I wonder what I will find at the local car boot sale this year?


Grand Master
Apr 2, 2015
First one starts again in March everyone there knows me as the Star Wars man I have no idea why lol. Bet there will be loads of Episode 7 figures shame you hardly see vintage ones there these days.
Happy hunting, i've not had the pleasure of picking up anything vintage over the years
Thanks mate, did pick up the odd figure last year, found a Luke jedi and beater AT AT commander for 20p each in Norwich.
I have never managed to find anything at boot sales. Always live in hope of finding something though.
Saw 2 blokes fighting over an Anakin Pod Racer last year, shouting and swearing almost ended in a massive punch up.
You never know, Ive got quite a bit of vintage stuff the last few years. Probably more than in the late 90s, nothing amazing, but some good bits. Its just getting to it all before anyone else.
i got a trilogo gammy guard moc for £10 a few years back. one of my best buys ever. i was well chuffed fittingly it was on may 4th. the force was clearly with me that day :)
Occasionally find some vintage, I posted the finds in the vintage latest , some x wings, at-as and y wing, at -at all missing the usual part's I just enjoy picking it up for not much and then trying to find the parts for not much money, bit toy polloi, that's where the fun is for me.
Dirty bashed up loft find and try to turn back the clock and make it look nice again. Picked up a vintage chew last year in a box of modern figs for 20p that's the best buy last year. Buy some modern too got a f a tie fighter in sealed box for a tenner not to bad. Happy hunting guys for this year. :D
I went to a few boot sales last year; I saw one guy selling beaters at way over the odds, and at another place saw a guy selling vintage Falcon shells which were stripped of absolutely everything. Otherwise it's over 20 years since I saw & bought anything for a decent price at a boot sale. I might try a bit harder this year :)
Do you think carboot sales might be the place to sell all that modern crap to suckers ...er, I mean punters :oops:

I'd be happy with twice what I paid for it :p Even if someone brought me a bacon butty and a brew they could have an episode 1 moc!
i sold quite a bit of my episode 1 / modern micro over the years at boot sales normally its people who buy about five items to sell on e-bay to make a bit on each one, I've never been bothered with all the hassle of selling or buying on ebay so its fine by me, got back a bit more than I paid for the items years ago so was ok with it, as most was bought at market shops or boots sales or sales in the shops anyway, sometimes take bits i'm board with to toy fairs in my back pack and sell to dealers or get money off something on their stall, sold some 90's micro items the other day and picked up some bendems and some vintage bits I needed, all part of the fun :D
Nice one, 2 years ago did pick up a few figures off a seller gave them my number and went round to the house and bought the rest of the figures were only £1 each one was a near mint Luke Stormtrooper and helmet
StarWarsFan said:
Nice one, 2 years ago did pick up a few figures off a seller gave them my number and went round to the house and bought the rest of the figures were only £1 each one was a near mint Luke Stormtrooper and helmet

That's the fun of it not so much fun if you pay full price but if you look at something like the luke on display and say that only cost me the price of a can of coke that's the fun :D my vintage chewy vgc last year dug out of a pile of rubbish at the boot sale cost me the price of 5 fruit salad sweets 20p, must say that sometimes I ask how much for the figure on some stalls and you get "that's vintage star wars, that, so its a £10", for a common ewok with no accessories I just laugh and move on, not that I'm bashing ewoks at all, just luv them, honest :lol:
Agree it is, have found figures for 20p to 30p in the past about 20 years ago got a few but they soon released the value not long after wish I could re-live those memories. Another good find was a Tri Logo non painted knee, painted arrow Boba Fett, that would be about 20 years ago, was only 10 at the time and didn't know was one of the rarer figures. Bought it cause it was in much better condition then the one I had almost didn't buy it, but when they said was either £1 or 50p couldn't resist. Think thats where the joy goes a bit when you buy something not realising its worth a lot of money, then finding out years later its worth a lot. Better then finding something cheap and knowing its worth a lot just thats just me.

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