Grand Master
Hello all, I would like to start by saying that the old SWCA baggie guide is excellent & I use it myself frequently, this guide is not done to undermine the old guide in any way shape or form, it is aimed at complimenting it & as a bit of an update with a few revisions & alterations as well as more info on previously unclassified or miss-classified baggie types, also a more in depth look at some of the font types & with luck in time also heat seals.
Please note that this guide is for documenting / reference ONLY no discussion please so it remains an easy to navigate guide for all.
For discussion regarding the items on this thread & any help in construction of the guide please may I ask that you post in the thread linked below thank you -
& for further more comprehensive details on all baggies including non Kenner issued ones, please check the main guide here -
Previous kenner baggie guide (SWCA) here -
I hope to make a little headway on a rather (to date) elusive subject matter, that being minor font variations & sub-classing them- wish me luck on that one though.
I will be breaking this up in to a few categories as follows -
Star Wars era baggies
Empire Strikes back era baggies
Return Of The Jedi era baggies
POTF era Baggie(s)
& possibly a further section to cover oddities like ESB-h baggie variations of which there are many - not yet confirmed or decided fully (bear with me) :lol:
I will be adding further info to this post & the following sections below as & when time permits, I would appreciate your patience whilst the guide is being constructed.
Hello all, I would like to start by saying that the old SWCA baggie guide is excellent & I use it myself frequently, this guide is not done to undermine the old guide in any way shape or form, it is aimed at complimenting it & as a bit of an update with a few revisions & alterations as well as more info on previously unclassified or miss-classified baggie types, also a more in depth look at some of the font types & with luck in time also heat seals.
Please note that this guide is for documenting / reference ONLY no discussion please so it remains an easy to navigate guide for all.
For discussion regarding the items on this thread & any help in construction of the guide please may I ask that you post in the thread linked below thank you -
& for further more comprehensive details on all baggies including non Kenner issued ones, please check the main guide here -
Previous kenner baggie guide (SWCA) here -
I hope to make a little headway on a rather (to date) elusive subject matter, that being minor font variations & sub-classing them- wish me luck on that one though.
I will be breaking this up in to a few categories as follows -
Star Wars era baggies
Empire Strikes back era baggies
Return Of The Jedi era baggies
POTF era Baggie(s)
& possibly a further section to cover oddities like ESB-h baggie variations of which there are many - not yet confirmed or decided fully (bear with me) :lol:
I will be adding further info to this post & the following sections below as & when time permits, I would appreciate your patience whilst the guide is being constructed.