Non Kenner Baggie basic Guide


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
Please bear in mind that the below rough guide is all my opinion only & put together from many years of cross referencing the baggies I have added to my own collection & had the opportunity to inspect closely.

All are Heat Sealed unless otherwise stated.

PLEASE NOTE VERY IMPORTANT - ALL BAGGIE DESIGNATIONS have been changed to BELOW the images to bring this guide in line with the other guides, this was near impossible with the old forum software, so I am thankful it's finally looking how it should in terms of conformity

Palitoy-1 Klaatu Skiff Andrew Neo.jpg

Palitoy-a (Tape sealed) small light blue horizontal text/font - Crisp


Palitoy-a large font


Palitoy-a large & small font comparison of the 2 exact baggies shown above


Palitoy-b - small light blue Horizontal text/font – Crisp (Heat sealed)


Palitoy-c - Dark Blue or Purple Horizontal text/font – Soft


Palitoy-d RECLASSIFICATION DUE TO NEW EVIDENCE 10/9/15, Different baggie type now allocated as Palitoy-d after discovering that the Palitoy-k baggie (shown at the bottom of the page & is a Gamorrean Guard) was in fact produced through the full life of the toy line rather than just in the SW wars era, so the previously thought to be Palitoy-d (Black sharp edge thin font large letters), is in fact a Palitoy-k - sorry I know this reshuffles things a bit, but hey ho, this is how we learn - from experience & doing our homework, funny how finding one little missing link can throw things out so much, but it started a deductive line of reasoning which has led me to the point of having to reclassify this one, previous image at bottom of page to try to maintain the flow.


Palitoy-e – (Tape Sealed) Black Horizontal Text/font – Soft


Palitoy-f – This classification is PENDING alteration, this is down the the fact after some open woolies 8 packs have been found with a similar line up, the vaders have proven to be in Euro-b baggies, way back when I got these woolies packs where the vader is included I was not aware of a no text version of the clipper mailer, this classification will be altered to another baggie type soon, one which has needed a classification for far to long, I am leaving the image here for the time being until the new type is shown.


Palitoy-g – (Tape sealed) Green Horizontal text/font - Crisp


Palitoy-h – Small Light Blue Horizontal Text/Font – Soft

Palitoy-i Nikto Andrew Neo.jpg

Palitoy-i – (Tape Sealed) Small Light Blue Horizontal Font soft baggie, this is the longest of all baggie types being almost twice as long as most examples & is found both tape sealed & open ended, a few examples of it have even surfaced simply knotted to seal it, I would have written the knotted examples off totally as just done after the fact if it were not for a large cash of 8D8's turning up like it many many years ago, obviously only examples found tape sealed can be 100% confirmed as it's way to easy to switch the figure out on an open or knotted example, so caution is always advised when looking to buy this type of baggie.

The font is a lighter blue than the Palitoy-a's & the font is also notably smaller.


Palitoy-j – Palitoy/Parker/Bradgate in blue box with small light blue Made in Hong Kong Horizontal text/font below – crisp



NOT the Palitoy-k :lol: – (REVISION 07/-4/14)Very Small Blue Vertical text/font – Crisp - EDIT: May in fact be a Kenner SW-e but with Vertical text - still researching this. RE EDIT 07/04/14 THIS HAS NOW BEEN CONFIRMED TO BE A SW-e baggie, the confusion was that all 3 other know SW-e's came with horizontal rather than vertical text which may I add is very odd indeed & no idea why this should have been??, anyway the new Palitoy-k baggie class below the hammerhead photos, I will leave the hammerhead SW-e in for reference


Palitoy-k font type A (Revised) Black straight edge large font, almost always mistaken for SW-f but is clearly not, this is a very soft & thin baggie material & every figure found in this type has the same coo's as palitoy figures found on Palitoy MOC's

AMENDED 4.10.22 -

The EX Palitoy-p example has been removed from the line up of baggie types & a different baggie been allotted the Palitoy-p classification as of 3.11.22, as it's now clear the above show squid head which can be traced back directly to palitoy/confirmed would seem to be the same as the vader example also shown below, I would have to say either 2 different presses were being used for this baggie type as some have clearly defined straight edges to the font as in the squid head whilst others have a notable bleed out effect like the Vader baggie shown or the print press in use had a tendency to over saturate, it's taken a long time for me to make this clear on the guide which I must apologize for, sadly the huge lot of fakes a few years ago had many many supposedly Palitoy-k baggies & these really threw things out regarding this classification as they were a close mix of these 2 font types.

