Talk about new Star Wars movie, do not read if you have NOT seen it


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Caswellbot said:
I'm not sure I get the whole atmosphere thing. I went and there was a nice buzz about the cinema. A tangible excitement but the there was no whooping and cheerings and standing ovations. I put that down to British reservedness. We don't get those sorts of reactions in the same way as our friends over the pond. thats fine by me. I'm a huge star wars fan and loved this film but you wouldn't see me taking my shirt off and running round the cinema screaming at the end.

Seconded. I've never heard anyone cheer during a film. Ever. iIve been to see the LOTR's films and Bond films on premier and not once have I heard a cheer. I think it's just British reservedness. Maybe if you're in the midnight showing and people have had a few drinks.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
sith-smith said:
My initial feeling when leaving was that it ranks below the OT and ROTS, but above (just) the other 2 PT.

When I saw ROTS I really wanted to see it again. I did not feel this way after TFA.

Ian_C said:
My rankings.

ROTJ (yes, you read the last two right - at one time I had ROTS #2 to ESB)
TPM & TFA (somewhat tied)

Really? My initial feeling on seeing ROTS was wanting to kick the **** out of George Lucas.

I don't get how anyone can like ANY of the prequels. They are all dreadful. ROTS has such classic scenes as Anakin turning to the dark side, probably the single most underwhelming scene in movie history, and i mean any movie, ever! Then there is Vader's scream!?

That's ignoring the god awful CGI, that blighted all the prequels, the poor acting and script were also evident in parts of the OT so i'll let them slide, but then we come to Jar jar ****ing binks!

I dunno whether to ban you two or have you sectioned* :lol:

* "sectioned" is, i suspect a UK term, it means sent somewhere nice and comfy/padded where they give you a lovely new coat that fastens at the back. :wink:


Apr 18, 2011
Leeds, United Kingdom
weasel said:
Caswellbot said:
I'm not sure I get the whole atmosphere thing. I went and there was a nice buzz about the cinema. A tangible excitement but the there was no whooping and cheerings and standing ovations. I put that down to British reservedness. We don't get those sorts of reactions in the same way as our friends over the pond. thats fine by me. I'm a huge star wars fan and loved this film but you wouldn't see me taking my shirt off and running round the cinema screaming at the end.

Seconded. I've never heard anyone cheer during a film. Ever. iIve been to see the LOTR's films and Bond films on premier and not once have I heard a cheer. I think it's just British reservedness. Maybe if you're in the midnight showing and people have had a few drinks.

I think it is a British thing. I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 in the USA on opening night and the yanks know how to enjoy a movie! It was a midnight showing though and there were Potter themed cocktails available.

I loved loved loved Episode VII. Choked up when Chewie went ape-**** and when Rey held the sabre out and the force theme swelled. The story hit all the hero of a thousand faces notes, the FX were great, the music was a bit underwhelming in places but I've only seen the movie once so far so I'll reserve judgement for a few more viewings.


Jedi Master
Oct 20, 2014
Caledonia, Ontario, Canada
Regarding the cheering, in all fairness I saw all three of the PT at midnight premieres, and JW on the first day (not second/third). Trying to remember back to the PT, I think the second time I saw each the crowd may indeed have been more reserved. Here in Canada, we also tend to be much more reserved, just like you guys. I guess I may be overlooking that, so not seeing TFA at the premiere may be the reason for the more subdued crowd. It probably was more boisterous at those earlier showings.

Regarding my rankings (and Gary's), we just had a different experience weasel. I guess I am more forgiving on CGI than others, as story takes precedence to me over effects. Not saying it doesn't to you guys, but I can overlook some flaws if I enjoyed the story itself. Anakin killing the children, even unseen, and the Order 66 scenes both sent literal chills throughout me. I can't recall any film, any time, anywhere, that got that reaction in me. And I'm not blindly forgiving them. I may have liked the PT, even Hayden's performance to me was exactly what the character needed in ROTS, but I despised Natalie Portman's acting throughout all three films. Yoda and Jabba were both embarrassingly badly rendered CGI. Vader's "NOOOOO" was horrible. But, conversely, I thought Luke's "NOOOOO" in ESB was equally bad. Someone mentioned my dislike of the humor in TFA, and mentioned there was humor in the OT. True, and to be honest, I'm not a fan of most of the humor in the OT either. 3PO's humor was funny in the OT, but most other bits of humor to me fell flat even back then. And there's a difference. When Han called Chewie a fuzzball, it's corny, but still spoken in the language of the universe, so to speak. Poe's "so who's going to speak first" crack, to me, was more 2015 Earth smart assery, and not really "in universe". To me, that kind of joke will, in time, be dated. And how does "WOOOO" and "YEAH!" from Finn get a pass where Anakin's "YIPPEEE!" remains a source of derision 16 years later?

