UPDATED: Imperial Commander figure, COO reference guide.


Grand Master
Jan 31, 2012
Dublin, Ireland
Dublinjeff's Vintage Imperial Commander COO reference guide.

UPDATE: Quick Reference COO photo guide added to page 4

Prompted by a renewed interest and spurred on by what Frank (Frunkstar) had said before about it being a good idea for some guides to appear on here, I've decided to put together a little COO reference guide for the Imperial Commander figure.

Hopefully should shape up to be something along the lines of the Luke Farmboy guide I put together. http://www.starwarsforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=18049#p251009

Appreciate any help, advice or feedback. Thanks already to aussiejames for his input :)

Wolffs guide is shown below to help give a quick reference to variants. Please check out the excellent "The Variant Villain" site for a comprehensive guide to any figure variants. Donation made to site for ongoing support.. :wink:

I always really liked the detailed sculpt on this figure and the fact that there is a good few COO variants along with Hair colour/styles, face moulds/colours etc...I reckoned it was a good choice for my second little guide.

First appearing on the Empire Strikes Back 41 back card, also found on ROTJ and Tri-Logo cards. Also available on Lili Ledy cardback.

The figure sports the Black uniform, first seen in 'A New Hope' as opposed to the grey one featured on the figures cardback. This picture shows the two movie outfits.


There are a number of COO/No COO available:
I will update these as I acquire different variants... :D

Hong Kong: A number of different Hong Kong variants exist. COO, face moulds, face color, Hair Colours etc...New updates Page 3

China: Distinctive as it has No COO and no LFL markings....Update: Figure guide added on Page 3

No COO: LFL 1980 appears but as title suggests, No COO present. A number of variant hair Colours. Red/Brown, Brown. Can appear very similar to Ledy sculpt, including bent thumb and leg markings. Skinny and Fat head sculpt available.

Lili Ledy: COO has been erased, Larger Font LFL 1980. Distinctive "Crooked/bent" left thumb points inwards. Paler face paint.
I will start of with a Euro, No COO variant,

'European" No COO Imperial Commander figure:

Would appear to be COO #4 on Wolffs guide.
Euro Red/ Brown hair variant.
This figure has the COO erased, large Font, single line, LFL 1980. It has the "Crooked left thumb' that features on a number of Imperial Commander figures. (Pictured below)



Next up is Hong Kong COO variants I have collected. I will update these as I acquire different variants :D

Hong Kong variant, Small Single line (SSL) LFL:

COO #2 on Wolffs guide.
Right leg: Made in Hong Kong. Left leg: LFL 1980, small single line



Now I'm not :lol:

I was fairly happy with the COO etc?

I reckon that you are right in that it is a Euro No COO figure!

Thanks for the heads up.
So IMO Ledy is 'pale' plastic face, dark brown long hair. All Ledy (apart from the 13 MIM) have a 'Kenner' counterpart which will share the same CoO, mould details (ie. curly thumb) etc. So it's important to focus on the other details like paint, plastic colour. It's easier to tell with them side by side. ( Ledy vs "Kenner' counterpart ) I actually think it's as hard to get a complete run of Ledy 'counterparts' as it is to get a Ledy run. (sans weapons)

The non-Ledy have a pink plastic face in at least two different hair colours. The red/brown on the right & brown in the middle. There is speculation these are Spanish produced which is very likely but I don't usually bother with PBP/POCH labels. I prefer 'euro' with red/brown hair or 'euro' with short brown hair etc. this covers 'palitoy' as well.
I'm happy enough it's a Euro Red/Brown hair variant so :D

I have a Brown hair No COO figure on the way so it will be good to compare

Appreciate your help and advice, Thanks
Split them up into the three groups (which I'm sure you doing) small font, big font & 2 line 1980LFL:
Original Wolffs guide.
Version 3.0 on the way soon I believe... :D
An excellent quick reference to Imperial Commander COO variants


Donation made to Variant Villain site for ongoing support!
aussiejames said:
Split them up into the three groups (which I'm sure you doing) small font, big font & 2 line 1980LFL:

Thanks for that link :wink: Do you mean the Hong Kong COO variants? Into three groups?

Sounds good.
Revised and updated guide to Insignia Sculpts coming

Chest Insignia Sculpts:

The figure features three different sculpts on the Chest emblem/Insignia.

1. This sculpt has Squared off bumps on emblem, single line pocket and Squared off pen top.

2. This sculpt features more rounded bumps on emblem design, single line pocket and round pen end.

3. This sculpt features rounded bumps, a Double line pocket with a Squared off pen top.
Left hand thumb variants:

The figure features two different sculpts on the left hand. One has a straight thumb the other curls inwards. Initially came with straight thumb mould. Curled thumb was a later design mould.
Both variants can be seen here quite clearly...
No COO, Euro Brown Hair variant.

Picked this variant up today. Short brown hair, No COO. Small date and LFL markings. Wolffs guide#8

Here it is alongside the other Euro Red/Brown hair variant.

Close ups of the different leg markings:
Wolffs guide #4 and #8

There are a number of different sculpt, Hair style/colour and design characteristics between the two No COO figures.

Head and Hair colour.
Very distinctive Brown and Red/Brown haired figures. Notice the different side burn lengths;

Chest Insignia Sculpts:
The two figures come with different Insignia design as shown here;

One major difference between the two figures is the left hand thumb design. Brown hair variant has the Straight thumb as opposed to the bent thumb on the Red/Brown hair variant:
No COO Update:
Having taken a closer look at the two No COO figures. I have noticed that there is a definitive height difference between the two. Not sure if it's to do with the " Skinner" head vs the" Fatter head" version, but it is definitely noticeable in hand.

Only just seen this Jeff, coming along great guns buddy well done mate.

If you want me to add the baggies I have on here just say the word mate, still have several un cased so may even be able to get some coo shots, though would be a pain in the ass.
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