Mandalorian Season 3


Jedi Master
Apr 21, 2018
It was alright for a series finale, but could have been better in parts. Grogu`s scenes were pretty great, but could easily have been excellent. It gave a descent ending and obviously keeping who the forger is for another time, like Grogu and the Mythosaur. Surprised the rebel squadron didn`t arrive, and surely the darksaber can be fixed, and no ending credits scene..


Sith Lord
Oct 28, 2012
I thought like most this it was a pretty good ending to a so so season (actually not that great in many places unfortunately). They certainly did save the best till last and there's always a chance that they can get things back on track with season 4, I know I'll be there watching it once again, for good or bad.



Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
Agreed. If only the whole season had been as good as this final episode, which I thought was mostly great. I have liked this series overall, but not loved it. Too much of it has been mediocre, and parts of it I've actively disliked. However, credit where it's due, I thought this final episode was easily the best of the bunch. I wasn't surprised to see Bo Katan save Mando yet again, but was pleasantly surprised to see him actually saving her at one point too, and even more surprised that he was finally able to rescue himself before that as well. I was sad that Paz Vizsla (as far as we know), didn't somehow survive to fly another day, but was very pleased to see the prospect of season 4 getting back to Mando actually bounty hunting once again!

There were the usual logic gripes and plot holes that make little or no sense at all when you stop to think about them (the Mandalorians ran out of jetpack fuel earlier in the season simply flying after a Pterodactyl for a couple of miles, and yet Axe Woves can jet down to Mandalore's surface, then all the way back up into space again without refuelling?!!... And how did Mando get his beskar jetpack back in time for the baptism scene after it was engulfed in the rather slowly crashing spaceship inferno?). However, the quality of the rest of the episode means I am willing to overlook them. And even though we had to suffer the precursors of the shitty sequel trilogy Praetorean Guards, at least they got their asses kicked, and even more surprising, the clones turned out to be of Moff Gideon rather than Snoke/Palpatine, thank god.

It all gives me a little more hope that maybe they won't ruin Ahsoka Tano in the upcoming 'Ahsoka' series... I REALLY hope not, as I adore that character and couldn't bear it. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but Disney's on exceptionally thin ice with me and millions of fans like me worldwide, and if they trash Ahsoka like they did Obi-Wan Kenobi, and as they very nearly did with Mando this season, I'll be out of the Disney Star Wars business for good... But hey, it might be great, and I really and truly hope that it is. I dearly want to love Star Wars once again, but Kennedy seems determined to ensure as few of us as possible can do that. She is deliberately divisive and antagonistic towards both established canon and the fans, and so I can only hope that Favreau gets more of his way than that talentless, misandrist Star Wars hater does.


Jedi Master
Apr 21, 2018
Since when did Moff Gideon get so tough and strong ?
My wife recons he had a bionic suit ,or he was a clone and the real one escaped.


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
I enjoyed the last episode. Plenty of action and it brought that section of the story to a good enough conclusion. Didn't come close to the end of season 2 though!


Nov 9, 2013
This season was a dumb development to a quite good two previous ones. It seemed to me as if the producers shifted their audience here and tried to suddenly gear mainly to kids. Stupid plot lines, dumb jokes amidst a sort-of-serious story, bad dialogue, the visible desire to mostly sell new action figures re-using moulds, insufficient character development, new "evil" weapons which were defused in clichéd, easy ways... A complete waste of time.
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Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
While fun in parts overall I think this was not a great season.

to be fair to the creatives, I think they got saddled with characters they didn't know what to do with (who they weren't planning on using) and lost another they were. Add to that a likely fixed timeframe to get stuff shot and they just dived in and almost appear to have made things up as they went (I am sure they didn't - quite) and by the time they found the story they wanted to tell (which also had to feed the upcoming Ashoka show and seed some of the Force Awakens backstory) they ran out of episodes - so it all got a bit rushed at the end.

Not sure if season four will lead into the big movie cross-over thing - or come out of it... we will see. Good news is Favreau claims to have written season four already - so fingers crossed for a much clearer vision and all the focus on Mando :)


Grand Master
Sep 16, 2011
South Wales
Its just ****. What an epic disappointment and more diluted waste. Its just content instead of quality. Jon Faverau has already written season 4. Amazing what you can do on your phone while having a ****.

Everything set up plays out in the most blandest uneventful way.