Anyway, my point was that even acknowledging faults in the other 6 movies, this is where I place them, in my own opinion. Obviously, some agree with me, but obviously again, we're in the minority. It'd be nice if people could just accept that, instead of regarding us as trolls, haters, or whatever.



Grand Master
Jan 22, 2008
Michigan USA
OK.. No long review. Let me say I loved the movie. Not blown away but very entertained. I look at this like some of the novels.. An extension of the universe and I am not comparing it to my childhood favorites . Much better than what I was served up in 1999.


Sith Lord
Feb 2, 2010
Reindeer capital
Saw it yesterday, and oh man I was scared the whole drive to the city...
Never been so nervous about watching a movie before, not even for the premiere of TPM...
The movie felt underwhelming, but I was entertained.
During the crawl, the music sounded odd, very low volume and almost crackling.
Loved Kylo Ren, the man was insane!! 8)
loved the talk he had with Han, he showed some great emotions.
Finn didn't sit quite right with me, like he was there to convince people that Poe was a great character.
Will be interesting to see how Ren will evolve for the next one, hope they keep him as a villain.
Rey being so intuitive with the force? She has to become really powerful, a real kick ass jedi, anakin and luke will have nothing on her...
Will go see it again, without preconceptions and fear, might like it better the 2nd time.
Oh and I loved the ducktroopers, they look like they can fight, a little more beefed up than the OT stormies but not too much of an upgrade.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2006
Thought it was great even though it was at times like a remake of the originals .fav bit has to be when they came across falcon . One thing I can't stop comparing ren to is it darth helmet out of space balls.and is Rey his twin ,Han and
leias daughter


Sith Lord
Dec 11, 2012
Finally saw it a second time and so much better! I loved it. Got to say I love chewies reaction to hans death, no hesitation, just shoot at the sod


Sith Lord
Apr 4, 2012
starshipriot said:
, chubby and shirtless with the rag on his head.

Isn't that just normal attire in Scotland?! :lol:


Glad you went to see it, but thinking any of the prequels is better than TFA is bonkers! :D


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
S117 said:
Pomse2001 said:
is it just me or does it look like kylo is not very strong with the force ? Rey beat him and finn could fight with him in a saber duel. I am pretty sure vader would have destroyed them both, even darth maul looks stronger in the force.

But it also looks like they continue with slow jedi like ben, vader and luke in episode 4,5 and 6 because there was not many jedi left so they were not fast like they were in episode 1, 2 and 3 because there were many more jedi in those movies.

Kylo clearly hadn't been fully trained. He'd been pulled to the dark side at an early stage during his force training, as far as I'm aware. Someone like Anakin was pulled while he was a fully trained Jedi Knight. But yeah, I'm not sure what to think of Kylo's skills. Perhaps he wasn't trained at all for lightsaber combat.

I remember his master say at the end of the movie that he will complete his training. So maybe he will be stronger in the next movie :D


Grand Master
Mar 13, 2012
Joe said:
Jez said:
He had been shot by Chewie! :lol:


The guy took a shot from Chewie's bowcaster right in the side!! That had to take the wind out of him! Wasn't that thing catapulting Stormtroopers in the air moments before?? haha

So he's an unpolished Sith (or is it Jedi?) whose emotions and inner conflict won't allow him to utilise his skills properly..and he just got shot! I think my granny could have had him at that point :lol:

:lol: so will we see your granny fighting him in the next movie ? :wink:


Jedi Master
Aug 27, 2009
I thought it was great. Lots to outstanding moments and just a few niggles. The weakest element being it's retread of Star Wars' plot; did we really need to have another Death Star destroyed. Harrison's ennui and death seemed conditional upon him doing the film which took away from the impact somewhat.

