I think what we are seeing here is a general consensus from vintage collectors, especially on this forum, where etiquette ( not just from a competitive perspective but from an overall perspective) this is a comradery built up from years of collecting and having a VESTED collecting interest in the hobby, I say hobby as that is what Edd is alluding to. That is the opposite end of the collecting spectrum to that of somebody looking at this as a form of investment. To compare the 2 is complete folly and an " investor" colllecting even though they enjoy the hobby.
I would not pay £1 or £2k for an item that I can put together as a reseal for £50 and enjoy the thrill of sourcing the components putting the item together and displaying for ME, not for an investment.
There is absoloutely nothing wrong with investors purchasing high end items even though that will ultimately drive the prices up for those said items.
An investor will also reach a point where they either cash in on there investment or leave as a legacy for family, fully understand that.
But, I ask this question, if the bottom fell out of the vintage market would you still collect? I know I would if a moc was 50 p I would buy it to own and display as it is part of what I love and I also love the comradery of the collecting community.
It becomes pointless to try to argue two opposite ends of the spectrum.
Again I have nothing against someone having an interest in the hobby and enough cash to invest, but also wrankles with me that those very same investors want to be part of the hobby for the love of it, as let's be honest it's simply not the case.
I am a great believer in being helpful, polite and agreeable, as that's how I live my life, I have perspective I love the hobby and would never over reach myself. That attitude may not make me a millionaire but I have my riches in other ways.
This forum in the main is for collectors who have an affinity with the hobby, enjoy the comradery and will help each other in a heartbeat, we are nor not exclusive, petulant or derisory and will always help with support information and assistance, that's what this particular forum is all about.
Again I have NO ISSUE with an investor collector, and to be fair that type of collector is usually transient which is the exact opposite of collectors for the hobby itself, who will research at great cost to time and effort for no gain financially but to PUT BACK into a hobby that gives them so much joy...that's the difference.
If an item came up that was rare and peanuts and I knew for example a member on here needed it for their collection and a member on here would collect it for an investment, then I know where my pm would go