Mando completes his 2 season mission to give Gorgu to the Jedi. But he's back in 2 episodes time because that thing sells toys. You can here the decisions coming out of the shareholder meetings. So that was pointless. Also Mando has a bath in Episode 2 and then stands there (as does Grogu) for the reset of the season. They have no agency. The mind boggles after all the set up. They don't even train together or have any meaningful character interaction. They are back to Season 1 Episode 1.

What will happen with the covert, darksaber and Bo-Katarn?

They will join together. Their opposing philosophy wont be used for story or tension that will define mindblowing mandolrian lore. They will just have a picnic. Mando will just hand over the darksaber. Once again no conflict to generate story. Just gives it to her like a cigerette.

What about Moff Gideon.

He will be very active off screen. You won't see any of it. Then he does a cameo at the end and dies. This is because Disney cannot write villians. There won't be any peril or basic ways of making something to engage the emotions of the view. Sit back and watch fantastic ILM special effects and thats it. There will be some hints of Thrawn and Snoke and The Emperor. You may think they will give context to the sequels. Gideon and Thrawn split factions? 1 develops Snoke, 1 reincarnates the emperor? Perhaps Gideon gets the darksaber and the child stealing Mandolorians are the start of the child stealing first order?

Nah- Gideon just shaves his fury lip off and dies. He doesn't even try to stop Mando destroying his clones with 'self destruct buttons'

The dialogue is a shambles. Everyone talks the same as Mando and the Armourer. Therefore you have this monotone robocop-esq dialogue where people say **** lie "I have to go here" and they respond- "yes, you must go there". And then they walk around corridors in the volume.

As everyone is wearing a helmet it feels like a cosplay fan film. The helmets also obscure any humanity. Mark Hamill and Yoda in ESB in incredible. This is a kettle acting next to a puppet. And why have Pascal in it? Well, he's not. So why hire him if he's not in it? So he can deliver Robocop dialogue? I think hiring John Wayne's grandson to play the entire role would have been genius is stead of Pedro the corporate sycophant.

Speaking of Cameos. So cool to have that female singer and jack black in it. I love they way they don't take the lore seriously. I hope Thrawn has Timmy Mallet and Brian Harvey from East 17 as his Praetorian Guards. Brian harvey could throw chips and Bo-Katarn.

That fight between Paz and the Praetorian guards was ****ing brilliant. And then they became Disney Pantomime villains straight away and are disposed of. Rey would have been so proud.

I like how brave the scope was. The SFX are excellent. The designs are fantastic.

The story is ****. There is no tension, no peril, no subtext, no set ups that play out in exciting ways. bland characters, video game cut-scene script and dialogue left over from Resident Evil on PS1.

Star Wars was the pinnacle of story telling.

Now its content to make money for stakeholders through exploitation of our religion. Its memes.Take the star wars aesthetic away from whats on Disney+ and there is nothing there. Ask yourself would you be watching this **** if it wasn't star wars. Why would you? For the story?

Another parasite project of disrespect. Standing on the shoulders of giants that came before, who were cut from a better cloth.

Disney is Star Wars in name only. None of the magic or values that define pop culture for generations is here. Its everything you would expect from a corporation like Shell, Pepsi, McDonalds.....Disney.

Except Andor- which is best star wars in 40 years.

Season 1: 9/10
Season 2: 8.5/10
Season 3: 3/10 (Still better than Kenobi and Willow and Episode VII and Episode IX)
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Apr 30, 2022
Its just ****. What an epic disappointment and more diluted waste. Its just content instead of quality. Jon Faverau has already written season 4. Amazing what you can do on your phone while having a ****.

Everything set up plays out in the most blandest uneventful way.

Mando completes his 2 season mission to give Gorgu to the Jedi. But he's back in 2 episodes time because that thing sells toys. You can here the decisions coming out of the shareholder meetings. So that was pointless. Also Mando has a bath in Episode 2 and then stands there (as does Grogu) for the reset of the season. They have no agency. The mind boggles after all the set up. They don't even train together or have any meaningful character interaction. They are back to Season 1 Episode 1.

What will happen with the covert, darksaber and Bo-Katarn?

They will join together. Their opposing philosophy wont be used for story or tension that will define mindblowing mandolrian lore. They will just have a picnic. Mando will just hand over the darksaber. Once again no conflict to generate story. Just gives it to her like a cigerette.

What about Moff Gideon.

