Your top 3 vintage starwars figures

It's been awhile

For fun I'm hoping to get at least 100 responses. This will be crossposted on other vintage starwars collecting forums.

So please post just once if you see this post

so your number one figure then your other two. Il tally the results and see what figure comes out on top

You have 97 figures too choose from

Emperor's Royal Guard
Bib Fortuna
Scout Trooper
I'm nearly at 60 responses. I'm looking for 100. Anyone else havnt name there top 3. Go for it.

some interesting results so far
It's been awhile

For fun I'm hoping to get at least 100 responses. This will be crossposted on other vintage starwars collecting forums.

So please post just once if you see this post

so your number one figure then your other two. Il tally the results and see what figure comes out on top

You have 97 figures too choose from

Luke Hoth

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