I enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away, I didn't like it as much as the Mandalorian. But then it wasn't really made for us was it. Most importantly for me my 8 year old daughter loved it. I suggested it to her and she wasn't sure but after we watched two episodes she was all over it. Just constantly badgering me to watch another episode. Anything with kids in it is (mostly) aimed at kids, just like a lot of those 80's shows and films mentioned. I thought it was great, putting kids in a starship, flying around, lost. Great concept. Jude Laws character was complex, you're not really sure about him, a bit like Han or Lando. I think some people are too cynical and take Star Wars way too seriously. It's just entertainment, it's not the end of the world.
With regard to the toys, I agree Cazza, action figures used to be for kids but they're not biting like they used to. Now they make them for grown men collectors but most of us ain't buying because it's modern shite and holds no weight, no nostalgia.