Original GM R2D2 vs TT...


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2010
Hi all.

Just a question but which do you think is the original GM and which is the TT one out of these four? Any help wil be greatly apprecited. Thank you. :)

All Four B.jpg
A and C will be ok as they are used cardbacks with a good bit of bubble rip. Looks like a single stemmed bubble and long double stemmed bubble were attached.

Cheers Jason
lejackal said:
I think D is original as the bubble looks a better fit for R2

My thoughts too and also if you look at A the impression is also the same as the shorter bubble (as in D) plus the litho lift is stronger where as TT's seal was not that strong and left a faint litho removal.
mr_palitoy said:
A and C will be ok as they are used cardbacks with a good bit of bubble rip. Looks like a single stemmed bubble and long double stemmed bubble were attached.

Cheers Jason

But if you look carefully A and C differ in two ways. The amount of litho lift and the size of the bubble impression left. A is shorter.
mr_palitoy said:
A and C will be ok as they are used cardbacks with a good bit of bubble rip. Looks like a single stemmed bubble and long double stemmed bubble were attached.

Cheers Jason

Ok, now I'm seeing they are actually the same size BUT the litho removal strength is much greater on A than the faint one on C. This is confusing unless TT used the same bubbles as GM did. In this case the only way (maybe) to know which is which is to tear them off the cardback and NO, this is something that won't be happening, at least from my end anyway. Lol.
mr_palitoy said:
C has a price sticker on it?


But to be honest that's not solid as it's been known that people have put price stickers on cards for various reasons. It's also an off place to put one but I'm not saying it's not genuine but I'm saying there's a possibility along with the obvious difference in the litho lift that it could be a TT.
mr_palitoy said:
C has a price sticker on it?


Also, it wouldn't surprise me if someone did put a price sticker on a TT to up the value for resale.
mr_palitoy said:
I've never seen a Toni with an added price sticker.


Ok, but that doesn't mean to say they may not exist. AFA and UKG made a mistake once of grading them not realising they were TT's. It's a learning curve for the hobby for sure.

In all honesty I do not know and I am no expert but I have to ask the questions to try and get to the bottom of it, if I ever will. It may have to be left to the individuals at the end of the day.
I just can't get my head around the amount of litho damage difference between the two, A & C. They really do look as though they were made by two completely different set-ups in terms of strength of seal.
mr_palitoy said:
A and C will be ok as they are used cardbacks with a good bit of bubble rip. Looks like a single stemmed bubble and long double stemmed bubble were attached.

Cheers Jason

Just got that about the single stem bubble and it seems that way for sure but I've not seen a GM R2 with a single stem bubble, not to say they do not exist of course.
Now... I've just had another thought. From experience the last two double stem bubble MOC's I have owned were encased in graded casing (one AFA and one UKG) and both came away from their cardbacks during transit to myself, one almost completely.

What I am getting at here is the fact that the double stem bubble seems to not have been the greatest at sealing as there was very little litho damage when this occured. One was on a Meccano MOC and one was on a ROTJ Clipper MOC, neither would have been a TT.

So... now I am thinking is the stronger seal on a double stem bubble TT or vice versa?! Lol, I can hear a tune, 'Never ending story' comes to mind. :?
Double Stem bubbles... great idea at the time but Mr/Mrs Double Stem bubble creator, do you realise how many problems you have created?! :lol:
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