding vote. Apart from one occasion he was the only one voting but I'd have loved to have more.

Were we right to move it to a larger demographic? I think so. In its hey day the SWFUK poll had 45-50 participants (according to information given to me). We've averaged 80 votes each round this year. However it's made me think.

It felt nice coming back here. It felt conflict and competition free. It was not only nostalgic but slightly more comforting than Facebook.

My promises to you:
1) I'm going to put a post on our Facebook Group this weekend reminding people about this place and asking them to drop by and say hi. I think a lot of people were put off with the sale of the forum and the OTT adverts, not realising that when logged in they disappear. There are many positives to this place, it's less noisy which is actually really nice.
2) From this point on any/all Mini Rig/Figure of the Year polls will definitely include SWFUK from the getgo.
3) I'm going to start hanging around here more. I hope that's not a negative :ROFLMAO:
Just an idea, maybe more will vote on the forum, if we can get Blackbeard to send pm out to all members on the forum the next time there is a poll, it is just an idea :unsure:


Sith Lord
Dec 2, 2013
Hey Gang, i'm guilty of not posting much at all in vintage, and my posts in the modern thread didn't generate much interest, i'm a facebook user, but do check in from time to time on here, i've made a few good mates through here, but apart from the odd message i've not been in contact with them, my collecting habits have changed, haven't bought any vintage in ages, i'm finding myself priced out of the game, i'm still buying the odd modern piece, i'll try and post more on here

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