Kylo is already a more fleshed out character than Anakin was in the entire PT journey.

Dark Sith Lord

Grand Master
Jun 15, 2011
Just back from my second showing!! Wow. Now I am not overcome with exictement and emotion I loved it even more! Definelty got more showings planned. Its gets better and better! If I am brutally honest I was somehowmat dissapointed with Ren first time around. Cant place my finger on why but now he is so much more beliavavble. Is almost as good as Daisley Ridley! Who I falling more in love with by the second. :p

Think it holds it own as a stand alone movie. Yes its a rerun of ANH but Boyega, Ridley and Driver make it incredible in its own right!!

So much more like Star Wars than the prequels! :D :D


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Ian_C said:
Regarding my rankings (and Gary's), we just had a different experience weasel. I guess I am more forgiving on CGI than others, as story takes precedence to me over effects. Not saying it doesn't to you guys, but I can overlook some flaws if I enjoyed the story itself. Anakin killing the children, even unseen, and the Order 66 scenes both sent literal chills throughout me. I can't recall any film, any time, anywhere, that got that reaction in me. And I'm not blindly forgiving them. I may have liked the PT, even Hayden's performance to me was exactly what the character needed in ROTS, but I despised Natalie Portman's acting throughout all three films. Yoda and Jabba were both embarrassingly badly rendered CGI. Vader's "NOOOOO" was horrible. But, conversely, I thought Luke's "NOOOOO" in ESB was equally bad. Someone mentioned my dislike of the humor in TFA, and mentioned there was humor in the OT. True, and to be honest, I'm not a fan of most of the humor in the OT either. 3PO's humor was funny in the OT, but most other bits of humor to me fell flat even back then. And there's a difference. When Han called Chewie a fuzzball, it's corny, but still spoken in the language of the universe, so to speak. Poe's "so who's going to speak first" crack, to me, was more 2015 Earth smart assery, and not really "in universe". To me, that kind of joke will, in time, be dated. And how does "WOOOO" and "YEAH!" from Finn get a pass where Anakin's "YIPPEEE!" remains a source of derision 16 years later?

Anyway, my point was that even acknowledging faults in the other 6 movies, this is where I place them, in my own opinion. Obviously, some agree with me, but obviously again, we're in the minority. It'd be nice if people could just accept that, instead of regarding us as trolls, haters, or whatever.

Fair enough. I think we disagree on pretty much everything about the Prequels (other than Yoda and Jabba being ruined by CGI), but I see where you're coming from.

Ohh and not sure if the last sentence is aimed at me, I suspect not, but if it is, my last sentence was said in jest! When you've been on here long enough you see that I threaten to ban people all the time for daft things such as liking variants, supporting the wrong football team, or liking the prequels.


Jedi Master
Oct 20, 2014
Caledonia, Ontario, Canada
weasel said:
Fair enough. I think we disagree on pretty much everything about the Prequels (other than Yoda and Jabba being ruined by CGI), but I see where you're coming from.

Ohh and not sure if the last sentence is aimed at me, I suspect not, but if it is, my last sentence was said in jest! When you've been on here long enough you see that I threaten to ban people all the time for daft things such as liking variants, supporting the wrong football team, or liking the prequels.

Cheers weasel. Differing opinions is fine, as long as both sides are respectful. :)

And I wasn't referring to you. Earlier in the thread, and in a couple of others, it got pretty heated, and the impression given was my negative opinion of the movie was making me a troll, hater, etc.

I am hoping that the fighting is done. I like you guys, even after some of the nastiness in these review threads, and don't want hard feelings. It's cliche, but it truly is just a movie. ;)


Michael Sith

Grand Master
Mar 2, 2013
Up North
Everyone has a right to an opinion, be a boring world if they didn't.
As for trolls, they can stick to LOTR and Warhammer :lol:

Happy Christmas to all SWFUKERS :D
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