Response to Claims

lee gray

Sith Lord
Oct 25, 2006
Bare in mind you dont usually get the option to type in paragraphs on FB,

After all this time though that was a very short response. And whos to say he will send all is fakes in to Steve, most prob already opened alot by now just to get rid of evidence (not that i am suggesting for a second this has happened but just thinking aloud)

Anyways good luck if you intend to put things right


Sith Lord
Apr 22, 2014
Surrey, England
Can't see how sending anything to UKG would help right now?

A) Theoretically speaking, couldn't you just Pick N' choose what you wanted UKG to look at? So in my opinion, it's a bit pointless.
B) If UKG have already graded any suspicious baggies, then really it would be like the blind leading the blind.
C) If you were to open any suspicious baggies, then will you be checking them for any touch ups? :wink:

Stuart Skinner

Sith Lord
Apr 29, 2013
First up I just want to say I don't think it matters if this is grammatically better than previous messages he has written, if he's had someone help him then fair enough, don't see that as an issue. The good thing is Jeff (and it is definitely him posting) has come on here to broach the subject.

For me though, Jeff has not answered any of the queries or questions or allegations of the evidence that is building up in the other thread. Just by responding "I am not manufacturing baggies, selling resealed baggies or even knowingly re-selling fake baggies" is not am acceptable response and I hope now he has decided to engage the community on SWFUK that he does just that and answer all questions, although lets keep them to topic as I agree his private life is his own and shouldn't be discussed in any of these threads.

Whilst having arranged to take all your baggies to UKG to be verified is a good starting point, I think stating that people only have until the end of January to return any fakes is appalling and no time limit should be set. If you've sold numerous fake items then they all need to be dealt with accordingly, regardless if this ends up being 1st February or later. I do understand though that its unfair to have to be refunding baggie items that are legit. I wonder of it would be possible for another thread on here where people can post their baggies they have purchased from you on there and then maybe Frank or Marc Carraway or anyone else with baggie knowledge can identify what is fake, then these items can be offered up for refund???

What I do think needs addressing whilst this audit of your figures is undertaken is some answers to the questions on the other thread.
A few I'd like to hear answers to are as follows;

1/ On the podcast you state that you have never sold a red text baggie on ebay, yet evidence shows that it was sold around 20 months ago from your account. I know you will probably state that you have forgotten this sale, but I feel that this wasn't that long ago for it to slip the mind and also it's totally different from the other baggies being sold, so surely the sale would be fixed firmly in your mind.

2/ You also clearly state several times on podcast interview that you only sell bits off from your collection and you don't sell for monetary reasons. yet an email which you sent to frank states you telling him that you're picking up as many blue Snaggletooth baggies as you can as you make £60-£80 profit on each one.

3/ I don't know anything about baggies but the rare Fett baggie discussed on the other thread clearly needs addressing, as I understand it, very rare baggie, you're shown or given details of it and then months later you have five to sell? That does seem fishy

4/ Several examples of you being told a baggie is fake by email or message on the other thread, then evidence showing you have sold the same figure months later? I know on a couple of responses shown over the other thread has you not totally agreeing about Franks opinion on some being fake, do you have evidence where you have double checked these items by another baggie expert, of have you sold them against the advice?

5/ You state on the podcast you've only sold 15-20 fakes, yet the evidence that has been accumulated so far shows that the number is way in advance of that.

The other thread has loads more queries and if you are totally innocent like you state then I suggest you get online as often as you can over the coming days and start addressing the issues.

For me, I don't believe you are making these. I do believe you have sold fakes, I think you've admitted that, the question that really needs answering is if you are selling these knowingly. At the moment the evidence points very much to the fact that you are aware of what you're doing. I really hope you prove everyone wrong as I love to see the good in people.

If you have been knowingly selling them, then I think it would be a stand up thing to do to admit it, apologies and make plans on how to put things right, going to UKG is a start. If you continue to deny it and then proved you did know then that will be that, but admittance to your part would maybe/hopefully see the community forgive you and welcome you back to the hobby over time.

Like I said, I don't believe you're making these items, but I do think you can help the investigation team discover who is by offering them a list of your suppliers and what has been bought where. This is still a huge factor which needs to be discovered.

Do the right thing pal, unless you're totally innocent then fight your corner, but supply better evidence than just I've never done this.


Dec 13, 2013
Sacramento CA
If Jeff is not the originator of the fakes/ reseals/ repaints whatever.... one would think he should have no problem outting the seller who he bought these "bulks" of figures from, since obviously that seller is a bad seller who (sort of) put him in this position.


Grand Master
Oct 22, 2006
RobbieZombbie said:
If Jeff is not the originator of the fakes/ reseals/ repaints whatever.... one would think he should have no problem outting the seller who he bought these "bulks" of figures from, since obviously that seller is a bad seller who (sort of) put him in this position.

Stu's post is very good but Robbie also makes a very good point


Jedi Knight
Dec 30, 2011
Yeah, take them all to UKG, they can spot a fake a mile away......That's why I have 5 graded toytoni's in my ****ing loft.


