Skeleton Crew - December


Staff member
May 9, 2014

This trailer made me smile and actually gave me goosebumps! If Spielberg did SW- it has a real Amblin vibe. LOVE that they've included a school and suburbs in SW- completely different to anything we've seen before. Just looks fun.
Feel a bit mixed about this right now - The 80 Spielberg vibe is great and Goonies in Space could be fun, it all depends on how balanced the writing is - if it screws too kiddie then it will cut out the adult audience and I am not sure enough kids really care enough about SW to buy in - But if they balance it out and play on the 80's nostalgia mixed with enough adult references and tone - very much like a Goonies or ET or a more modern reference could be Strange Things - then this could be very cool and a lot of fun. Generally Jude Law is very good.

Fingers crossed for some good fun
I like Jude Law, but I have deep concerns about this show. If it is aimed at kids, it will turn off a lot of potential adults from watching, and the trailer looks hideously like it might be exactly that. Parts of the trailer also look about as much like Star Wars as a fish and chip shop, with its suburban houses and streets. If I wanted to see that, I could walk out of my front door.

Disney / Lucasfilm has repeated proven that (aside from Favreau and Gilroy - sort of; Andor is great, but it's really not very SW either), they either don't get Star Wars or simply refuse to give fans what the majority actually want. And the irony is that the few fans that do like the current SW output like 'The Acolyte', would probably also like a show that was liked by the majority of fans.

Disney / Lucasfilm could choose to (try to at least; it does after all require talent and a knowledge and respect of canon) please the majority of fans, but so far they generally haven't. So let's wait and see what, if anything, Disney / Lucasfilm has learned, but I'm not holding my breath.
I have no idea why they would make this.

Guess we will have to wait and see. Reeks of lack of imagination considering I doubt it would make it as second story in an EU comic.

My concern is the inspiration.

Was it:

"We have a really interesting story we want to do that also pays homage to 80's suburban Sci-Fi flicks"


"Our focus group tells us that Stranger Things is really popular. Make that and stick some TIE Fighters in it".

I'm so cynical now that i believe its the second as Lucasfilms keyboards only have CRTL + C and CRTL + V keys. (See Sequel trilogy, Kenobi etc)

They really need a big hit and perhaps if they had some successful projects up to this point, it would have been seen as fun side story.

Instead the Disney + audience has plateaued at 150-160 million since Q4 2022, which mean no real impact from Mandolrian Season 3, Ahsoka, Indianna Jones 5 or the Acolyte .

The last 3 projects- Skeleton Crew, Acolyte and Indy 5 have cost a quarter of a BILLION to make (and i'm not sure if that includes marketing).

I have no idea how this level of incompetence is running the show.

Have zero expectations and be pleasantly surprised. The design and production will no doubt be top quality as it usually is.
It feels like Disney think more about rides in parks and toys/merch they can shift than the actual content these days - not that the creators don't want to make the best thing they have been asked to make - but everything out of Disney is a sequel no one wanted, a live action remake of an animation no one needs, or some very odd take on something people might have wanted if it had been made properly. Just look at the D23 announcement (Incredibles 3, Freaky Friday 2, Lillo and Stitch live action....)

Although I loved Indy 5 - so very glad they made that.

Happy to watch Skeleton Crew with an open mind and fresh eyes and I hope to enjoy it - we will just have to wait and see (I also agree there isn't a massive SW feel to it, but the galaxy is a big place so I guess they have licence to try things and we've only seen a snippet)
The Lucas era stuff seems to sell. I sometime struggle to find any discounted. Except Bespin Guards and BS Lando

The Disney stuff is heavily discounted and available by the bucket load:

It cant be sustainable
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The newer stuff doesn't sell very well because kids just don't buy or play with toys anymore. Hasbro also make some very poor decisions! It's a dying market all round, not just with SW. The Lucas era toys still have a decent-ish market with middle-aged toy collectors. AFAIK, the Lego stuff sells very well.

The galaxy is indeed a very big place, that would/could possibly have middle class suburbs, schools etc similar to ours. A fresh take that we have never seen before in SW. Nice to see some regular (ish) people. I really like the idea behind this- stuff of my childhood dreams to find a crashed ship and get caught up in an adventure across the stars! At the end of the day, it looks really fun and I think that's what they're definitely aiming for.
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Not sure what to make of the trailer. It's definitely different. First impression is the streets, houses and cars do seem odd for Star Wars. Wait and see I guess.
Been watching a lot of the interviews, TV spots etc and it looks great. The kids have a great chemistry, as do the production team. The production values look amazing- they have a fantastic team onboard (including John Knoll!). Really looking forward to it.
Love the latest 'late for the exam' clip. Great fun! Apparently some people are having meltdowns over 'desks in Star Wars'. I have no words 😐
Really enjoyed that - I would say the only thing (and it is a bit nit picky) is the length of the second episode - it is a little short.

I thought the child actors were great - really engaging, Jude Law is Jude Law, always enjoyable, although not much of him thus far. The SFX is solid. I love the Pirate thing and the idea's they are pushing - I also love the 80's influence, not just in the Goonies, but I got wiffs of Breakfast Club "What are you in for?" - Adventures in Babysitting, maybe a little Jonny 5... Really good fun, well worth the watch.
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