Action Figures Reaction to Moderate Heat?


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Now that it's cold I've had to have the radiator in my office on a lot more recently. My figure display case is about a foot above the radiator. I have noticed that the bottom of the cabinet is getting moderately warm, and the figures themselves while not hot are noticeably warmer than normal. Obviously nowhere near hot enough to melt them or anything, but I was just wondering if anyone has experience of similar situations - figures going yellow, paint going sticky etc? I don't really have anywhere else to put the cabinet, it would look silly if it was any higher.

Now that it's cold I've had to have the radiator in my office on a lot more recently. My figure display case is about a foot above the radiator. I have noticed that the bottom of the cabinet is getting moderately warm, and the figures themselves while not hot are noticeably warmer than normal. Obviously nowhere near hot enough to melt them or anything, but I was just wondering if anyone has experience of similar situations - figures going yellow, paint going sticky etc? I don't really have anywhere else to put the cabinet, it would look silly if it was any higher.

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I don't have this issue, but was wondering if you could put a piece of reflective material on the underside of the cabinet.
It could be then disguised by putting a piece of material the same as the cabinet over it so it's not seen…if you follow.
You could even make it a bit deeper to create a small lip/shelf.
Just a suggestion.
That's a really good idea! In fact you can't see the bottom from eye level so that would be fine
Humidity, extreme temperature and light. There the 3 things I monitor, out of sun light is a given, obviously. I have a dehumidifier close too my collection and I like to keep them between 10 and 20 degrees all year.

I'm not trying to be patronising, just saying what I do. Hopefully I don't come across as.
Nick's right. A bit of thermal insulation underneath the cabinet should help cool the contents. And if you want belt and braces, ODB's suggestion of a radiator shelf would also be worth considering. Best of luck whatever you decide to do.

I don't have this issue, but was wondering if you could put a piece of reflective material on the underside of the cabinet.
It could be then disguised by putting a piece of material the same as the cabinet over it so it's not seen…if you follow.
You could even make it a bit deeper to create a small lip/shelf.
Just a suggestion.
Reflective tape does work my father done this with his cabinet
I gave the reflective tape suggestion a go today. This is the stuff I bought which apparently is heat reflective:


First of all I left the radiator on for an hour to measure the temperature before applying the tape. 27.3, ouch! That can't be good for the figures.


I then applied the tape to the bottom. Obviously to do the job properly and neatly I should have removed the figures and the cabinet, but I don't have time to do things properly :LOL: and you can't see it from eye level anyway.


I let it cool down to room temperature and then did another hour, and while slightly better, only a couple of degrees improvement at 25.6, which is still too hot IMO.


So nice idea, but not enough of on improvement. I'll have to look into radiator shelves next I think.
Putting some proper thermal insulation between the cabinet and the reflective tape would probably help. However, a radiator shelf as well would be even better of course. Good luck and I hope you solve the problem.

Good suggestions here. I would use the stuff that's like bubble wrap with silver coating on one side. Will insulate and deflect the heat. I personally wouldn't put figures anywhere near/above a radiator, it will almost certainly have an effect on the plastic imo.
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