He will be very active off screen. You won't see any of it. Then he does a cameo at the end and dies. This is because Disney cannot write villians. There won't be any peril or basic ways of making something to engage the emotions of the view. Sit back and watch fantastic ILM special effects and thats it. There will be some hints of Thrawn and Snoke and The Emperor. You may think they will give context to the sequels. Gideon and Thrawn split factions? 1 develops Snoke, 1 reincarnates the emperor? Perhaps Gideon gets the darksaber and the child stealing Mandolorians are the start of the child stealing first order?

Nah- Gideon just shaves his fury lip off and dies. He doesn't even try to stop Mando destroying his clones with 'self destruct buttons'

The dialogue is a shambles. Everyone talks the same as Mando and the Armourer. Therefore you have this monotone robocop-esq dialogue where people say **** lie "I have to go here" and they respond- "yes, you must go there". And then they walk around corridors in the volume.

As everyone is wearing a helmet it feels like a cosplay fan film. The helmets also obscure any humanity. Mark Hamill and Yoda in ESB in incredible. This is a kettle acting next to a puppet. And why have Pascal in it? Well, he's not. So why hire him if he's not in it? So he can deliver Robocop dialogue? I think hiring John Wayne's grandson to play the entire role would have been genius is stead of Pedro the corporate sycophant.

Speaking of Cameos. So cool to have that female singer and jack black in it. I love they way they don't take the lore seriously. I hope Thrawn has Timmy Mallet and Brian Harvey from East 17 as his Praetorian Guards. Brian harvey could throw chips and Bo-Katarn.

That fight between Paz and the Praetorian guards was ****ing brilliant. And then they became Disney Pantomime villains straight away and are disposed of. Rey would have been so proud.

I like how brave the scope was. The SFX are excellent. The designs are fantastic.

The story is ****. There is no tension, no peril, no subtext, no set ups that play out in exciting ways. bland characters, video game cut-scene script and dialogue left over from Resident Evil on PS1.

Star Wars was the pinnacle of story telling.

Now its content to make money for stakeholders through exploitation of our religion. Its memes.Take the star wars aesthetic away from whats on Disney+ and there is nothing there. Ask yourself would you be watching this **** if it wasn't star wars. Why would you? For the story?

Another parasite project of disrespect. Standing on the shoulders of giants that came before, who were cut from a better cloth.

Disney is Star Wars in name only. None of the magic or values that define pop culture for generations is here. Its everything you would expect from a corporation like Shell, Pepsi, McDonalds.....Disney.

Except Andor- which is best star wars in 40 years.

Season 1: 9/10
Season 2: 8.5/10
Season 3: 3/10 (Still better than Kenobi and Willow and Episode VII and Episode IX)
Wow well said! I just can't believe you think season 1 and 2 were so good 😄


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
I hope Thrawn has Timmy Mallet and Brian Harvey from East 17 as Praetorean Guards
🤣 Ffs, don't give them ideas.

DisneySW is in a creative death spiral.
The writing is in the toilet, Favreau has basically given up and all Filoni appears to want is a tit-wank off Ahsoka.

Out of the last four live action series, three have been ****ing abysmal (not including the execrable Willow).
The only good recent thing they produced, nobody watched.

Nothing on the horizon inspires enthusiasm.
A couple of feminist propaganda series and a....wait for it....Rey movie.
Slow clap for the marketing geniuses behind that decision.

Mangolds Old Republic movie sounds interesting, but as with all recent announcements, it's unlikely to see the light of day. If Indy 5 underperforms, I think it will be quietly shelved.

Which leaves Andor S2 as our last hope.
Pray to whichever God you prefer, that they don't **** it up.


Nov 9, 2013
DisneySW is in a creative death spiral.
Andor was pretty good: I wouldn't say they are in a creative death spiral, it's just that they are mostly ponying up money on the FX rather than on the story. I think the story is the most important part of all of this. Or they are just desperately trying to secure future money by appealing to the kids, leaving us old people in the dark. : )


Grand Master
Apr 3, 2014
I've still got 2 episodes to go and it's definite picked up, not read a lot of posts for spoilers, so looking forward to the remainder.

lee gray

Sith Lord
Oct 25, 2006
It was ok but alot didnt make sense, hardly worth bringing the mythosaur in it early on when no more came of it this season
Hardly any strong storylines and i thought as soon as i saw Mando with a shield thats theres another action figure coming out.

