Recent content by greedodidntshoot

  1. G

    Long Time suspected FAKE baggies scam / seller

    First I want to praise Frank for the tremendous amount of effort that went into the investigation. The list of folks that contributed to the effort will agree with me when I say that we operated more as a support network for Frank's incredibly tedious and time consuming endeavor to bring this...
  2. G

    I wish I could find something like this!

    I daydream about that kind of ****. A dusty old toy store in some lost town that was closed down with boxes in the back room filled with star wars....just waiting to be found. This shows that there is hope for my dream.
  3. G

    Latest Acquisitions

    Tim, I love the Kenobi with the brown pants. I actually just picked one up that looks exactly the same.. I collect Kenobi varients. Anyone know what the deal is with these?? Just a plastic fade or something?
  4. G

    RS Yak bidding crazy!?!

    Hillarious. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. G

    Stop the rot Petition, to try to stop Fake stormtroopers

    What a shame for the hobby. Fakes and repros are such a plague - but that isn't new news. I bet if this guy changed the COO to MRPOON CUSTOMS 2012 he would sell even more.
  6. G


    Doesn't say in the description, does it pass the "float test"?
  7. G

    repair tips

    Best to now find an old price tag and cover the damge up...
  8. G

    Star Wars: Essential Atlas

    On occasion I get what I call Degobah-Ass - usually after exercising and a poor wipe job. Don't know if this helps with your research.
  9. G

    Latest Acquisitions

    Nice A-Wing Pilot Tim... with the blaster to boot. One of my top 5 favorite figures.
  10. G

    Raised Bar?

    I should not be amazed anymore, but the knowledge of and commitment to this hobby that is displayed by the members of this forum is awesome. James, you always go above and beyond. I usually just look, read and dont comment much, but just wanted to say you guys are great.
  11. G

    Did they ever release.......

    All I have to say is I always wanted a "Porkins" figure, the chubby rebel pilot that said, "they came from.... behind." and was then blown up.
  12. G

    Affording the good stuff ??

    The happiness is in the hunt, like most collecting hobbies. Don't get me wrong, its about the memories for me too, but the best part is in the seeking. Just enjoy what you can get your hands on and be creative when you come upon things that you think you can't afford - I have made crazy offers...
  13. G

    shaun neinest

    I know I'm late on this post, but this guy is a wet turd. I had a horrible experience with him - criminal. In short he won a dt luke I had up on the bay. Mailed it off after getting payment (no delivery conformation.... my mistake, I know) two weeks later he sends a message that he never got it...
  14. G

    Blue Snaggletooth

    What about Walrusman?..
  15. G

    Ebay member seller151

    17 large on D&D...??!!?! What the hell did he buy, a real live unicorn riding elf wizard?
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