Your first time in a Galaxy Far Far Away

I remember seeing Empire in 1980 it's still my favourite Star Wars film but I remember watching Star Wars on TV with my Dad it blew me away and made me a fan, I go to all the first showings of new cinema releases and keep my tickets(sad?) I even try to stay away from spoilers so when Han died in the FA I shed a tear, while sitting next to a 20 stone Welsh rugby player who had accompanied me! 😝
Mine was ROTJ 1983 Bijoui cinema in mabo i was 6 and i remember the ticket kiosk full to the brim of figures and vehicles and my friend pestering his dad for an AT-ST while we were waiting to go in.😀
A new Hope, perhaps in 1977 or 78, in a theatre house in Mexico. I was enthralled after watching some of the scenes. Fell in love with the characters. Some months (or years) later a cousin of mine was bought a cool yellow t-shirt with a gun-toting stormtrooper stamped on it and I was so jealous: how could he get it if he cared almost nothing about the film? My first lesson on justice being only a lie. :D
My Mum took me to see ROTJ in 1983 at a cinema in Whitley Bay. I was 5. I used to walk past the cinema on the way home from school with my Mum and can remember always stopping and looking at the poster for ages.
ROTJ, Cheltenham Odeon, 1983. My Dad took me and my sisters. I remember the queue went all the way down to the High St. I saw SW the year before at my mate's house- he'd taped it off ITV. I remember when it aired, I badgered my parents forever about watching it and I remember the TV Times very well (still have clippings in my scrapbook, and have a full version that I bought a few years ago). Unfortunately, my parents didn't like it (they were very religious at the time) and we had to turn off during the Cantina scene. I was devastated! Good job my friend had taped it, so I watched it a few days later, without my parents knowing.
Bristol Odeon - February 1978 - Aged 9

Can't remember much about the screening, apart from being totally gobsmacked after.
Hard to describe to people how much a phenomenon SW was at the time. It permeated everything in my small world and culture as a whole.

Still got the SW film program and Hildebrandt poster I was bought at the screening. Pretty sure I was bought SW Weekly No.1 comic at roughly the same time as well.

One memory that sticks in the mind from the screening. This advert played before and I excitedly thought it was the start of the film....

Sadly I was only 1 in in 1977 so never got to the cinema back then, on a tangent the first film I remember watching at the cinema was Ghostbusters in 84, I remember not wanting to leave the lobby because I thought we were all going to get covered in marshmallow gloop :). The first SW film I watched was RoTJ on VHS at a friends house, which must have been around 86 or 87 - but I was hooked... I didn't see a Star Wars film in the cinema until the special editions came out in 97, but haven't missed one since.
I think it was 1978, I was around 5 I think. I can remember getting ready to go, but don't actually recall much of being in the cinema watching it :unsure:
For me it was the Special Editions in 1997, I was only two when Jedi came out so didn't see any in the cinema the first time around, only on TV and videos. The earliest film I remember seeing in the cinema is Snow White.
I was 5 and saw when it first made it to the cinema in early 1978. I loved it so much and made such a fuss my Mum took my back to see it the following weekend which was unheard of in my house :)
1978 in Hertford cinema. I was aged 6 :)

However, I also remember seeing it again at the Odeon in Tottenham Court Road the following year as a birthday present from my godparents. I remember thinking how enormous R2's head looked on the Odeon's big screen in the close-up shot of him on Tatooine.
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