Skeleton Crew - December

That was a cracking final episode - with the only gripe being I wanted more....

I know viewing figures have been rubbish, but I hope we get a season 2 here - there are still a few open questions and what happens next is a really interesting thought. Fingers crossed, although I am not overly hopeful.....
I agree, it left me wanting more.
Fingers crossed that it gets a well deserved second series.
Agree, great finale and a second season is definitely required! Hopefully, despite the initial low ratings, it gets the steady viewership that Andor got, due to the positive word of mouth.
It made me think about the old Ewok star wars series in the 90s I swore was on like Disney Channel or something. I wonder if these add anything to the universe or stories we know.
Final episode was great, X wings !

Really enjoyed this series for what it is, fun, easy to watch, Star Wars

Hope this gets another series on its own merit.
Although the internet should never be taken as anything other than the pool of nonsense it has become - general consensus among the uniformed and shouty is that it will not get a second season, since viewing figures are the key metric by which these things are decided (in streaming world, viewers = subscription = $$$$ ).

Back in the day (and I mean back in the day) broadcasters and even early in the streaming world, people would give shows a chance to find an audience, critical response mattered as well as audience reaction, now it is all about the almighty algorithm - what a wonderful world we live in :)

Still, it was a good show, well made and a lot of fun, critics have been positive about it (and its been a while since they liked a SW show) and those who watched it seemed to love it - so, in the sea of failures (or mediocrity if you are so inclined) which SW on Disney+ has become, despite the viewing figures I would call this a win, so there may be a slim chance it gets a second outing - I really hope it does because I want to see what happens next.
And 2 weeks later it will never be mentioned again.

Typically hidden behind the finest production money can buy and the top tier talent of the crew is another flaccid corporate attempt at Star Wars.

The story was more plagiarism than homage with scenes lifted entirely out of 80's movies without the intentional appropriation that Lucas had with his references to film art.

There is barely a morality message or character arc in sight. Just watch children wander from scene to scene with zero sense of peril as you may find in the Goonies.

To think 10 years ago there was the chance of sprawling epics like those written in the EU. Now we are reduced to plagiarising The Explorers for 10 times the cost.

Feel it takes cognitive capoeira to even say that this is ok for Star Wars. I guess The Acolyte was so mind boggling offensive that as long as it doesn't feel like waterboarding it's ok.

Maybe this could have worked as a cute plus one if the other shows weren't an abomination. The figures are in. Star Wars is so damaged, I cannot see how it will be repaired without stopping all productions for a decade.

But it's just for kids…… like Star Wars!

We are in major trouble and this won't change until Lucasfilm has a cull.
Don't worry. Andor 2 will be a masterpiece.

A 🫡 to those who created the original trilogy.

Not a cyincal money grab for Q4 shareholder profits
Got to say I agree with Grant here. It was Goonies in space.

Unless KK leaves LF, Star Wars is lost.

Star Wars is dead. It's just another cash cow. The magic has gone and it will be do hard to get it back.
Good job we all have different opinions! Yes, it was basically Treasure Island X Star Wars, with a fully intentional Amblin feel, but I thought it was fresh, fun and beautifully crafted. Nothing mindblowing, but every episode made me smile. It didn't seem to have the usual SW constraints, that have unfortunately become devisive. I enjoyed the story arcs of all the main characters and definitely felt their considerable peril on a regular basis! The kids were great along with Jude Law.

Can't wait for Andor 2 and to see SW again on the big screen. It's far from dead, but it's definitely slipped from being the behemoth franchise it once was, down to simply an upper tier one, probably Sat in between Marvel and DC.
I enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away, I didn't like it as much as the Mandalorian. But then it wasn't really made for us was it. Most importantly for me my 8 year old daughter loved it. I suggested it to her and she wasn't sure but after we watched two episodes she was all over it. Just constantly badgering me to watch another episode. Anything with kids in it is (mostly) aimed at kids, just like a lot of those 80's shows and films mentioned. I thought it was great, putting kids in a starship, flying around, lost. Great concept. Jude Laws character was complex, you're not really sure about him, a bit like Han or Lando. I think some people are too cynical and take Star Wars way too seriously. It's just entertainment, it's not the end of the world.

With regard to the toys, I agree Cazza, action figures used to be for kids but they're not biting like they used to. Now they make them for grown men collectors but most of us ain't buying because it's modern shite and holds no weight, no nostalgia.

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