Response to Claims


Sith Lord
Aug 22, 2013
j10e5f6f6 said:
I have been monitoring this link for some time, as you all know and have not felt the need to respond until now, as I am still in the process of collecting the relative information on these questionable baggies.

I take this subject seriously, I simply have nothing to add as at this time and feel this matter is still a whirling uncontrollable storm of hate and misinformation.

It would not be fair for me to comment or mention names other than the ones I already have. So until I can verify for sure who sold what and from where, I think it best to remain silent until I have the relevant proof and info to prevent others being subjected to this awful slanderous process.

However, I feel I must respond now as I have recently been accused of not holding my end of the deal up with refunds. I have to date had 38 of these questionable baggies returned to me and have refunded all of them in full.

Most of whom are well known members of this forum and I have been in direct contact with them and they are more than happy with the way I am dealing with the issue.

It has been suggested that I have blocked people from my email address, I haven't and I am not avoiding Marty with the 2 Tri-Logo Fetts I had sold him. I have already refunded him £900 of the £1300 paid (Not half at £650!) simply as these had been opened.

I had confirmed this offer with Marty before I sent it, as explained and he accepted it. That's 15% less for each baggie opened as put simply, I can not and will not accept a return if opened, I think that's very fair.

I will continue to give a full refund on any of the questionable baggies I have sold that are returned to me in the state in which I sent them. So once again, I ask that anyone who still has any of the questionable baggies that they bought from me, please contact me direct at:

[email protected] or at my EBay Account at: j10e5f6f6

Those of you who have suggested visiting me at my home address are most welcome to, but please keep things civil as I have young children. I was totally shocked at some comments posted here alluding to physical violence.

Due to impending divorce settlement we will unfortunately be moving address in the coming months, so I will no longer be here, but will let you know my new address as soon as I do or we can meet at my work address anytime if need be.

I'm still waiting for a few more stragglers to arrive back to me and I'm in contact with Steve at UKG as he will be checking these and all my others out soon.

I will update you when I have all the relevant information and a report from Steve. What more can I possibly do?

I'm sorry I haven't commented on here sooner, but as I said I have a more pressing matter to be dealing with in my personal life at the moment.

That said, anyone who wants a direct answer or has any questions, just please contact me directly as I will be more than happy to reply.

Thanks Jeff

you are toy toni mk2


Jan 20, 2017
I was recently pointed to the one but last Vintage Rebellion Podcast report on 'Baggie-Gate'.

Whilst you might not be aware, I am currently going through a divorce, which understandably takes up most of my time & thoughts right now, however, I feel it's important that I take time to reply to the questions Richard has highlighted.

As you may, or may not already know ALL my baggies are currently being checked by Steve @ UKG to ensure any fakes I may have picked up over the years are identified as such and not passed on to other collectors. If anyone has got any issues with any of the baggies mentioned below please return them to me for a full refund, so long as they are returned in the condition in which they were sold.

These were the bullet questions as follows with answers.....

Red MIHK Text Baggies.....

I had 3 of these baggies sealed: Prune Face, Logray & Teebo. Along with a fourth that the tape had dried and came loose, a C-3PO Removable Limbs.

I still have the Prune Face, Teebo & C-3PO but I did sell the Logray some years back as I was asked for a mint Logray and said that I had one in a baggie that was not right IMO but the figure was mint and so I sold it to him for £30. The buyer asked me to put it up on eBay so he could just BUY IT NOW... and so it was just sold that way, with full disclosure.

Boba Fett and Bossk SW-b (Mistakenly listed as Sw-c)

I picked up just a few of these around 10 years ago in a mixed lot containing baggies, loose figures and accessories, I just put it all away in one of my many plastic containers and it was only when I came to sorting through these years later I realised I had them! I have done this before being quite the hoarder I had so many baggies, at one point I must of had over 1500+

I thought they were just badly worn baggies & so thought nothing more of them and sold them on.

I did tell Lawance Dyer I had only have one and yes, I did mention a price but it was not the price I paid as I simply didn't want to sell any at the time especially the best one I'd put in my display cabinet.

I have had all 3 of these returned and given full refunds, all are now with Steve at UKG to check .

