So im wondering if anybody knows the value of this AT-AT driver?


Dec 3, 2017
Not going to sell it anytime soon but im curious :)

I sold a similar one a few months ago for around £600. Yours is probably a little bit better- £650-700?
I sold a similar one a few months ago for around £600. Yours is probably a little bit better- £650-700?
Thank you for the answer. a couple of years ago i got told it could be worth 1000-1500 £. Has the market gone down?
Sorry- was a quick reply- mine was ungraded. Reckon around £1200, but not massively up to date on graded prices.
There was a pretty nice one on Facebook the other which sold for £750, just some minor creasing in the bottom right corner. I don't know what being graded and in better condition would add, possibly up to the 1k mark. Possibly more if someone is really looking for one.

As with all things, it would depend on what others are prepared to spend
Put it on Hakes, you'll probably get £3k for it. I'm joking but I'm not. Seriously though prices are all over the shop, if it was mine I wouldn't be selling it for less than £1k. Think it's an old grade? If you sent it back to AFA and if got an 80+ you could be looking at another £500, but not worth the risk IMO.
Your looking at around 1-1.2K for that. Its got some good things going for it, unpunched, clear bubble & a v strong 80 grade by AFA having 2x 85 sub grades so it ticks many boxes! Nice example👍🏻
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