Sith Lord
Jul 11, 2010
edd_jedi said:
Jeff, thanks for joining the forum and posting. I appreciate your statement, but unfortunately apart from denying any wrong doing it does not answer any of the claims.

Your statement says you have not been selling resealed baggies. That is simply not true, see this evidence thread for dozens of examples of 100% fake baggies that you have personally sold:

You also say that you have not knowingly sold fake baggies. Again there is hard evidence of this, see here:

There is less concrete evidence that suggests you could have been making them eg buying loose light blue Boba Fetts and then suddenly having baggies for sale, although that is only circumstantial unlike the above two accusations.

Offering refunds and to grade your remaining stock is a positive step, but the above needs addressing. Although there is no hard evidence of you actually making fake baggies, I'm afraid there is concrete evidence of the other two accusations so denying it only discredits you further.

Very well worded, exactly to the point and objective.

A simple response to this is really all thats needed IMO.

Lets keep it civilized or like Grant says all we'll achieve is to chase Jeff away.


Jedi Master
Dec 16, 2015
spoons said:
RobbieZombbie said:
If Jeff is not the originator of the fakes/ reseals/ repaints whatever.... one would think he should have no problem outting the seller who he bought these "bulks" of figures from, since obviously that seller is a bad seller who (sort of) put him in this position.

Stu's post is very good but Robbie also makes a very good point

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


Aug 29, 2016
Let Jeff come on the podcast again and explain in detail ......... Needs doing cuz its getting silly .
Maybe have phone in guests on that have brought from him & Frank to debate it out ???


New member
Nov 9, 2015
WOW! so how do we know that "ALL" baggies will be sent to be checked? and then how do we know that all others will be opened? looks like we have to take him at his word! or then maybe NOT! Then if a new lot at acquired will they be sent to be checked EVERY time seeing that he is not able to tell. If you are wheeling and dealing in stuff surely you need to know your stuff if not then obviously only in it for the quick buck and doesn't have his heart into it but his deep pockets. Frank has done us all a favour pointing out these issues, IMO I realise that it would have been a very tough decision and one taken with no pleasure, but be assure that there are many many ppl grateful to you all. I know that Frank and the others can walk around with your head held high , can't thank you enough at great cost to them.


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
If you are going to sell loose figures, given there is evidence of other figures, Fetts to be precise, being touched up what's to say these other "mint figures" haven't also been repainted? Maybe instead of you the vendor having a black light to check notes the paying public should have one to check your figures?


Sith Lord
Sep 4, 2009
Grant_C said:
I'm glad he didn't right the word 'quack' or he would be accused of getting a duck to write it.

Maybe there is a beast.........maybe it's only us..........


Quack! A duck?? Over to u Richard :lol:


Sith Lord
Sep 4, 2009
As said it really doesn't matter if it wasn't Jeff's hand that wrote his initial post as long as Jeff was involved and sincere about it.

Also indeed his statement has not addressed or answered the serious allegations with the overwhelming evidence :!:

If Jeff is genuine about trying to resolve all this I wish him well and the best of luck as the road to redemption is going to b a long hard one :!: I wonder how much money we could b talking here, a v good friend reckons potentially he could b down 12K :shock:

Bit of pressure on UKG but that is why they exist and good work Steve in advance :)


Apr 18, 2014
palitoyjunky said:
If Jeff is genuine about trying to resolve all this I wish him well and the best of luck as the road to redemption is going to b a long hard one :!: I wonder how much money we could b talking here, a v good friend reckons potentially he could b down 12K :shock:

Could this be why there is a short refund period. I suspect if everyone clamoured for a refund he would be in financial strife. From Jeff's point of view, I guess a token refund period would show he is doing the right thing whilst not taking a gargantuan hit in the wallet.


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
He should refund anyone that has bought a fake, why should unsuspecting customers be the ones to lose out whilst he gets away with thousands?
I personally couldn't give a rats ass if he ends up in financial strife because he has now been caught out


Jan 20, 2017
Hello, Yes it is Me "Jeff Baggieville" or what ever you folk have come to know me as?

I have finally joined the SWFUK as I feel it is my duty to hopefully answer as many questions as I can regards this matter. And Boy is there a few.

This is my First post so bear with me as I don't know where to start ?

Sorry I did not join sooner but my Family and Work commitments have had to come first which has never really left me with much "Me" time at the best of times.

On top of all this I having to deal with my Divorce which only came about a week before Christmas and now all this stuff here with my Baggies!!
2017 Is going to be a riot then...

Ok, What should I do ? I could Walk away in to the sunset with two fingers held high as one guy very well put it on here weather I'm guilty or not and Say Goodbye to the lot of you?

Or I can face up to these allegations and come in for questioning peacefully and look everyone of in the eyes and say that I'm was not knowing selling Fake baggies and to deal with the matter in hand the best way I can .

So I decided to do the latter as I feel its the right way to go . Anyway my parents have brought me up to deal with things head on with what you fears the most and never bury your head in the sand . So here I am..

