Which retro consoles do you still have?


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
Interested to know which consoles everyone still has setup and plays at home. Not talking about emulation or ones you have stuffed in a cupboard! Add a photo if possible! Here's what I still play:

- Amiga 4000 (PAL)
- Sega Saturn (PAL) with Phoebe SD Card mod
- Sega Mega Drive 1 / 32x / Mega CD 2 (PAL)
- Nintendo 64 (JAP)
- Neo Geo CD (JAP)
- Wii U (PAL) - love this as it plays both Wii and GameCube games too!

If I had the space I would love to add a NES, Master System, Dreamcast, and Jaguar.

:shock: just a few running then!

I've just got my DC set up in a corner of our back room, we've also got a Wii in the front room which I normally use for GameCube stuff. My eldest loves Wii sports and Donkey Konga.


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None, really pissed off that I sold my boxed N64 with 4 controllers and about 15 games 10 years or so ago. Kept the 3 Star Wars games though. :roll:
I play Megadrive, NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2. They're in plastic boxes setup so I can just get them out and plug straight into the TV. There's nothing like retro games, same as retro toys, films, music and lots of other things. It's the best!
I have the following:
Atari 2600
Game boy (origional)
Mega Drive

But sadly only play a PS4.

The rest are all boxed up and put away along with all the games including a few sealed ones that I've never played.
I really must stop hoarding.... :lol:
No consoles, but I still have my Spectrum 48K with loads of games, plus an Amiga 600 with a few more... I love me some Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Pinball Dreams and Pinball Fantasies! :-D
I don't really have any old consoles anymore, I mostly use emulation to play colecovision games. That was my favourite console growing up as it was the only one at the time to have halfway decent arcade ports.

I have an original Xbox softmodded with a 200gb hard drive and coinops, so that takes care of most things.

I used to have a really nice white Japanese Saturn which I sold about 10 years ago. Man I regret that. Plus a Vectrex went in the same sale... what an idiot!
Still got my original Atari and my SNES with Starwing, Street Fighter 2 Turbo and the Super Star Wars Trilogy. The Atsri is dead- I'm sure it's something simple, but too technical for me! Also have a PS2.

Had a Speccy +2 and N64 (which I stupidly sold last year). Had a PC later, for Doom, Quake, Dark Forces, X-Wing etc. Pretty sure the games are up in the loft. Must dig them out...
No retro consoles for me, as I only have a Xbox 360.. I do still have my old Spectrum 128k+2B system, which comes out to play fairly often.

Cheat a bit now as I have most games on SD and run them via a DIVMMC unit, so no waiting for a while for a tape to load up.
PSP, PS Vita, PSP Go, Wii, Gamecube, SNES MIni, NES Mini, PlayStation Classic, PlayStation 2, GameBoy DS, GameBoy DSi, SEGA Megadrive 2 + SEGA CD 2, SEGA Dreamcast, N64 + Doctor V64, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3.

....likely other in storage like Saturn, PlayStation, Neo Geo MVS
My era were vic 20, BBC Micro, Atari original games system with wood panelling had about 60 carts at one point, and later Atari ST, then Play Station , x box 1 and loads of games all now sadly bootsaled apart from my playstation tomb raider games which I could not part with, had a lot of hand held in the 80's too, grandstand galaxican being my favourite.

All I have left is my trusty old ps2 and loads of star wars games , tomb raider and the usual gta spread must get it all out again and have a play

Do miss outrun on the Atari st and paper boy on the bbc micro really used to love those games, and galaxican on the vic 20 think it was the cart you plugged in round the back as with 3.5 k games were never that good on tape, I did win a competition in 2000ad years ago and the prize was a dungeons and dragons game for the Atari st sure I kept it and the letter have to sort through my old stuff and see if I still have it and post a picture :)
I don't have any set up but I own Atari 2600, NES, SNES, Megadrive, BBC Master, and a XBOX 360 if that counts!

My brother is the one who is hugely into Retro. a vast amount of games and he is deeply involved in the MAME emulation community.
This is my set up, I'm pretty much a Nintendo fan boy and don't tend to entertain other consoles that much - I put it down to being indoctrinated in the 90's to hate Sega!


I bought all of these new and yes I have a Switch but that's in the living room.
The gap at the end was where my SNES was but I've packed this away after I got a SNES mini. The Dreamcast isn't from my childhood.

I've also got this but it's a monster and I don't have space to set it up yet.


This is my PlayStation shelf but I don't tend to use these much.


I've always wanted a 3DO as I thought they were the most badass looking consoles, that should fit in the old SNES slot.

Controllers are a bit of a mess and all my games are in drawers so that's not so exciting!
I Still own every console I've ever had, unfortunately due to lack of space I can't have them on display at the moment.
2600 (still boxed because my dad wrote all the highest scores on the inner, and I've still yet to beet some of them)

Master System
Mega Drive
Game Gear

Game & Watch - Donkey Kong
Game Boy
Game Boy colour


360 elite

and still have my Amstrad CPC464 and my ZX Spectrum
Liking people's setups and collections.

No consoles here but I do have a Commodore 64 with a brand new black case licenced by Commodore themselves, and a 1541-II floppy drive. The joystick is a custom stick 3D printed by someone who makes & sells them, it has Sanwa arcade stick & buttons, it's literally the best stick iv'e ever used. Also a pic of my games, the top image aren't vintage games, they're new games developed and released in recent years and they are ****ing incredible to say the least! Look for 'Sam's Journey' on youtube, it's an actual masterpiece, it's also being ported to the NES with a physical cart release in the near future. So any NES owners I highly recommend this to. And then finally a pic below that of my actual vintage cassette games, all childhood games. I also have a boxed C64C and a boxed breadbin version, both in immaculate un-used condition...



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