I thought this was quite amusing...


Sith Lord
Apr 27, 2010
Amazing how prices are so random...

Screen Shot 2018-03-24 at 18.54.44.png

The lower priced one is not only unpunched but in better condition by the looks of things too. Higher one made in Hong Kong and lower one made in China.
Yes, but you're forgetting that the one priced at £600 has been graded, and therefore is worth much more than the £170 one because Billy Expert has stuck a sticker inside a perspex case declaring his opinion about it! :lol:
Snaketibe said:
Yes, but you're forgetting that the one priced at £600 has been graded, and therefore is worth much more than the £170 one because Billy Expert has stuck a sticker inside a perspex case declaring his opinion about it! :lol:

Ah yes, spot on! I forgot people pay a huge amount for someone else's opinion. :roll:
Plus don't forget that the graded one has had it's picture taken at a nice angle, that's time & money right there. :lol:
There are shed loads of these ROTJ Stormies around at the mo, after the auction last month. Can't remember exactly how many were sold, but must've been a couple of shipping cases.
Cazza said:
There are shed loads of these ROTJ Stormies around at the mo, after the auction last month. Can't remember exactly how many were sold, but must've been a couple of shipping cases.

I know, almost like the Klaatu's. What auction was that then?
It was Hanson's https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/hansons/catalogue-id-hanson10126/lot-99e67cd5-7b93-475a-af20-a88100e11db1
Cazza said:
It was Hanson's https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/hansons/catalogue-id-hanson10126/lot-99e67cd5-7b93-475a-af20-a88100e11db1

Wow. But then again I sholdn't be that surprised as those kind of auctions seem to be the way forward in terms of good prices. I lost out to one (because of internet problems on phone) by £20 and was a great price at that.
Pomse2001 said:
I will never understand why graded stuff is more expensive :?

It's because grading is so expensive, a dealer will look for ungraded stuff, spend £50 getting it grading and then demand an extra £100 - £200 for the item depending on the grade it gets. Even more for the high ticket price stuff like Boba Fett and 12 backs. The collectors that only collect graded stuff will spend what they have to as well.

There is no doubt grading has played a part in the huge price increase in the last 10 years. But like I said before, it's what collectors want, otherwise the grading company's wouldn't still be thriving.

AFA are increasing prices soon as well. :cry:
theforceuk said:
Pomse2001 said:
I will never understand why graded stuff is more expensive :?

It's because grading is so expensive, a dealer will look for ungraded stuff, spend £50 getting it grading and then demand an extra £100 - £200 for the item depending on the grade it gets. Even more for the high ticket price stuff like Boba Fett and 12 backs. The collectors that only collect graded stuff will spend what they have to as well.

There is no doubt grading has played a part in the huge price increase in the last 10 years. But like I said before, it's what collectors want, otherwise the grading company's wouldn't still be thriving.

AFA are increasing prices soon as well. :cry:

I still don't understand why people will grade items and why they will pay for grading, but then again I do not collect graded items :wink:
If it is correct that grading have something to do with the high prices on ungraded items then it does not make it more right :(
But yes if nobody wanted grading then there would not be grading, so there must be many collectors collecting graded items.
You know you're getting a **** ton of orders flowing in when you have to increase prices. :shock:

Just think though, once day grading vintage Star Wars will cease pretty much all together anyway when all the good quality stuff has already been graded, there's only so much to circulate through flippers and graded collectors really, in 10 or even 20 years grading could be over, then the only thing left to grade would be low quality figures and beaters. :lol:
subzero said:
You know you're getting a **** ton of orders flowing in when you have to increase prices. :shock:

Just think though, once day grading vintage Star Wars will cease pretty much all together anyway when all the good quality stuff has already been graded, there's only so much to circulate through flippers and graded collectors really, in 10 or even 20 years grading could be over, then the only thing left to grade would be low quality figures and beaters. :lol:

It's a fair point. With only a finite number of MOCs left in the world, and presumably fresh MOCs are being graded on a daily basis, we might see a situation in the coming years where for those of us who don't wish to pay the graded tax are forced to do so. Kinda sucks balls really.

It's a very hard thing to judge and quantify but any quick scan through vintage collecting related YouTube videos, Instagram accounts etc you'll easily find numerous comments, whether from the author or viewers, with suggestions or intentions of "getting it graded". More so in the US it seems. Just take a look at any of Dallas Vintage Toys' YouTube videos, for example, where they gloat over their latest hauls. Without fail they talk about sending all but the beaters off for grading, and of course they can't do a video without talking about their in house graded collection. But then I suppose you get collectors of all types who like to get involved in dick swinging contests.

There's also been a six month wait to get loose figures graded for the last 2 years and they have only been excepting vintage Star Wars for loose submissions during that time. You have to remember as well AFA is a subdivision of Toygrader which also includes CDA, DCA and VGA!

Love them or loath them, it's successful as a business. UKG have been VAT registered for a while now so that tells its own story as well. :)
It's not impossible to imagine a time when perfect ungraded items may become more valuable than graded ones, possibly leading to more graded cases being cracked open again. If the rate of bubble decay continues (and there's no reason to believe it won't :-(), who knows, perhaps in a few years' time when bubbles start falling off their cardbacks and figures through the bottom of their bubbles by themselves without the assistance of being posted anywhere, without the ability to support the bubbles, an awful lot of graded figures might need 'displaying' flat on their backs. And of course, graded MOCs getting destroyed in transit is constantly reducing the total number in existence all by itself right now. Mercifully, the number seems relatively low for now, but as time goes by and bubbles become more and more brittle, posting graded MOCs will become Russian roulette. And if that happens, being able to support the bubble will become essential, hence more graded cases being opened and the highest values switching back in favour of the ungraded ones.
TK-7785 said:
subzero said:
You know you're getting a **** ton of orders flowing in when you have to increase prices. :shock:

Just think though, once day grading vintage Star Wars will cease pretty much all together anyway when all the good quality stuff has already been graded, there's only so much to circulate through flippers and graded collectors really, in 10 or even 20 years grading could be over, then the only thing left to grade would be low quality figures and beaters. :lol:

It's a fair point. With only a finite number of MOCs left in the world, and presumably fresh MOCs are being graded on a daily basis, we might see a situation in the coming years where for those of us who don't wish to pay the graded tax are forced to do so. Kinda sucks balls really.

It's a very hard thing to judge and quantify but any quick scan through vintage collecting related YouTube videos, Instagram accounts etc you'll easily find numerous comments, whether from the author or viewers, with suggestions or intentions of "getting it graded". More so in the US it seems. Just take a look at any of Dallas Vintage Toys' YouTube videos, for example, where they gloat over their latest hauls. Without fail they talk about sending all but the beaters off for grading, and of course they can't do a video without talking about their in house graded collection. But then I suppose you get collectors of all types who like to get involved in dick swinging contests.


Oh yeah definitely it is something that can't be tracked and documented anywhere near to what the real numbers are, but what IS certain is the supply of ungraded running to almost nothing one day, when though nobody can know but it's safe to assume that's where it's one day heading to.

Oh **** didn't think of that part, apart from the ungraded MOC's already being held up in people's collections then one day if you want to buy any more we may have no choice but to buy graded. :shock:
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