Tri-Logo Fetts (Palitoy-a)

The first one of these I purchased from an eBay seller, who I remember also listed a lot of fishing related equipment as well as: SW-c Greedo, SW-c Blue Snaggletooth, ESB-c Leia, etc, all in individual listed eBay auctions. So I ask my Coz to bid on them all and I won all but a few. Soon after I was contacted by my Coz to say that the guy had been in touch to say he had a load more Greedo's, Blue Snaggs, Snaggs & Pailtoy Fetts etc! It turned out he had 14 more Fetts so I grabbed them all.

When they arrived 12 were in mailer boxes which had not been listed as included and 3 were loose and these were not as crisp and new looking as the other 12 in the boxes so assumed they came in them.

I believe that it was these 3 that have the paint issues that have been discovered, as the others have had no issues.

Steve from UKG has told me that the MADE IN HONG KONG text print were not printed in the same place on each bag, so nothing seems odd about this.

All were tape sealed and in my opinion they looked original not re-taped.


Yes I only had one of these and it was a mint figure in an opened bag.

Looked Ok .. Why has this not been returned if it is not correct?

Purple Text Hammer Head & Walrus Man

I only had a couple of each and again I was not sure of Franks identification of them so wanted a second opinion.

ESB-c Pin Head at FF

This isn't an ESB-c baggie as it has MADE IN CHINA on the bag.

Also this was also not for sale as Edd suggests, but I did take it along, as I wanted to get someone's opinion on him at the show.

I do not remember anyone asking me for a price on him but I do remember asking someone what it would be worth if it was a genuine Hasbo 1995 figure.

Yes, I had previously asked Frank about it but it was after the fact as I had already brought it and he said it was fake. I'm not too sure that's true and nor is Steve at UKG, as he has not finished his report on my baggies yet, so until then, we will have to wait and see.

Large lots of baggies being offered on Ebay?

Whilst I have bought large quantities of baggies on eBay over years, I didn't say in my Podcast interview that there are large lots of baggies listed on eBay USA every week. A majority of my larger baggie finds happened after I had bought just 1 or 2 items only to be offered a lot more after the fact, as with the Fetts, Greedo, etc. It's quite common to be offered larger amounts of stock from a seller after buying just a few baggies or carded items. Also, it's worth noting many of these deals were done some 8-10 years ago when baggies were far less desirable & had a far lower monetary value attached to them. I suspect several of the ones I bought would have otherwise been added to a loose collections or even U-graded since prices where only a short jump from loose prices at the time.

Bossk Mailers

Yes, I purchased 2 same Bossk box mailers but they where not suspicious, they did not have any glue smells nor did the labels!?! The Bossk SW-a baggies didn't come with them, one had a loose Bossk which I replaced with a Bossk SW-a baggie I already owed - this had since been returned to by me & refunded as suspected fake. Steve @ UKG has confirmed that it is known that on occasion, more than one mail-away figure was sent to the same person/address, he has in fact seen several identical mailers with matching address label's over the years. I assume sometimes these were sent out twice by the toy factory in error, but more often when the kids parents had simply applied a second time for the same offer.

To be totally clear and as previously stated, I have NEVER manufactured replica baggies or boxes or in fact faked or reproduced anything for that matter. I am simply a vintage Star Wars fan & collector who is proud to have a good many friends in this hobby that I have made over the years, however more recently a couple of people I thought to be friends have proved not to be so, which is sad but totally beyond my control. I always have, and will continue to be, honest with everyone. Once Steve has looked at all my baggies I will report back in full.

Thanks, Jeff


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
So let me break this down Jeff

1. Edd's a lying sack of **** - really? ( ESB-c Pin Head at FF ) - Edd is not the only one who can confirm you offered it to them for sale BTW

2. I don't know what I am taking about when it comes to baggies & you need further opinions - how come you were always at me for info via email then?? - really??

3. Only 3 of the tri fett's are fake - really?

4. You never sold the red text baggies - honesty you think anyone believes that for one second? - go back & re read the thread with EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY

5. as for supposed friend not being your friends - do you steel from friends?? which is what KNOWINGLY selling fake to friends is in my book.

Sorry but this does not wash with me, no more than any of the previous responses, what about evidence - WHERE DID ALL THE FAKES COME FROM, WHOM DID YOU BUY THEM OFF??? WHERE IS THE PROOF - in short not a scrap of proof to back any of your claims up & plenty of evidence from the investigations team to back up our claims.

I will be sending you an email forth with to request a full refund of the ones I have from you that are confirmed fake, I will take them in to UKG to be confirmed fake & they will be there for you to collect & leave payment for with UKG.

