Terrible Star Wars Disney/Marvel comics


Oct 22, 2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
I wrote these critiques of the Disney Marvel Star Wars comics on Reddit, Twitter, and GETTR after I was unfairly suspended. If you agree with my criticism, let me know.
#BoycottDisney #starwars #disneystarwars
Also contact me at [email protected]
I couldn't find this Reddit post from my unfairly Suspended account, so I'll repost it here: Disney Marvel Star Wars #17, where Vader tries to kill Luke in a Tie fight/X-wing fighter duel, contradicts Return of the Jedi when Luke says that Vader couldn't destroy him, or even bring him to the emperor, because he has good in him. Charles Soule is a terrible writer just like Alyssa Wong! https://screenrant.com/star-wars-luke-considered-killing.../
Soule's other comic, Obi Wan and Anakin, released in 2016, sucks too. Like Luke, the two Jedi are made to seem like idiots. Despite seeing how violent leader of the Open clan Mother Pran is, when she points guns at them both when they first land, when she tries to attack rival of the closed clan Grecker with a knife after anakin slashes her revolvers, they both stupidly let their guard down around her! Obi wan doesn't keep his Padawan close to him, allowing him to be alone with Pran and Kolara, and Anakin doesn't stay alert and prepare for possible treachery when around the latter two. He leaves himself totally open to have his lightsaber stolen by Kolara and get knocked out with a wrench by Pran. Obi wan fails to notice his Padawan got kidnapped and knocked out until after Pran and Kolkata exit the airship on a flyer.
And he uses neither the force, nor his lightsaber to stop the two Open members from escaping with Anakin.
Also, despite helping Obi Wan bring down Grecker's attacking airship with the force, Anakin doesn't use it to stop his lightsaber when Kolara throws it out the window or free himself when Pran ties and gags him to a post in Open clan's cave fortress! Worst of all, after Pran kills Grecker, who was right next to obi wan, with her mecha's machine guns, he acts like an imbecile and doesn't move out of the way when she points her guns at him; he could have asked her where anakin was after getting out of range of her weapons like by jumping to the museum. Anakin shouldn't have had to save him with his makeshift flyer, or from shooting down the airship he and Grecker are in to prevent pursuit.
That brings up another point, Soule leaves things unexplained. He doesn't show, or even have Anakin tell Obi wan, how he built the flying machines for himself and the Open kids. The story also abruptly ends when Republic cruisers arrive. It is never explained what happens to the roof of the museum and the artifacts in it, the Open and Closed clans, Kolara and the kids, Pran and the adults, what the Republic says to Obi Wan when they find out there is no Tibanna gas, or what happens to Sera, the museum keeper who sent out the distress signal. There's no resolution to the story, and there's been no appearance of even mention of the characters or planet since! https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Pran https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kolara
Actually, now that I think about it, Anakin could have just used the force to leap out of the cave and over the mountains, with the kids, to the distress signal's location in the museum. He didn't need to build any flying machines!
For those who don't know, Jedi, even Padawans, can use the force even if they can't use their hands, they just have to focus.


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
Explain why it's nonsense or shut the **** up asshole! Censoring ideas you don't agree with is fascism bastard!
No one has censored you, yet you (and here's the deliciously ironic bit) want to censor the people here who have views that are diametrically opposite to yours? Do the world a favour and don't reproduce.


Oct 22, 2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
No one has censored you, yet you (and here's the deliciously ironic bit) want to censor the people here who have views that are diametrically opposite to yours? Do the world a favour and don't reproduce.
Quieten down silly billy! I'm not censoring anyone! I'm telling you to close your pie hole since you have nothing of substance to say! You said my post should be out in the bin you berk! That is censorship! You haven't expressed any viewsmoppsoite of mine, all you've done is talk teach meany! Do the world and fair and go back to school and learn how to make an intellectual rebuttal or argument troglodyte! I also think that Rose Tico should get way more respect. So much more important to SW than Han or Leia, yet no one talks about her in the same way. I just don't get it!
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Staff member
May 9, 2014
I have no words... well, a handful :ROFLMAO: I bet you're one of those insane people who believe in Q-Anon. You come onto a fantastic, well respected forum, spouting unhinged rubbish and then start throwing vile insults at longstanding members (including a moderator!), and you wonder why you get banned? Life's waaaaay too short to spend behaving like this. Have a long hard think about your attitude, mate.

You seriously just reported a moderator for abuse, for saying..... wait for it....make sure no children are in the room... definitely NSFW... 'utter nonsense'!

You clearly don't understand what censorship is, either....

Bit surprised how you feel about KK and Rose. Each to their own, I suppose.

I have edited some of the more offensive language in your posts. Wouldn't want you getting banned now, would we?
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Oct 22, 2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
Well let's make it worthwhile then.

You're a wasted opportunity for an abortion. You would have made a better contribution to humanity as a cum stain on a cheap motel curtain.

Have a great d
Well let's make it worthwhile then.

You're a wasted opportunity for an abortion. You would have made a better contribution to humanity as a cum stain on a cheap motel curtain.

