Mandalorian Season 3


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Ian- spot-on with the He-Man comparison! Quite liked the sillier bits. Initially, I was a bit WTF?! but went with it and enjoyed it.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
Silly in places? Yes. Terrible voice choices for the Quarrens and Mon Calamari? Definitely. Inappropriate cameos? Check.

However... overall I found myself liking the episode. Not loving it, but liking it. I'm pleased Bo Katan finally got the dark saber back again (and without kicking Din's ass), and the VFX and droids throughout the episode were very well realised / executed (Hasbro, if you're listening, my money is ready and waiting for the 2 black Imperial droids). I do however still wonder where this series is headed, with only 2 episodes left to go. We have been promised another moment akin to Luke showing up at the end of season 2 before this series is done, and I'm just hoping that isn't Grand Admiral Thrawn showing up. I've no particular objection to him appearing (I neither love nor loathe the character), but I don't personally think his arrival would in any way be comparable for the fanbase at large to Luke's reappearance. I'm still hoping for a Luke, Han and Leia on-screen reunion before it's over, to right one of the great many grievous wrongs the sequel trilogy committed.


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
I lasted about 15 mins, then for the sake of my sanity, I had to switch off.

Judging by the online reviews, the rest of the episode didn't improve.

Trying to be positive.......
From what I saw, the visual effects appeared to be very good.

I'll leave it at that.
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Nov 9, 2013
My general contempt overall on the whole series is the sensation that, when initially laying out the characters, they added a "cute Yoda", just as they previously had tried with Jar-Jar, BB-8, the Porgs,, etc., the writers were perhaps not sure how to completely flesh it out story-wise. He resulted an unexpected hit, loved both by some fans and people who were not really into SW. We have three seasons now and the mystery of Grogu (his relevance inside the series, his powers) have been dragged on for too long. He currently just churns along to make cute faces and sounds. He sometimes uses The Force, but apparently only if it helps a particular episode climax. He is just static noise in the current episodes.
Oh, and the darn flips in the air. Just ridiculous. When developing the character, its physical appearance should match its purpose in the story. Nothing in Grogu's physique matches the idea of his ability to jump like that (then again, neither did Yoda). Bad decision to keep that dumb gig back from the prequels.
And well, somebody has to lay a heavier hand in order to preserve more storyline continuity, so that the episode's tone and characters do not change as much as it happens right now.
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Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
I honestly don't know where to begin….a pointless episode with such a poor beginning I almost hit the off button, it was so sickening sweet I had to check what the hell I was watching…and it just didn't get any better…in my opinion.
Can anyone tell me why the little green **** was knighted? I was so un attentive by then I probably missed the reason and I can tell you I'm not watching the episode again!
Roll on the next season of the Bad Batch.🙄


Sith Lord
Dec 29, 2012
I honestly don't know where to begin….a pointless episode with such a poor beginning I almost hit the off button, it was so sickening sweet I had to check what the hell I was watching…and it just didn't get any better…in my opinion.
Can anyone tell me why the little green **** was knighted? I was so un attentive by then I probably missed the reason and I can tell you I'm not watching the episode again!
Roll on the next season of the Bad Batch.🙄
Yep 100% agree


Sith Lord
Apr 1, 2011
Yes - my first thought on IG-12 was that a member of Disneys merchandising division was sitting in the writers room 'making suggestions' :)

Silly IG-12 aside (which actually works for the story tellers as it allows them to have Grogu doing more), that was quite fun and it moved the plot along nicely. the frustrating thing is this should have been a few episodes ago - in fact (like the Bad Batch) just too much filler building up to a slightly rushed finish - we needed to see more of the Moff and the Shadow Council much sooner. fun to hear the name dropping as well, teeing up Ashoka nicely.

Also seeing all the threads being created that lead to the Force Awakens is interesting. I am fairly sure that wasn't the plan when season 1 of Mando aired - but it does make sense that Disney would want to create their own fully fleshed out Canon and fill in all the gaps between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens and this worked out well for them here.


Jedi Master
Apr 21, 2018
The survivors must have known that there were imperial's on the planet, can't decide on the armourer, she's obviously got an agenda. Hopefully the last episode will be a good one too, I'm expecting a rebel fleet to turn up, to tie in with the previous episode, and possibly Boba fett 🤔


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
I enjoyed it. I've found too much of this series to be pointless for moving the story on, though not in themselves boring stories (bit silly at times though). This episode did seem to get somewhere but i feel it should have gotten to this point much sooner!

Not a fan of the grogu/IG combo. I really wanted IG to come back as he was.


Grand Master
Jan 16, 2016
United Kingdom
I broadly agree with most of the above. Certainly one of the better episodes of the series (not that the bar's been very high, sadly), although I found Cyborg Grogu to be painfully shite. IG-11 kicked ass, but Cyborg Grogu merely sucks it. That aside, there was plenty going on to please the eye here, even if once again there were more than a few things that made no sense at all; I'm not quite sure how the Imperials managed to build such a large base on Mandalore so swiftly and without the locals (what exactly have they been eating all these years, btw?) seeing it. I was also very sorry to see Paz Vizsla croak (assuming he's actually dead of course), as he had become one of my favourite characters.

As for the finale, I must assume that Bo Katan will save Mando (and the day) yet again, since Din seems completely incapable of saving himself anymore, plus I will assume that the 'Big Reveal' we've been all but promised will be Thrawn's appearance. Personally, I'm hoping they crowbar in a de-aged Han, Luke and Leia on-screen reunion somehow, however contrived that might be, since the Sequel Trilogy failed so miserably in that most basic of requirements. The trio could deliver Ahsoka to Manadalore in the Falcon ahead of Thrawn's arrival.... or Leia and Han could turn up at Luke's Jedi Academy with his Space Birthday cake.... Actually, at this point I don't really care how they do it, just as long as they do it ;)


May 5, 2015
I personally liked Grogu in IG-12, thought it was quite funny. I think the younger audience might find it humorous too. Its important for Star Wars to keep its humour in places just like the original trilogy did.


Sith Lord
Sep 1, 2016
I personally liked Grogu in IG-12, thought it was quite funny. I think the younger audience might find it humorous too. Its important for Star Wars to keep its humour in places just like the original trilogy did.
Yeh your right, it needs to appeal to a very large demographic…it just doesn't seem to work for me at present.


Sith Lord
Dec 29, 2012
I haven't enjoyed any of this season, and positively disliked a few of the episodes . My wife (obsessed with Grogu) kept watching it after I lost interest. I'd be on my phone while she watched it.

Today however was different - that was a fantastic episode and easily made up for the rubbish before it. It had everything I want in a SW story.

The final scene was just beautiful (y)


Jedi Knight
Jul 27, 2014
Bristol UK
Yeah agree, for me this season has been a disappointment.
Whilst not on the scale of shite that was BOBF/Kenobi, it's been a lacklustre affair with at least one truly awful episode.

I'm sure Favreau & Filoni were thrown a curveball, what with the bizarre sacking of Gina Carano and the premature return of Grogu.
No surprise the season turned out to be a mess.

As for the finale, it was OK.
The jet-pack battle was great with stunning visuals, but the Dark Empire subplot was meh and the whole thing seemed pretty inconsequential.
Glad Din and Grogu had a happy ending (what was with that bizarre Looney Tunes circular zoom at the end?) and hopefully S4 will be an improvement.

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