It's rather a tough call, but on close examination of many examples of Type A & B it is clear the font type & set / size & length of the font are identical, the baggie material are the same & the top & bottom heat seals are an exact match, so in short the OLD BLACK VERTICAL FONT Palitoy-p classification has been permanently removed from the guide/line up of baggie types, & as of 3.11.22 been replaced with a different baggie type which has a horizontal blue/grey font type, which should make confusing the 2 via classification near impossible (I hope?)



Palitoy-k font type B Please read the above on the font type A example for clarification/more info


Palitoy-l - (tape sealed) dark Blue/Purple Horizontal font/Text - Crisp -


Palitoy-m - Dark Blue/Purple Vertical Text/font - Soft



Palitoy-n - (Tape Sealed) - Larger Blue/Grey "matt" Horizontal Text/font Crisp -


Palitoy-o - Very similar to the Kenner SW-d (Large font) but different enough to confirm it is not a kenner issued baggie type.

Palitoy-p NEW 3.11.22.jpg

Palitoy-p (reclassification/ new classification 3.11.22), this baggie type had previously been mistaken for Palitoy-n, but on close inspection there are a number of notable differences between the 2, colour or font, N being more gray / sharpness of the font edges etc etc, the (New) P classification has a more blue/grey colouration as you can see & I will add a side by side comparison image at the bottom of the page for clarity.


Palitoy-q - Made in China Horizontal black text

Palitoy-r Now no longer exists & the image has been removed & will be added to the fakes section (thanks again Jeff)

BAGGIE CONFIRMED FAKE - No Palitoy-r classification exists now!


Palitoy-u Hoth Rescue Pack no text baggie - thin very soft material REVISED 20/9/15 Thanks to a great find by our very own Laurence Dyer, I am pleased to be able to confirm this baggie was not solely found in the Hoth rescue pack & was in fact a baggie I suspect to be an internal baggie, usually intended for opening for carding (speculation), as Laurence found a good size cash of mostly palitoy issued baggies in a loft find from someone who actually got them all back in the day & has had them stored in a loft ever since, a great find which also confirms that Palitoy had some Kenner issued baggies at the time toward the end of the toy line, so hypothetically speaking, some of the woolies 8 packs that have been found with the odd Kenner baggie included in the lineup (sadly all open examples to date) may in fact be correct.


Palitoy-v blue/green/grey text thinner font that the N, but same crisp material type & almost the same colour, but heat sealed


Euro-a – Made in Macau, Horizontal small blue text/font – Crisp


Euro-b - No Text single seal – soft, all found to date have been no COO/Deep Scarred & with the textured cape


Euro-c – Made in Macau Black Vertical Text/font


Euro-d – No Text soft – (single heat seal) German YPS Trooper – I think this one is specific to just this one figure, due to it being a special offer item only issued free with the German comic book - soft


Euro-e/A – Twin Heat sealed – Very soft – no text, these have to date been found with no coo & coo scarred figures previously being sold as meccanos, but are PBP issued often found in overstock baggies from the meccano factory.


Euro-e/B - Twin Heat Sealed - Soft but more rigid that the Euro-e/A's I am at this point "speculating" that these are in fact another Palitoy baggie type with the figures found in them so far being either MIHK or No Coo, not coo scarred like with the Euro-e/A's & of a different material type - any help on this baggie type appreciated if you have one as with the Euro-e/A's, as a lot more cross referencing is still needed to confirm this 100%


Euro-f - reclassification, this baggie type is soft material & usually always found stapled rather than heat or tape sealed, it was one issued in France & most examples have come from the Meccano counter top red sticker free figure offer, please note this baggie type has no text, a new image showing one without the red sticker will be added when it is available (image needed without sticker).

This classification previously covered all the red sticker baggies till it was discovered multiple baggie types had been used in the promotion, this was not clear till the big cash of them turned up in 2016, these were so rare before the find that it was impossible to know this as they used the red stickers to cover any font on the various baggies used in the promotion.


Ex - Euro-g - reclassified type for the Euro-g below (Fat head Han solo pic) as the one directly above (JAWA) is now confirmed fake (more details to follow) but suffice to say it's a made in Reading affair


New Euro-g (new classification 18.10.18) this baggies has always been considered to be a kenner ESB-h baggie but it varies considerable both in size & in the coo of the figures included & is now confirmed to be of European not United Stares origins, more details to follow


Euro-h - photoy courtesy of Del - this is a baggie that rarely crops up & is often considered a fake, it is a genuine baggie though, material is very flimsy & the text usually has a lot of bleed out & it's the sloppiest quality baggie of any.