I see that Frank has been highlighting all our old Emails which I have no idea how to find myself , Even if I have still got them as I'm not that great with computers. I'm not a Techaphobe as everyone keeps saying here but I sometimes I have to ask my 7 years old how to work the ipad. Seriously!

Although i did write my own Response to Claims letter in my own words I did have help ,Yes of course I'm a Surveyor who write house reports everyday not statement letters so had help with the wording and grammar etc as I thought this was the best way to address the situation clearly.

I only have one real good Friend who is local to me that has the same interest in this hobby who I meet buy chance when I sold a complete Loose figure set too .,As he was on my door step i dropped them over in person.

I have since become to call him a close friend who I often drop by for a coffee and chat Starwars between my work appointments when in the area .

Through him I have meet several others who have also been a great source of strength to help me through this issues for which I'm truly grateful.

Others I have befriended are those of you who I have sold too over the last 6 or 7 years who have recently kindly been in contact via text or Email in regards to this recent situation which I want to say Thank you too.

All my other long life Friends are not even remotely interested in this subject so this new friendship I had found was very well welcome.

The only other Friend I had in the know was Frank Mewes which I spoke too often being my main collecting area at the time being Baggies.

I sold many of my baggies to Frank who was a good source of info and buyer of my general baggies but I was always guarded with what I had in my collection which has now turn out not to be in my favour.
I found him very friendly but was starting to realise that the prices I was asking were a little higher than he wanted to pay and I was getting offers and values from other that were much higher so decided not to offer him my more desirable baggies by telling him that I did not have them.
Sorry Frank...
But this has also backfired for me as the people I sold to were also in contact with Frank saying Look what I just brought!
Oh dear Now Frank was suspicious why suddenly did I have something I did not have , It was embarrassing . But that's life.
I did not just knock one more up ....

I have never asked any of these buyers either via my Ebay sales or Direct what there intentions were when buying these baggies?
ie Surly a point that no one has brought up yet is if I were knowing selling these baggies to hundreds of buyers that I knew (some ) were fake then why would I run the risk of selling to folk who were may be sending to AFA or UKG just to failing them.

Surly if I were doing this I would be a little more selective to whom I was selling too?

Ok there has been a fair few returns over this time period that have either failed for one reason or another but the main issues I had was taped reseals.
Its a gamble when buying these in if these have been resealed or just reattached , Something I never thought about 15 years or so ago when I first stated collecting these.

These would often come adrift and therefore no longer be a sealed baggie only a mint figure.

These would so often come apart in the post that I decided not buy anymore taped sealed and concentrate on Heat Sealed baggies.

There are just so many comments and questions here to be answered , I was told by many of my good VSW Friends not to read them as I felt like some of you guys were shooting at me as if I were a goldfish in a tiny bowl.

It impossible for me to tell you where every baggie came from as I have been buying them on Ebay Uk first then went to Ebay USA and Europe as I found deals there were much cheaper .

USA buying was proving to be the best buys until they put a stop in sending them outside the US which meant no more baggies. So was asking them to send to my Coz who I have a few scatted around the US .
This then became a problem with sending to a different address than the payee so my Coz said if I sent him the Item No he would purchase them and be my postman in the US.
Worked well but unfortunately this system never kept any records of the sellers my end.
Never really a problem as these were between $10-50 a baggie so even if there was an issues I would have a minty figure.
If I had thought I would of been in the middle of a Baggiegate scandal I would in hindsight kept a log of which baggies came from where but who has time for that.

Rob Gratson turned me over around $1400 worth of baggies that never arrived and although I had over 200+ baggies from him over a year or so I know most of the baggies in question being the SW-a b and d were from him.
I did not note this issues as I just thought that some were bolder text and some were lighter due to printing or age never crossed my mind these could be faked ?
I have some of the SW-a baggies still here in my own collection I got fro Rob (At present packed ready to take to Steve Ward UKG) which were in my pride and joy set now thought to be fake by Frank.

I know Frank has said that some I had sold were Fake but had other disagree so what do I do ?

Can I just say that I have one baggie I brought to FF that I was not going to sell but had brought it there to show it and get there opinion on was the very odd ESB-a Made in China baggie with a 1995 (I think 90s) Pin Head Han from a later Hassbo 4 pack.
It was not for sale but a part of my own collection . I'm still unsure its Fake looks like a shop or factory sample as the figure is a China COO and I have never seen another ESB-a China baggie ever ??
Lot still to say but got to pick my kids up so will be back when I have a spare couple of hours so please don't say "Well he did not answer that or this as I will but it will take time to do so......

Again hope this is legible as its taken an age.

Thanks Jeff


Jedi Master
Oct 18, 2008
I just want to say that from experience Frank Mewes pays top top cash for rare baggies. I sold some of my rarest ones to him years ago and he was a brilliant buyer and knowledgeable baggie collector.

If he refused to pay your prices you must of been seriously over pricing them..... why would you price items so high it put off the uk's biggest and most knowledgeable baggie collector from buying them.

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