Or don't I qualify for a refund ??

20 or 30 fakes - really, how come the refund to just one person I know of totals 4.5k GBP - pretty expensive 30 baggies IMO


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
Email sent to you requesting my refund, breakdown as follows -

3 fett's ESB-f/ESB-d & ROTJ-a - thats about 500 quid
SW-a Lando - thats about 300
Palitoy-k resealed Imperial commander - 65
all 3 rebo band members in texted baggies – 150
Noth the Palitoy-k stromtrooper - 150
Not the Palitoy-k DSD - 150
Not the Palitoy-k Leia Organa (weapons error) - 200
Not the Palitoy-k Leai Boushh – 80
Palitoy LXW - 65
Palitoy-a - 8D8 - 35
Rebel Commando - 15
Hoth troopwr palitoy-q - 75

Total – 1785


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
So jeff you've read this as you were on yesterday, you have no doubt also seen the similar request on facebook in the baggie group as you were tagged & I know you have been issuing others with refunds, I also emailed you several days back.

Can I have my refund please??


Jedi Knight
Aug 29, 2016
sparkysx said:
suprised you haven't visited him yet, to get it in person.

That's all well and good but what if it was a long drive for him and the seller was away for the weekend or just made out he was not in. He can't force entry.
Some people also don't like confrontation.
The seller should be refunding everyone imo but it appears he is dragging his heels and clutching at straws hoping some he still has are legit.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
PulsarP said:
The seller should be refunding everyone imo but it appears he is dragging his heels and clutching at straws hoping some he still has are legit.

I'm sure a lot he has sold and still has are legit, that doesn't excuse the dozens or possibly hundreds of fakes he has sold. Toy Toni sold lots of genuine stock too, nobody cares about that, it's the fakes that do the irreparable damage to a reputation. He might as well not bother getting UKG to grade his remaining stock, the damage is done and he hasn't issued even the slightest sniff of an apology or acceptance of responsibility.


Jedi Knight
Aug 29, 2016
sparkysx said:
I'd go ballistic, got a massive problem with being scammed.

Me too but say we turned up and saw him face to face and he had no money or bartering goods on him anyway, then he got counter aggressive and you just lost your ****.
You could be spending a night in the cells and deeper out of pocket or even worse his new girlfriend (If he had one) was a ninja warrior.......

Michael Sith

Grand Master
Mar 2, 2013
Up North
Mr-shifter said:
Violence is never the answer. You hurt someone you impact on so many other people. No matter how angry you are you have to be better than that.


I think Frank has all the way through acted with restraint, common sense and with a passion for the hobby has acted on behalf of us all, then to add insult to injury, Jeff hasnt refunded :evil:


Jedi Knight
Aug 11, 2014
j10e5f6f6 said:
I was recently pointed to the one but last Vintage Rebellion Podcast report on 'Baggie-Gate'.

Whilst you might not be aware, I am currently going through a divorce, which understandably takes up most of my time & thoughts right now, however, I feel it's important that I take time to reply to the questions Richard has highlighted.

As you may, or may not already know ALL my baggies are currently being checked by Steve @ UKG to ensure any fakes I may have picked up over the years are identified as such and not passed on to other collectors. If anyone has got any issues with any of the baggies mentioned below please return them to me for a full refund, so long as they are returned in the condition in which they were sold.

These were the bullet questions as follows with answers.....

Red MIHK Text Baggies.....

I had 3 of these baggies sealed: Prune Face, Logray & Teebo. Along with a fourth that the tape had dried and came loose, a C-3PO Removable Limbs.

I still have the Prune Face, Teebo & C-3PO but I did sell the Logray some years back as I was asked for a mint Logray and said that I had one in a baggie that was not right IMO but the figure was mint and so I sold it to him for £30. The buyer asked me to put it up on eBay so he could just BUY IT NOW... and so it was just sold that way, with full disclosure.

Boba Fett and Bossk SW-b (Mistakenly listed as Sw-c)

I picked up just a few of these around 10 years ago in a mixed lot containing baggies, loose figures and accessories, I just put it all away in one of my many plastic containers and it was only when I came to sorting through these years later I realised I had them! I have done this before being quite the hoarder I had so many baggies, at one point I must of had over 1500+

I thought they were just badly worn baggies & so thought nothing more of them and sold them on.

