OK - maybe it is worth contextualising - The Acolyte got $180m to tell its story, which is squarely in the SyFy/Fantasy space and full on Movie Budget Dollars - so it should be judged against other similar shows airing right now, (there are plenty of shows that have been and gone that you could list) - but if you stick to what is new and ongoing today, is the Acolyte better or at least on a par quality wise with any of these (I am sure there are other shows you could add to the list below):
The Boys
Star Trek Discover
House of Dragons
Outer Range
Doctor Who
Umbrella Academy
The Ring of Power
I think the issue is the quality bar is very, very high and while it is hard to compare some shows as their creative vision is so different, you should be able to judge the overall quality of a show v's another. So how does the Acolyte stack up quality wise (writing, acting, production, direction etc.) v's the best of what is out there today - because SW should be the top of the tree, it is one of the biggest fantasy universe with one of the biggest global fan bases.
New SW shows should be events, should be 'must see TV'. The first two seasons of Mando hit this bar, The Clone Wars and Rebels did the same (for the most part), Andor likewise. The Acolyte???