Do you post after having a drink?

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Nov 7, 2017
I don't collect Star Wars anymore but got to know Jon very well many years ago and have remained very good friends to this day, Jon's knowledge on Star Wars collecting is right up there with the very best, he helped me enormously in the years when I was collecting.

The incident in question refers to a guy, 'Wreck it Ralph' basically throwing large amounts of money around, trying to buy the best figures out there. After much consideration, Jon agreed to sell his Palitoy 30's to wreck it Ralph, a massive decision as I know how much effort was made in achieving such a collection, as mentioned, the things dreams are made of!

To be honest, I was getting quite angry when I heard how this wreck it ralph was treating a good friend of mine and much respected member of the collecting community, basically like ****, the guy had what he wanted so Jon was no longer of use, just terrible and a total lack of respect.

The good thing is that wreck it ralph is now realising how hard palitoy 30's are to come by and cannot manage to add to his collection, which I know for a fact pleases a lot of people out there.

I hope you (wreck it ralph) can see the error of your ways, probably alcohol, and make a big apology to a guy who only likes to help people achieve their collecting goals, not to mention all the great advice he hands out for free!!!


Jan 16, 2014
I do not want to go deep with, this but as jon is a close friend i will say he is honest and fair and a good mate.
At the end of the day these are just toys and it is not worth falling out over 8)


Jedi Master
Feb 12, 2016
To err is human; to forgive , divine

We live and learn ... make love not war :lol: :lol:


Jedi Master
Mar 16, 2015
I don't think Jon posted for support, although I'll join others here in saying that Jon is a real life non-SW friend as well as a collecting buddy. I never hear him saying anything bad about anybody so the situation with Wreck it Ralph must have been really bad.

Anthony - when I met you, you seemed like a nice guy and I could have chatted about cars for way longer - but if booze is turning you into a bit of a prick, you need to calm it down... I've been there, been the argumentative drunk wanker and still cringe at some of the things I've said over the years drunk. I saw that and wound things right back... it's the odd craft beer and (shared) bottle of decent wine nowadays... and I'm way better for it.


Sith Lord
May 11, 2011
maxf said:
I don't think Jon posted for support, although I'll join others here in saying that Jon is a real life non-SW friend as well as a collecting buddy. I never hear him saying anything bad about anybody so the situation with Wreck it Ralph must have been really bad.

Anthony - when I met you, you seemed like a nice guy and I could have chatted about cars for way longer - but if booze is turning you into a bit of a prick, you need to calm it down... I've been there, been the argumentative drunk wanker and still cringe at some of the things I've said over the years drunk. I saw that and wound things right back... it's the odd craft beer and (shared) bottle of decent wine nowadays... and I'm way better for it.

You're still argumentative to be fair! :D


Sith Lord
May 11, 2011
I presume the point of this thread was for Anthony to reach out to Jon. Good on Jon for being the bigger man in this and it was right that Anthony apologised. Everyone's happy again.


Nov 7, 2017
The guy in question, Anthony Roberts, needs to realise that you can't treat collectors like he treated Jon, reputation counts for a hell of a lot in this hobby, I'm still in contact with quite a few big Palitoy collectors and his name is mud, I can't see people dealing with this guy in the future, I've heard that Roberts conducts deals through a guy acting on his behalf, very strange and impersonal, the enjoyment in this hobby is meeting people, but he obviously isn't interested in doing that at all, this will ultimately result in him being unable to further his collection as no-one will do him any favours at all now.


Sith Lord
Sep 4, 2009
Look guys I naturally appreciate all the support I have had but I think Anthony has had enough stick and he has apologised so we can all move on :)

I hope u have luck in finding the 30 backs ur after Anthony.


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
So when your wasted now, is this the thread for everyone to post and then all other members know to not take any notice! :lol:
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