This baggie type has been found both heat sealed & tape sealed, the example shown is heat sealed, there is very little know about these & few examples documented, most having shown up across Europe, it's certainly an authentic baggie, but due to the very fragile nature of them I suspect most have popped & been opened up, hence their scarcity even more so than some other non kenner baggies (another example to be added of a lando skiff that came from France)


Euro-i / Meccano (Ex Euro-c) - explanation - this was till now considered to be the Euro-c baggie like the clipper Darth Vader shown above, on close inspection they are totally different baggies, Euro-c only has one heat seal at the bottom, the Euro-i is twin heat sealed & the font is noticeably larger, this info updated as of 30/7/16 this baggie was known to have been distributed in France in the free figure when you buy a large vehicle offer (red sticker)


Euro-j again a French issue Meccano baggie, with large defined straight edge's black font, very much like if not the same as the Palitoy-k but obviously horizontal rather than vertical, can be found both taped & stapled with what would look to be brass staples


Euro-k - to date a baggie that has been a point of speculation regarding it's authenticity, the mystery surrounding it suddenly became clear when a recent find of red sticker meccano baggies were discovered, it has been one in question as more know examples are part of the meccano free figure offer/promotion (see main guide for full details) & have a large rectangular red sticker on them which covered the font type on the baggies, glad to put this one to rest & confirm it's authenticity at long last,it is tape sealed & crisp with a blue green large font

I would like you to consider that this is so far just a preliminary rough guide to the Non kenner issued baggies I am familiar with to date, there is also a Macau red text baggie known I believe?, but I sadly do not have a photo, all of the above baggies are part of my own collection & IMO are legitimate baggie types & are ALL still factory sealed, for most of them I have multiple examples to cross reference seal/font/material types & am more than happy to add further photo's on request to back up my finding to date, I would ask that if you have a baggie type that does not conform to any of the ones above or to any known on the SWCA, to please contact me & forward me some info & photos as this is to be a basic matrix for further work so we can actually start to make some sense of the wilderness/mine field that is Euro issued baggies.

I hope this rough guide is of some help to others & that we can work together on this as an open ended project.

& remember - you saw it first on SWFUK :p :D

RECLASSIFIED - EX Palitoy-d which is in fact as stated above a Palitoy-k, thinking behind this is that the Palitoy-k was (until now) considered to be era specific & the figure being from the ROTJ period clashed with that (wrong) assumption, seems the Palitoy-k style baggie saw action throughout the toy line all the way from 77 to 85 :eek:


side by side 3.jpg

Palitoy-p verses Palitoy-n side by side comparison image - Palitoy-p is on the left of the photo
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Sith Lord
Jan 6, 2012
Great work Frank. About time someone put together some info on Palitoy baggies.
BTW, were the woolies 8 packs baggies or loose figures inside the big bag. I thought the staff just ripped them out of the bubbles and threw them in a bag to get rid of them.


Sith Lord
Jan 6, 2012
Doh :oops:
Cheers AJ. I saw a couple on eBay a few weeks back but I seemed to think that they were just loose inside the woolworths bag. Must have not looked properly.


Jedi Master
Nov 6, 2010
North Wales
Excellent work on the guide Frank 8)

Lee77 said:
Doh :oops:
Cheers AJ. I saw a couple on eBay a few weeks back but I seemed to think that they were just loose inside the woolworths bag. Must have not looked properly.

I seen them to Lee and they where loose figures, they must have been packed with what ever was available at the time.



Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
Thanks guys!

Lee the 8 packs came in a real variety of mixtures from what I have learned so far -

Mixed with exact weapons - presumably removed from cards & packed in store?

Mixed with a mixture of or even no weapons - presumably sent in to store as overstock & mix & matched?

Mixture of loose & baggied figures - again presumably sent in as overstock & due to the selling price not removed from baggies as to save time & wages?

All of the above re 8 packs highly theoretical on my part, but from what I have seen of them to date this would make sense??? - opinions please

& this is not taking "Billy Boy scam monkey Rodgers" fake pack's in to account.

I have just altered/added some clearer photos all on white backgrounds for clarity & added another category - (Palioty-l) .


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
& Re EDIT again, such an obvious (or should have been) variation/baggie type that I should have noticed but never really took note of before, is the now added Palitoy-n - Larger Blue/Grey "matt" Text/font".

Which from what I have seen "so far" is specific to the Palitoy Emperor single figure mailer type offer baggie.

I swear I will make sense of baggie types before the men in white coats drag me away.


