Is everyone asleep??

Michael Sith

Grand Master
Mar 2, 2013
Up North
for me this forum is a little Oasis in a world that's stressful, COVID, brexit etc etc

i know we have had a change in forum ownership and a now format, but let's embrace that, and jump on here as much as we used to, change is inevitable, believe me I'm an old git and DO NOT LIKE CHANGE, but this forum is a little oasis for me and believe it is for most others, so get posting, chat SW crap, get the fun and jokes going, for me personally I need that, Lars with his swearing, Weasel with his ( unfounded) Liverpool FC " we are the best " I know you can block this but go on I dare you!) Ed with his " WTF is going on at Spurs" Carl with look at this… hey it's FS come on buy it ( Carl I love you mate don't take offence!) Ian ( Palifan) with your absolutely gentlemanly approach on the forum ( you are an absolute fav of mine bud, a real nice guy) SW Fan with your " what have you picked up at the car boot today?) manic approach to SW collecting ( your a star mate) Frank, sadly not posting as much, with the best baggie knowledge bar none! And a really great bloke

sod the FB and other pages … liven this forum up and get it back to where we all want it a really nice place for great guys who collect little plastic dollies !

right I've had my say ( Mike wind your neck in you muppet!) come on guys get posting we are the best …sod the rest!
I will get posting more soon, just super busy with work and the summer holidays. Oh and dusting/sorting my collection. lol
There was a brief moment when the forum changed hands recently that I thought it was all becoming a little too much for me to carry on but thankfully I came to my senses and figured out how to use it :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

I'm still on here daily and it's because of people like you Mike and the regulars that keeps me coming back for more. Thanks for the kind words and know for sure that I feel the same way about you (as I can tell so many of us do on here).

I'll keep coming back for as long as I have something to add to this great forum and it's just good to know that it's still here and active.

Totally agree with your sentiments @Michael Sith! This place is excellent- I much prefer it to FB- better in so many ways. This place has so much heart and soul - it's a shame that lots of the old regulars have migrated away to FB.

I wish the sales section on here was what it used to be though. That said, some great items still pop up on here from time to time.
Hi, I'm new here, name's Mark. I don't do FB but have lurked here enough to know you have lost some (many?) members to that platform. Why have they gone there? Surely a dedicated site like this is the perfect venue? And long established. I thought FB was on the wane anyway? Thoughts?
I still love checking out the latest buys and general topics, don't do other platforms , lucky if i buy 1 sw item each year so never much to show but I really like the relaxed atmosphere and people on here and loved sw since the 70's , a lot of the banter / craziness we had some years ago has departed but still have chats with like minded people. As i have said before my mates down the pub don't want to talk about this stuff:) so this place and the banter /chat interesting topics is invaluable to me long may it continue(y)
Hi, I'm new here, name's Mark. I don't do FB but have lurked here enough to know you have lost some (many?) members to that platform. Why have they gone there? Surely a dedicated site like this is the perfect venue? And long established. I thought FB was on the wane anyway? Thoughts?
Agreed Facebook is so 00's! lol Instagram is the place to be now, and here. lol
Only just realised and read the forum had changed ownership. Havent been on a huge amount lately as been super busy and if I'm honest, still getting used to the new forum format.

But although I'm no longer collecting (at the moment) this will always be a place for me to unwind and still immerse myself in the hobby I love.
i know Weasel with his ( unfounded) Liverpool FC " we are the best " I know you can block this but go on I dare you!)
Have I ever said that? Lol

I'm not here as much as I used to be, as I lost the collecting bug years ago and somehow managed to end up with two kids under 3. Not entirely sure how that happened. Spare time is all but non existent sadly.
Have I ever said that? Lol

I'm not here as much as I used to be, as I lost the collecting bug years ago and somehow managed to end up with two kids under 3. Not entirely sure how that happened. Spare time is all but non existent sadly.
It normally happens when two people love each other very much OR when they get drunk enough to forget how tiring the first one was
Although I'm not a regular contributor, I am on the forum most days, and enjoy the banter and wealth of information that there is to be had. I love the figure/vehicle of the year polls, and just find the forum to be a wee haven, away from everyday life. Long may it continue😀
It normally happens when two people love each other very much OR when they get drunk enough to forget how tiring the first one was
I vaguely remember the missus giving me a cup of tea that tasted a bit weird, me waking up dazed and confused the next day and her having a sneaky grin. You think that could have caused it!?
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