If it is something you need Edd, and it is currently in the hands of a viper, you need to free the item into a home where it will be appreciated.
Forget the past, whatever the price was and the type of person this seller is. In my book charging high prices and flipping will get him no where in life. Go for it and don't dwell on the negatives, look to the positives.
A lack of conscience and nefarious deed,
Sit hand in hand with avarice and greed,
But these two attributes, everyone knows,
Are the worst kind of miserable bedfellows,
They blinker view and mar perception,
Lead to entreat dishonesty and deception,
But for those who live their lives this way,
Will in other ways have a price to pay,
They do not feel a sense of self worth,
Sense joy and laughter fun and myrth,
So pity those that are purely driven by financial gain,
As you do not suffer that depressing pain,
But do not let another's negativity shape your path,
Leave them to their anger and wrath,
Be yourself without that strife,
Then you will live the fuller life.