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
Hope so Dan :wink:

As with the other baggie thread, was hoping for some feedback/thoughts & input from you guys, even if just to argue some points with me, no one got any pointers for me?

I am also sure there are other none Kenner/U.S issued baggies out there, would be great to see some others if any one has any.


Jedi Master
Oct 18, 2008
The no text baggie, everyone ive ever seen or owned were heat sealed. The material is much much thinner too.
Ive owned a vader, and helped id a ig88. Definately something that was sealed for palitoy imo, maybe even done at palitoy?

Macau baggies,
The blue text is the common one, always heat sealed.
Much rarer, ive only ever owned 1 but seen a couple online are green text ones (like the r/limbs c3po colour). Mine interestingly was a macau r/limb 3po. All the green text ive seen are tape sealed.

And then the red text. The red text baggies are really poor. They look like homemade jobbies really scruffy seals on all 4 sides if remember correctly. They are real, ive seen way too many for them to be fake but they are shockingly bad. Even the text is crappy BUT something you need to own Frank lol.

Euro baggies are a minefield mate, i was asked dozens of times to do a guide but i always said i wouldnt as imo it would take some serious time to undertake. Imo they are too inconsistent, the majority of pal baggies were sold either in the wollies 8 packs or in huge bins to dealers directly from the factory. They were not intended to be sold in baggies so there seems to be no real pattern with them.

Kenner released their baggies in purpose made multipacks, so you get consistency, figures bagged with the intention of being sold in their baggies.

Palitoy baggies on the whole were just bags of figures to be removed for carding, its just how they were shipped.
A box of say 400 figures shipped in, all in one baggie type. They get removed from the baggies and put into bins of figures.
Im not sure what happened to the weapons, seperate bin maybe? i cant see them being tipped into a huge bin mixed with the figures as it would be time consuming pairing them back up.

Light fingered staff would take bagged figures home, many surving to be later sold as 'attic finds'.
These are real baggies, palitoy baggies but never really intended to be sold as baggies.

Ive seen the DSD is so many different palitoy baggie types its unreal, yet none are intentional baggies.

I respect what your doing mate, like i said before it was something i wasnt willing to take on. Im not complaining but the amount of baggie question i would get each day was unreal. Doing a guide would of helped me no end, i just didnt have the time to dedicate to it.


Jedi Master
Oct 18, 2008
Not Frank, but im here so can answer as best i can lol.

The Ig88 looks palitoy to me.

Now the Greedo is one of those that confuse things as it could easily be kenner or palitoy. However, i'd imagine if it was palitoy it would be the no coo, the boots look quite dark so check the boots for coo or lack of.

Memorys a little bad now on coo/baggie combos, but i think the china bagged luke bespin DOES contain the pal figure.


Jedi Master
Nov 6, 2010
North Wales
**Delboy75** said:
Not Frank, but im here so can answer as best i can lol.

The Ig88 looks palitoy to me.

Now the Greedo is one of those that confuse things as it could easily be kenner or palitoy. However, i'd imagine if it was palitoy it would be the no coo, the boots look quite dark so check the boots for coo or lack of.

Memorys a little bad now on coo/baggie combos, but i think the china bagged luke bespin DOES contain the pal figure.

Hi Del, Thanks for the reply and thats some great info you have posted above.

I was hoping you might still be around and thanks for confirming that the IG-88 is a Palitoy, James quoted you in another thread which gave me the impression it was a palitoy.

The greedo as fas as I know is known as the Meccano baggie, no COO scar. Now this confuses me as the figure is made by PBP just like the light green walrus man, snaggletooth and the Vader above(Clipper)

I know the greedo appears on Palitoy cards as well as other euro cards, so him being found as a Palitoy baggie makes a lot of scence but to me this baggie is very similar to the Vader(Clipper) but a slighty thinner plastic.

Also the Meccano Walrusman and Snaggletooth are very similar to my IG-GG Baggie, maybe thats a clue to where he was made and these baggies in my opinion should be PBP maybe PBP/Palitoy or PBP/Meccano. I'm not sure on the IG-88 but love to hear what peoples thoughts are?


Jedi Master
Oct 18, 2008
I'd say both pal baggies then mate.

All the meccano baggies I've owned, (which tbh isn't many lol) have been like the ig88 bag but thicker.


Jedi Master
Oct 18, 2008
Figures were shipped to palitoy in baggies, the figures were removed from the bags to be carded.

When palitoy closed down they sold huge tubs of figures to dealers, so many of these would still be in their baggies. Then there are the woolies 8 packs, many of those contained bagged figures.

Also employees would take bagged figures home.
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