I did tell Lawance Dyer I had only have one and yes, I did mention a price but it was not the price I paid as I simply didn't want to sell any at the time especially the best one I'd put in my display cabinet.

I have had all 3 of these returned and given full refunds, all are now with Steve at UKG to check .

Tri-Logo Fetts (Palitoy-a)

The first one of these I purchased from an eBay seller, who I remember also listed a lot of fishing related equipment as well as: SW-c Greedo, SW-c Blue Snaggletooth, ESB-c Leia, etc, all in individual listed eBay auctions. So I ask my Coz to bid on them all and I won all but a few. Soon after I was contacted by my Coz to say that the guy had been in touch to say he had a load more Greedo's, Blue Snaggs, Snaggs & Pailtoy Fetts etc! It turned out he had 14 more Fetts so I grabbed them all.

When they arrived 12 were in mailer boxes which had not been listed as included and 3 were loose and these were not as crisp and new looking as the other 12 in the boxes so assumed they came in them.

I believe that it was these 3 that have the paint issues that have been discovered, as the others have had no issues.

Steve from UKG has told me that the MADE IN HONG KONG text print were not printed in the same place on each bag, so nothing seems odd about this.

All were tape sealed and in my opinion they looked original not re-taped.


Yes I only had one of these and it was a mint figure in an opened bag.

Looked Ok .. Why has this not been returned if it is not correct?

Purple Text Hammer Head & Walrus Man

I only had a couple of each and again I was not sure of Franks identification of them so wanted a second opinion.

ESB-c Pin Head at FF

This isn't an ESB-c baggie as it has MADE IN CHINA on the bag.

Also this was also not for sale as Edd suggests, but I did take it along, as I wanted to get someone's opinion on him at the show.

I do not remember anyone asking me for a price on him but I do remember asking someone what it would be worth if it was a genuine Hasbo 1995 figure.

Yes, I had previously asked Frank about it but it was after the fact as I had already brought it and he said it was fake. I'm not too sure that's true and nor is Steve at UKG, as he has not finished his report on my baggies yet, so until then, we will have to wait and see.

Large lots of baggies being offered on Ebay?

Whilst I have bought large quantities of baggies on eBay over years, I didn't say in my Podcast interview that there are large lots of baggies listed on eBay USA every week. A majority of my larger baggie finds happened after I had bought just 1 or 2 items only to be offered a lot more after the fact, as with the Fetts, Greedo, etc. It's quite common to be offered larger amounts of stock from a seller after buying just a few baggies or carded items. Also, it's worth noting many of these deals were done some 8-10 years ago when baggies were far less desirable & had a far lower monetary value attached to them. I suspect several of the ones I bought would have otherwise been added to a loose collections or even U-graded since prices where only a short jump from loose prices at the time.

Bossk Mailers

Yes, I purchased 2 same Bossk box mailers but they where not suspicious, they did not have any glue smells nor did the labels!?! The Bossk SW-a baggies didn't come with them, one had a loose Bossk which I replaced with a Bossk SW-a baggie I already owed - this had since been returned to by me & refunded as suspected fake. Steve @ UKG has confirmed that it is known that on occasion, more than one mail-away figure was sent to the same person/address, he has in fact seen several identical mailers with matching address label's over the years. I assume sometimes these were sent out twice by the toy factory in error, but more often when the kids parents had simply applied a second time for the same offer.

To be totally clear and as previously stated, I have NEVER manufactured replica baggies or boxes or in fact faked or reproduced anything for that matter. I am simply a vintage Star Wars fan & collector who is proud to have a good many friends in this hobby that I have made over the years, however more recently a couple of people I thought to be friends have proved not to be so, which is sad but totally beyond my control. I always have, and will continue to be, honest with everyone. Once Steve has looked at all my baggies I will report back in full.

Thanks, Jeff

Why didn't you say all of that 77 days ago you daft sod, sound's perfectly credible.


Sith Lord
Aug 27, 2011
I really hope that those who need a refund get refunded, after that we can all move on and leave this horrible episode behind us.
Our collecting world doesn't need this.


Sith Lord
Aug 22, 2013
Jez said:
I really hope that those who need a refund get refunded, after that we can all move on and leave this horrible episode behind us.
Our collecting world doesn't need this.

agreed, too much of this stuff going on when I can't buy a baggie without thinking 'should I get Frank to look at this first?'
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