Palitoy Fett Mailer Missing Link??


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!
Hy guys

EDIT 23/1/15 - please see main baggie guide for update & photo of palitoy fett mailer

I have this mailer box which I think?? maybe the missing link for a palitoy fett mailer box, sadly no baggie, but I do have some palitoy fett baggies that (could possibly) go with it, its not known & can to date not be confirmed which baggie type came with the Palitoy fett mailers (either ESB or ROTJ issue), so the baggie type is a subject of speculation same as the mailer box TBH, Momike has speculated that the palitoy fett mailer "may have" come with a kenner issued baggie, most likely a ESB-a (first issue) baggie, in the way the Toltoys first mailer (4-Lom) is known to have come with a kenner baggie rather than the TT/Palitoy issue type seen with later issued TT's mailers, simply a case of production time - being prior to palitoy/TT's setting up their own production, or having their own items (baggies in this case) produced for them in H.K/China.

Now this no text (overstock) box I have is exactly the same dimensions as its kenner counterpart & the flaps are identical, which leads me to believe it is quite possibly a palitoy overstock fett mailer box, exciting stuff (for me anyhow), I have emailed the photos below over to Steve @ UKG to also have a look at to get his thoughts.

Obviously I would like to think the Palitoy issued fett mailer was found with a palitoy issue baggie rather than a kenner version & at this point I feel it highly unlikely though not impossible that a sealed palitoy mailer will ever surface, so yet again this comes down to speculation on my part call it an educated guess - thoughts???




The 3 possible baggie candidates for the above mailer below -


ESB-a first issue (ESB era)


Palitoy-b - soft baggie heat sealed


Palitoy-h - crisp heat sealed
Nice thread Frank

My older brother recently told me we got a Boba fett as our first mail away offer. Then i see from your guide that there are no known sealed UK Boba fetts or Dengars. So im more confused now than i was before.

I'm keen to hear other peoples UK childhood memories of boba fett mailer and other uk mailers.

Surely somone must have still got their childhood boxes and bags that the 'mail aways' arrived in?

I definitely got loads of the Survival Kits through the post as a child and i also remember getting dengar, but i can't remember what packaing they arrived in.

Someone must have some info that will help Frank crack this mystery.....................
I was sent one of these mail away Fetts back in the day and must admit that the box you've shown Frank does look very familiar, are you thinking this was the box that was mailed out in the UK even though it has Minnesota on it?

Also it's hard to remember what baggie it came in but I'm leaning to it being a taped or opened one more than a sealed one. Could be wrong on that as it was a very long time ago although it did come with the consumer note , that I do remember.

I have a vague memory of seeing the mailing box tucked away with my shreddies transfer and backgrounds I kept from my childhood so if I ever do come across it I'll be sure to let you know.

Palifan said:
are you thinking this was the box that was mailed out in the UK even though it has Minnesota on it?

I think Frank's train of thought is "was a blank box with the same dimensions used in the UK"
And Oct 1979 doesn't chime in with the Palitoy Boba promotion. I believe the UK got their Fett offer in 1980 and there'd be no need for the rocket disclaimer leaflet by then.

I'm keen to hear about childhood memories of UK mail-aways too.

For example, did we get the Kenner booklets in the boxes? I have a half memory of getting these with the ROTJ ones but can't be sure if my mind is playing tricks based on what I've now seen American mailers having.
I have a strong memory of receiving both Boba Fett and Dengar mailers from Palitoy. However my memory was all about how long they took to arrive - it seemed like an eternity. Hard to know whether that is just down to being a kid, where a 9 week summer holiday seems like forever, or if Palitoy were indeed really slow at processing (probably a bit of both).

Thousands upon thousands of these mailers must have gone out to British kids, strange that there aren't more examples floating around today.
Stef, yes indeed that is bringing back a memory - I am pretty sure I did get that delayed slip as it was Dengar specifically that took so long to arrive.

I've got about 30 Dengar's now so I get the last laugh! Ha!
chipsteak said:
And Oct 1979 doesn't chime in with the Palitoy Boba promotion. I believe the UK got their Fett offer in 1980 and there'd be no need for the rocket disclaimer leaflet by then.

It was 1980 when I received mine as we were on holiday and I remember taking it with me and also seeing the first wave of 30 backs in a toy shop. I'm pretty certain the consumer note was in there as Boba Fett was advertised with the rocket firing back pack so they needed to explain why it was now fixed in place.

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