I realky hope they do just one more season and an end movie to finish this story off


Grand Master
Sep 16, 2011
South Wales
Andor was pretty good: I wouldn't say they are in a creative death spiral, it's just that they are mostly ponying up money on the FX rather than on the story. I think the story is the most important part of all of this. Or they are just desperately trying to secure future money by appealing to the kids, leaving us old people in the dark. : )
Star Wars never has any issues with appeal with any demographic.

Just think they are clueless to the appeal. Corporate types relying and misreading spreadsheets.
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Jan 11, 2016
Its just ****. What an epic disappointment and more diluted waste. Its just content instead of quality. Jon Faverau has already written season 4. Amazing what you can do on your phone while having a ****.

Everything set up plays out in the most blandest uneventful way.

Mando completes his 2 season mission to give Gorgu to the Jedi. But he's back in 2 episodes time because that thing sells toys. You can here the decisions coming out of the shareholder meetings. So that was pointless. Also Mando has a bath in Episode 2 and then stands there (as does Grogu) for the reset of the season. They have no agency. The mind boggles after all the set up. They don't even train together or have any meaningful character interaction. They are back to Season 1 Episode 1.

What will happen with the covert, darksaber and Bo-Katarn?

They will join together. Their opposing philosophy wont be used for story or tension that will define mindblowing mandolrian lore. They will just have a picnic. Mando will just hand over the darksaber. Once again no conflict to generate story. Just gives it to her like a cigerette.

What about Moff Gideon.

He will be very active off screen. You won't see any of it. Then he does a cameo at the end and dies. This is because Disney cannot write villians. There won't be any peril or basic ways of making something to engage the emotions of the view. Sit back and watch fantastic ILM special effects and thats it. There will be some hints of Thrawn and Snoke and The Emperor. You may think they will give context to the sequels. Gideon and Thrawn split factions? 1 develops Snoke, 1 reincarnates the emperor? Perhaps Gideon gets the darksaber and the child stealing Mandolorians are the start of the child stealing first order?

Nah- Gideon just shaves his fury lip off and dies. He doesn't even try to stop Mando destroying his clones with 'self destruct buttons'

The dialogue is a shambles. Everyone talks the same as Mando and the Armourer. Therefore you have this monotone robocop-esq dialogue where people say **** lie "I have to go here" and they respond- "yes, you must go there". And then they walk around corridors in the volume.

As everyone is wearing a helmet it feels like a cosplay fan film. The helmets also obscure any humanity. Mark Hamill and Yoda in ESB in incredible. This is a kettle acting next to a puppet. And why have Pascal in it? Well, he's not. So why hire him if he's not in it? So he can deliver Robocop dialogue? I think hiring John Wayne's grandson to play the entire role would have been genius is stead of Pedro the corporate sycophant.

Speaking of Cameos. So cool to have that female singer and jack black in it. I love they way they don't take the lore seriously. I hope Thrawn has Timmy Mallet and Brian Harvey from East 17 as his Praetorian Guards. Brian harvey could throw chips and Bo-Katarn.

That fight between Paz and the Praetorian guards was ****ing brilliant. And then they became Disney Pantomime villains straight away and are disposed of. Rey would have been so proud.

I like how brave the scope was. The SFX are excellent. The designs are fantastic.

The story is ****. There is no tension, no peril, no subtext, no set ups that play out in exciting ways. bland characters, video game cut-scene script and dialogue left over from Resident Evil on PS1.

Star Wars was the pinnacle of story telling.

Now its content to make money for stakeholders through exploitation of our religion. Its memes.Take the star wars aesthetic away from whats on Disney+ and there is nothing there. Ask yourself would you be watching this **** if it wasn't star wars. Why would you? For the story?

Another parasite project of disrespect. Standing on the shoulders of giants that came before, who were cut from a better cloth.

Disney is Star Wars in name only. None of the magic or values that define pop culture for generations is here. Its everything you would expect from a corporation like Shell, Pepsi, McDonalds.....Disney.

Except Andor- which is best star wars in 40 years.

Season 1: 9/10
Season 2: 8.5/10
Season 3: 3/10 (Still better than Kenobi and Willow and Episode VII and Episode IX)
Yep. Spot on.
Every ep I was saying to myself "what is this ****"….same for Obi wan and Book of Boba Fett…. the writers haven't got a clue. Dave and Jon are not the saviours everyone thinks they are.

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