The Revised Kenner baggie Guide


Grand Master
Sep 5, 2007
North Wales - Beyond The Outer Rim!

Hello all, I would like to start by saying that the old SWCA baggie guide is excellent & I use it myself frequently, this guide is not done to undermine the old guide in any way shape or form, it is aimed at complimenting it & as a bit of an update with a few revisions & alterations as well as more info on previously unclassified or miss-classified baggie types, also a more in depth look at some of the font types & with luck in time also heat seals.

Please note that this guide is for documenting / reference ONLY no discussion please so it remains an easy to navigate guide for all.

For discussion regarding the items on this thread & any help in construction of the guide please may I ask that you post in the thread linked below thank you -

& for further more comprehensive details on all baggies including non Kenner issued ones, please check the main guide here -

Previous kenner baggie guide (SWCA) here -

I hope to make a little headway on a rather (to date) elusive subject matter, that being minor font variations & sub-classing them- wish me luck on that one though.

I will be breaking this up in to a few categories as follows -

Star Wars era baggies

Empire Strikes back era baggies

Return Of The Jedi era baggies

POTF era Baggie(s)

& possibly a further section to cover oddities like ESB-h baggie variations of which there are many - not yet confirmed or decided fully (bear with me) :lol:

I will be adding further info to this post & the following sections below as & when time permits, I would appreciate your patience whilst the guide is being constructed.


Please do bear in mind the new /revised classifications will not be in release year order as per the SWCA guide, no way of doing that without clearing the table & starting from scratch which would throw everything into turmoil & IMO never work, so baggies like SW-f & g have just been slotted in, in letter order after SW-e to keep things simple.



SW-a - Small font version Crisp bag / Tape sealed



SW-a - Large font version Crisp bag / Tape sealed

SW-a no font.jpg

SW-a No font version crisp bag / Tape Sealed - as far as I am aware this baggie type was only used for Chewbacca & only in "some" of the early bird sets



SW-b Soft Bag / Heat sealed



Sw-c - Kenner / Genral Mills - same as the SW-g but with Horizontal logo Crisp bag / Heat sealed



SW-d - Small font version Soft Bag / Heat sealed

Additional / Pending - there are 2 versions of the small font SW-d (printing variation) the font types are almost identical but the actual print impression differs slightly, one being a solid print with more defined straight edges, the other (the type shown above) has a more textured appearance under magnification.




SW-d - Large font version Soft bag / Heat sealed


Side by side comparison shot of both known SW-d font variations Soft bag / Heat sealed




SW-e - Often mistaken for palitoy & rather an oddity, only 4 known figures ever came in this baggie type with Walrus Man / Greedo & Snaggletooth being Horizontal logo & the Hammerhead a Vertical logo Crisp bag / Heat sealed AMENDMENT (31/1/17) - a Walrus man has also now been found with the vertical font



SW-f - Previously IMO Incorrectly classed as SW-b on the SWCA guide & Just as incorrectly Palitoy-k on the Comprehensive guide here Soft bag / Heat sealed




Above showing a Kenner SW-f against a Palitoy-k to show why they have so often been confused as the same baggie type, font's are very similar as are the baggies, the font on the Palitoy is about 10mm shorter in length than it's Kenner counterpart & the Kenner has sharper / cleaner printing & straighter edged font Both Palitoy-k & SW-f are Soft bags / Heat sealed




SW-g - Kenner / General Mills - Same logo as the SW-c but with Vertical font & IMO a different baggie type altogether so reclassified, Previously IMO incorrectly classed as SW-c. Crisp bag / Heat sealed, my reasoning is to try to maintain the flow & feel of the old SWCA guide, example - if the ESB-a & ESB-f baggies are identical bar one having horizontal font & the other vertical, then surely these also need their own individual classifications.

As far as I am aware this baggie is specific to just the 2 figures shown above, the Hammerhead specific to a run of the Canadian creature cantina (speculation) & the Luke for the EB set's know as "transition sets" now the Luke is also available in both DT & regular saber in this baggie style
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In this section again I hope to tackle some previously undocumented font variations as well as clear zoomed in photos of the actual font's beneath each baggie type


ESB-a - both 1st & 2nd issue as well as alternate font colour on the 2nd issue type shown above - soft bag heat sealed


Close up of all 3 side by side


ESB-a - 1st & 2nd issues side by side - 1st issue on the right


Close up of them side by side, this time 1st issue on the left


2nd issue - both font colours shown light blue on left dark blue on right


ESB-a - 1st issue font


ESB-a - 2nd issue (Light blue) font


ESB-a - 2nd issue (dark blue) font


ESB-b - only know to have existed in the Special offer (1st issue bounty hunters) Darth Vader collectors case ( IG88 / Bossk / Fett ) - soft bag heat sealed

New info - the collectors case has been found on multiple occasions with the IG88 in the 1st issue ESB-a baggie, so there was some variation, making the IG88 one of the rarest known baggies (in the ESB-b baggie)


ESB-b - font close up


ESB-c - above showing both font types (large & small) the small font would seem to be the earlier issue, Small font on the left - crisp bag tape sealed


ESB-c - 1st issue Small font zoom


ESB-c - 2nd issue Large font zoom


ESB-d - pretty much identical to ESB-c large font version but heat sealed rather than taped - crisp bag heat sealed


ESB-d - Font zoom


ESB-e - Kenner / General Mills logo - Soft bag heat sealed


ESB-e - Font zoom


ESB-f - pretty much just a vertical rather than horizontal version of the ESB-a shown above, Soft bag heat sealed


