Palitoy Boba Fett MOC auction

Well done on the auction Craig and ignore the ignorant comments above. Looking forward to seeing the next lot. It's a smashing collection and I hope you do really well.

The stupid thing is that they believe this was your childhood figure and that you deliberately didn't play with it. .... I guess if that's what they said in the paper then they are jumping on that. Well done daily hatemail!
Despite some of the utter stupidity and rude comments, this one did make me smile:

"But there are some very sad people who replicate the original packaging so you can put the loose figure inside, glue it up and then pretend you have the real thing. Bonkers."

I personally have really enjoyed seeing this all unfold and am really pleased to have been able to pick up one of the lots myself (no, not the Fett!!!), thanks to Craig for being a great representative of the collecting world by being so humble while this happens both to, for and around you!
Can't believe the amount of discussion this is generating in my day to day life. A few people who know I collect have asked me why it went for so much and actually seem interested when I explain. Also been asked a number of times when I'm selling up thinking I'd get the same sort of money for mine :lol:

Has this had any effect on EBay? havent really been on there for a couple of weeks but I can see idiots crazily bidding on everything Star Wars thinking they're making an good investment.
Daily Mail readers would never understand. Pond life like Sun reader!

As a side note the reseal on ebay went for £804! Still better than a TT though.
Yeah I wouldn't pay any attention to the comments you get from non collector types. I did laugh at one calling you a "Grade 1 saddo" though! :lol: Just what does that mean? lol
Re-reading the Daily Mail article, it could be interpreted that I bought the Boba Fett in 1980 but didn't open it. If that was genuinely the case, I would have had even more foresight than I actually did. I'm not aware of anyone who actually did that though in the U.K.

It will be interesting to see if the auction (and the one next month) has an effect on prices.

Superb, great to see that there's still case fresh Palitoy 30 backs around.
Craig, did you used to have a shop in Croydon selling vintage stuff?
I used to work down London in the late 90's and used to buy boxed SW stuff from that shop and the bloke running it had long hair like yourself.
kingshearer said:
Superb, great to see that there's still case fresh Palitoy 30 backs around.
Craig, did you used to have a shop in Croydon selling vintage stuff?
I used to work down London in the late 90's and used to buy boxed SW stuff from that shop and the bloke running it had long hair like yourself.

Is this a WUM or a Massive LOL

The fella above your post BaldieShearerlad!
Simply Sci-fi said:
I have a very thick skin and tend to stay above people's comments. I'm obviously very pleased with the auction. The second half promises to be highly profitable, as it concentrates on 30 backs. I'll post the full list soon.

Thanks for all of the support everyone. It all happens again next month!


Hi Craig

I am sad to hear you selling up your figures as you are an elder collector and from back in the 80s there seems to only be me and David Oliver Left now :-( , but i am glad you are getting really good money of the things you are selling , it makes up for the pain a little and the hardship of paying out all the money all the years ago when none of had that much to spend and went with out other things so we could buy these things in the site place , i do wish you luck with the next sale my friend and hope the total is what you need it to be to do the things you want .

so good luck

may the force be with you

theslider said:
kingshearer said:
Superb, great to see that there's still case fresh Palitoy 30 backs around.
Craig, did you used to have a shop in Croydon selling vintage stuff?
I used to work down London in the late 90's and used to buy boxed SW stuff from that shop and the bloke running it had long hair like yourself.

Is this a WUM or a Massive LOL

The fella above your post BaldieShearerlad!

Ha Ha No I'm being serious.
When I get an opportunity I always like to try and tie up some of my distant collecting past.
According to the DM article Craig is from Croydon and reminds me of the bloke who had a shop in Croydon and it seems too much of a coincidence not to be him.
And, Jason Joiner (above comment), used to have a shop in Milton Keyes called OffWorld - I wish I was collecting when these boys were.
No ebay! so proper detective work and networking would have been required.
Pleased to see that all this hard work is bearing fruit for you now Craig with the success of these Vectis auctions - congratulations.
Jason - your not allowed to sell your collection instead your next project is to build a Star Wars merchandise museum. I'd pay at least a fiver to come down and walk around it.
PS I've still got a full mop of hair although not of epic proportions.

We met almost 15 years ago, after SDCC, at HMS studios.

I was fortunate enough to regail you with my personal "David vs Goliath" story of one lone saber smith going toe to toe against Lucasfilm.

Plese contact me on my website as I need to discuss a matter with you.

Jeff Parks
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