SW Fan since Childhood (Mid/Late-80's)


Sep 2, 2024
Hello, All!! My Mom was a Warsie about as far back as i can recall. it rubbed off on me as a young boy in the middle-late-1980's,
when mom, being a Dog and Fancy Bird Breeder, hit up one of her Finch-Fancying acquaintances...
one that had so happened to have kids that were outgrowing their largeish SW Toy collection.

$50.00 (IIRC) changed hands, and me and mom had a shake-n-bake SW collection.

she bought the Trilogy on VHS right around that time... and they were my instant Favorite movies for a good while there.

Like so many others, the Imperial Stormtroopers and their associated variants were my hands-down favorite "Characters"
i was especially fond of the Biker Scout/Scout Troopers.

as a middle-teen in the mid-90's, i discovered and gravitated into Anime Fandom, with a focus on Mecha Model Kits.
Anime Fandom has remained my Mainstay for the 25+ years since.

more recently, i've been getting nostalgic over my old SW Passions... and found a great way to fold it into my primary Anime interests, even;

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I'm James, and I'm a huge fan of the Star Wars saga. I'm from the late '80s, so I grew up immersed in this incredible universe. The original trilogy will always hold a special place in my heart, but I love the entire saga, with its rich history and characters, to this day. May the Force be with you!


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