ESB-f - font zoom


ESB-g - Both font types shown above - V1 & V2, the V1 has Chunky text & the kenner box shows on the right hand side of the Made in China text, the V2 Has thin text & the Kenner box shows to the left of the Made in China text, or has on all examples I have seen of each style to date. both V1 & V2 - Soft bag heat sealed


ESB-g - V1


ESB-g - V2


ESB-h baggies all shown above as they are classed to date, I am going to split these all up in to defined classification to avoid future confusion (I hope), one new addition not shown above now included below (ESB-h / B Narrow version)


ESB-h- the regular style ESB-h we are all familiar with, the most commonly substitute baggie used in MP's ( soft bag single heat seal )


ESB-h- regular - variation???? ( soft bag single heat seal ), just to throw things out of whack a little ( oh boy ), I have noted there is also a slightly smaller version of this baggie type, in fact so small the figures are laid in the baggie diagonally as they will not fit vertically, at this time I am unclear as to if this is indeed a Kenner issued baggie at all or some obscure Euro possibly meccano?? baggie as yet unclassified, though could also just as easily be a standard ESB-h just smaller, I only have 2 available to cross check with so bit of a shot in the dark really - both the ones I have are no coo variants, hence my thinking they "could be" euro rather then kenner, but I thought this info should really be covered.

Note this smaller version has not been included in the group shot line up above till further investigation has been done - if you have one like this I would like to hear from you

New info as of 5.11.21 - the smaller type has been confirmed to be of Euro origins & has been reclassified under the Euro-g designation on the non kenner guide

20190115_132911 - Copy.jpg

ESB-h / B Narrow version, this baggie seems to be specific to just 3 figures all of them from the Wards/Penney/Spiegel - 1982 - 48-62352 - 655-1642 - 57-6253 - Chewie, Han (Large head), Leia (organa), Luke (farm boy) - 4 pack of which 3 examples are know, all of which have these in, the figures are as follows - Luke FB (Dark Brown hair) / Han Solo (Fat Head) / Leia Organa, other baggies with different figures looking like his should ver much be regarded as questionable, I making this a subclassification of the ESB-h rather that giving them their own classification.


ESB-i - ( Ex ESB-h - extra wide baggie ) now this one is about twice the size of a regular ESB-h baggie, they come with the weapons in a bit of sellotape, sometimes with the weapons taped to the body of the figure, it is speculated that these were offered to the employees of kenner as a cheap way to buy the figures & it has been suggested they were offered on "dollar tables" in the staff shop, though this baggie is not regarded by most as a general release bag offered to the general public, some have turned up from sealed store multi packs. ( soft bag single heat seal )


Overstock / shipping case / substitute baggies - more details & new classifications below, but again baggies that have to date been lumped under the ESB-h umbrella heading


ESB-j - again one that has been found in sealed multi packs, assumed as a substitute for the regular baggie offered - soft bag twin heat seal


ESB-k - (Ex ESB-h type ) - very similar to the ESB-j but differing heat seals (came direct from Bill Wills - Co Author of the old SWCA baggie guide), a very rare bag & one I am TBH a little lost as to where is was offered if indeed it was ever offered on general sale, though it is more likely to have been one never intended for sale, but rather one used either internally as a sample or for opening & carding - Soft bag twin heat seal
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By the time the ROTJ era came along Kenner baggie production had ramped up & many more baggie styles were being produced for the catalog Multi Packs available through the christmas wish books of stores like J.C Penny /Sears etc


ROTJ-a Crisp / Heat sealed


ROTJ-a - font close up

ROTJ-b - this baggie is being excluded from the guide & it's one that does not actually exist as shown on the SWCA guide, the one shown on there turned out to be a one of a kind & can most likely be put down to either a print press error or wear to the font with the R.O.C not showing like it should, so the one shown on there is just a ROTJ-h.


ROTJ-c - Type A - Green - Green/Blue


ROTJ-c - Type b - Grey - Gey/Blue

ROTJ-c - sadly the most faked baggie on the planet due to the availability of cheap removable limbs C-3P0's in this baggie type (see fakes section on main guide page 8 ) also identical font to the ESB-c Small text version, just a totally different colour font, Crisp / Taped.

There are 2 distinct font colourations on the ROTJ-c baggie, these should ideally really be 2 different baggie classifications in all honesty, but at this late date in the game I'm not messing with kenner classifications any further unless I really have to, there's a Grey/blue version (see admiral Ackbar image for the ROTJ-c on the comprehensive guide) & then the more familiar Green/blue like the R.L C-3p0 etc


ROTJ-c - font close up


ROTJ-d Soft / heat sealed


ROTJ-d - font close up


ROTJ-e - usually found with kenner figures & accessories not Lili ledy as some would think, though examples are out there with Ledy accessories, Soft but notable thicker than other kenner baggies / Heat sealed


ROTJ-e - font close up

ROTJ-f Vader Andrew neo.jpg

ROTJ-f - be careful not to confuse this with the ESB-f Soft / Heat sealed

Pats ROTJ-f - Copy.JPG

ROTJ-f - font close up


ROTJ-g - Be careful not to confuse this with the Palitoy-q, the Kenner version has different heat seals & the font is much thinner, Soft / Heat sealed


ROTJ-g - font close up


ROTJ-h Crisp / Heat sealed


ROTJ-h - font close up


ROTJ-i - very much like the ESB-a but different colour font & Made in China rather than Kong Kong, Soft / Heat sealed



ROTJ-j - Oddly enough more ROTJ-j bagggies ( in terms of figure types found ) have been found here in the UK compared to the US, Soft / Heat sealed


ROTJ-j - font close up


ROTJ-k - I am omitting a close up of the unique tape type for obvious reasons ( sadly ), Soft / Taped


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