Cool Childhood Photo - 2nd picture found.

Very nice collection. I only managed to get two figures - Han Solo and a Stormtrooper, which I still have. I kept them as they didn't take up much space 😅
Found another picture of my collection after I'd been hitting a few car boot sales in 92-94

Thanks guys.

That second photo was the result of some good finds at carboot sales. And really cheap finds. You should be able to spot the additional last 17 I managed to pick up. 50p each!
You did much better than me. My first mint loose Yak cost £25, and I miss those days too!
At the time, I had no real idea exactly how many figures existed. I only knew of 5 of last 17 (Lumat, Paploo, A-wing Pilot, Imperial Dignitary and Anakin). Recognised a few in the boxes of figures I saw, that looked like something in the films - that's how I got the Yak, Amanaman, Luke and Lando general (without a cape - though I didn't know he was meant to have one. It all came as a bit of a shock.

I also saw a luke endor minus the cape, 9D9 minus 1 arm, R2 minus the saber and a Barada which I initially thought wasn't a SW toy and someone else bought it!

I think back in those days, my initial focus was simply fulfilling childhood dream of having a massive stormtrooper/imperial army and finding a few pieces I never got as a kid, but really wanted, like a tie fighter
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