Latest Modern Acquisitions

So the very last figure needed to have a complete basic line arrived today - this was a right bugger to find - had to come from Italy and despite some dodgy packaging (soft envelope) it came OK.

I have a few of the deluxe packs now as well so figure I'll get those as well - the clone trooper 3 packs are a pain to find… anyway 1 Tan Wookie to enjoy, and side by side with his twin.


This pair arrived today - been waiting an age for both - lovely jabba and finally all the dinobots in 86 form (not Sw but not worth a new post)

one of my biggest collecting regrets was selling these back in the day - I had all 13…. Figure it might take a while to get them back again (mostly because people seem to want stupid money) but I am sure I'll get there…

2 down 11 to go.

This arrived the other day and i love it! The box art looks fab!

The original Jabba playset was one of my favs as a kid and i might be tempted to buy another one of these so i can open it up and get it on the display shelf👍


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Ha - not a chance - sealed in its bix forever 😀
I just can't open things other than Lego - which does raise a Schrödinger's toy collection question really - is there a toy in there or not???
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