You have a rotten bastard! Your a waste of human space and human speech! All you can do is sling mud like a schoolyard bully! You're insane too, thinking that doing the same thing is going to have A different result! You're a worm that should have been squashed ages ago. For you to joke about something as serious as abortion makes you a moral degenerate! Go to hell!
you bastard!
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Oct 22, 2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
I have no words... well, a handful :ROFLMAO: I bet you're one of those insane people who believe in Q-Anon. You come onto a fantastic, well respected forum, spouting unhinged rubbish and then start throwing vile insults at longstanding members (including a moderator!), and you wonder why you get banned? Life's waaaaay too short to spend behaving like this. Have a long hard think about your attitude, mate.

You seriously just reported a moderator for abuse, for saying..... wait for it....make sure no children are in the room... definitely NSFW... 'utter nonsense'!

You clearly don't understand what censorship is, either....

Bit surprised how you feel about KK and Rose. Each to their own, I suppose.

I have edited some of the more offensive language in your posts. Wouldn't want you getting banned now, would we?
I'm a Black man you bastard! I hate q anon. Your racist for assuming I'm white! I didn't say anything about Rose ! Someone altered my comment, which also originally had cuss words. You and him slung vile insults at me and my opinions degenerate! All I did was call you out for it! Nothing I said was unhinged or insane asshole! I didn't get banned liar, I got promoted to Padawan skunwipe! Explain why what I wrote was rubbish, or shut your goddamned mouth! You need to take a good long look at your hypocrisy bastard! The reason life is short is because of hateful dishonest assholes like you and leljack! Kathleen Kennedy sucks, insulted male fans, unfairly branded those who dislike Disney Star Wars as bigots, censored comments, and only cares about promoting an agenda not telling a good story


Oct 22, 2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
I have no words... well, a handful :ROFLMAO: I bet you're one of those insane people who believe in Q-Anon. You come onto a fantastic, well respected forum, spouting unhinged rubbish and then start throwing vile insults at longstanding members (including a moderator!), and you wonder why you get banned? Life's waaaaay too short to spend behaving like this. Have a long hard think about your attitude, mate.

You seriously just reported a moderator for abuse, for saying..... wait for it....make sure no children are in the room... definitely NSFW... 'utter nonsense'!

You clearly don't understand what censorship is, either....

Bit surprised how you feel about KK and Rose. Each to their own, I suppose.

I have edited some of the more offensive language in your posts. Wouldn't want you getting banned now, would we?
You have no logical rebutting or useful words to say bastard!


Oct 22, 2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia USA
I have no words... well, a handful :ROFLMAO: I bet you're one of those insane people who believe in Q-Anon. You come onto a fantastic, well respected forum, spouting unhinged rubbish and then start throwing vile insults at longstanding members (including a moderator!), and you wonder why you get banned? Life's waaaaay too short to spend behaving like this. Have a long hard think about your attitude, mate.

You seriously just reported a moderator for abuse, for saying..... wait for it....make sure no children are in the room... definitely NSFW... 'utter nonsense'!

You clearly don't understand what censorship is, either....

Bit surprised how you feel about KK and Rose. Each to their own, I suppose.

I have edited some of the more offensive language in your posts. Wouldn't want you getting banned now, would we?
Yes I do understand what censorship is asshole! You said my stuff should be moved to looney bin! **** you! My cussing isn't offensive! Disney not firing antiwhite writers is what's offensive! https://web.archive.org/web/2020081...ordpress.com/lucasfilm-hatred-of-white-males/


Grand Master
Jul 1, 2015
Sarcasm isn't a rebuttal either asshole! You really proud of being a briandead caveman, aren't you?! 🤬
A cautionary tale of what lies ahead:

In the quirky and whimsical world of Internetlandia, there was a forum known as "SWFUK." It was a peculiar place where like-minded individuals with a penchant for peculiarities gathered to share their thoughts and ideas. One sunny day, a new member, panda99cheese, sauntered in with a big grin and a suitcase full of bad behavior.

panda99cheese's arrival did not go unnoticed. He immediately began posting inflammatory comments and stirring the pot with wild abandon. The regulars, a colorful group of characters with their own quirks and obsessions, decided to respond in the uniquely comical style of the forum. They unleashed their witty banter, roasting panda99cheese in a way only the denizens of "SWFUK" could.

As panda99cheese's behavior spiraled into absurdity, the heroic moderators, armed with their virtual lightsabers, sprang into action. They delicately sipped tea while exchanging messages in the mod chatroom, their dialogue filled with dry humor and understated concern.

"Edd, we've got a bit of a ruffian on our hands," Cazza typed, his impeccable grammar contrasting with the chaos unfolding in the forum.

Edd, his avatar an elegant caricature, responded with a raised eyebrow emoji and said, "Indeed, Cazza, it appears that our new guest is quite the disrupter."

After much back-and-forth deliberation that involved elaborate spreadsheets and pie charts analysing panda99cheese's antics, the Mods decided it was time to put an end to the madness. They donned their virtual hazmat suits, armed with the banhammer, and descended upon the forum.

With a flourish of digital pomp, they removed panda99cheese from the premises, and all was calm once more. The regulars sighed in relief, and the forum returned to its usual eccentric discussions, now with a few extra chuckles under their belts. panda99cheese's memory, however, lingered as a cautionary tale, a cautionary tale for all newcomers in the whimsical world of "SWFUK."

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