New Star Wars Documentary being made right now!



Hello everybody!

I'm working on a feature documentary called "The People vs. George Lucas" which seeks to explore the amazing phenomenon of the Star Wars films, and the fanaticism that has grown since 1977 around the franchise and its creator, George Lucas.

The team behind the film grew up with the Star Wars and Indiana Jones films. So we're fascinated to find out why so many Star Wars fans are prejudiced against the Special Editions, the prequel trilogy, Jar Jar Binks, the Midichlorians? Why do others so vehemently defend George Lucas in the face of those accusations? In short, what compels Star Wars fans like us to endlessly debate a subject so close to their heart?

Beyond the galaxy far, far away that has captured the imagination of generations more than any other film, "The People vs. George Lucas" will explore the cultural legacy of a larger-than-life cultural icon at once revered and debated, and of a man whose life, feelings, and creative impulses remain largely shrouded in mystery.

The film will take the form of a courtroom debate (hence the American judicial title!), and as such we're looking for fans like those of you here to contribute your own voices to this debate. We're asking fans to film their viewpoints of the saga - either by interviewing each other, using a character to explain their feelings, or even a scene from the film that shows their real passion on a part of Lucas' universe. Does this sound like something any of you would like to do, be a part of? Zero filmmaking experience is necessary, and you don't need the latest hi-def-HD videorama-banana-camera-dharma cam from Sony or whoever; the main prerequisite is a passion for all things Star Wars. Whether you are fan or foe, Jedi or Sith, we aim to produce a really balanced and fair film, one that covers an infinitely broad spectrum of views, and one that supports a really robust analysis of Lucas's opus. Just as would be in the Galactic Senate, it is our aim to give equal weight and time to both prosecution AND defense, this is by no means a cursory dig at George and his cinematic offspring.

It would be great if here we could start up some sort of conversation regarding peoples feeling of where Star Wars has come from, where people think its going, and more importantly what it means for everyone today. Infact what do people think about us making this documentary? Is it a good thing to do? Should such things not be publicly discussed? What angle should it come from?

If people like what they hear and decide that they do want to actually take part they can find our official website at; this has all the official documents and application forms, and loads more info on what we're attempting to do. We also have a facebook site that you can join, so you can keep up to speed with the production:

Hoping this meets you all well,



Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Starwarsdocumentary said:
So we're fascinated to find out why so many Star Wars fans are prejudiced against the Special Editions, the prequel trilogy, Jar Jar Binks, the Midichlorians?

I'll make it really simple for you, the reason we all hate the special editions and Jar Jar ****ing Binks is cos they are ****!


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Starwarsdocumentary said:
We're asking fans to film their viewpoints of the saga - either by interviewing each other, using a character to explain their feelings, or even a scene from the film that shows their real passion on a part of Lucas' universe.

Basically, you want us all to dress up in costumes and set ourselves up to be laughed at! Ohhhhh ohhhh count me in me please!:wink: :lol:


Grand Master
Jan 22, 2008
Michigan USA
weasel said:
Starwarsdocumentary said:
We're asking fans to film their viewpoints of the saga - either by interviewing each other, using a character to explain their feelings, or even a scene from the film that shows their real passion on a part of Lucas' universe.

Basically, you want us all to dress up in costumes and set ourselves up to be laughed at! Ohhhhh ohhhh count me in me please!:wink: :lol:[/quote]

Yes...You and Warick Davis in a hot tub.......Oh wait that's been done! Yes CG Animation sucks!!!!!


Jedi Master
Oct 20, 2006
The prequals are peoples bug bear, basically he has bought his own bullshit and has too many yes men sucking his plums. The actors weren`t directed well, the cuts were ****ed up (Whoever cut the formation of the rebellion must die!!!) the whole thing is just all over the place now. The whole Clone Wars animated show from a few years back Lucas is now treating like some fat bird he ****ed and wants to forget even though he was all over them at the time. I love the new clone wars series and im sure the fact he doesn`t have much to do with it helps :twisted:

Hi Phil by the way :D


Hi Dem,

Thanks Dem,

So what do you think about the special editions and all the stuff about Greedo NOT shooting Han first, or the use of CGI? A welcome addition or egotistical tom-foolery?


PS Han shot first :lol:


Grand Master
Oct 22, 2006
Starwarsdocumentary said:
Hi Dem,

Thanks Dem,

So what do you think about the special editions and all the stuff about Greedo NOT shooting Han first, or the use of CGI? A welcome addition or egotistical tom-foolery?


PS Han shot first :lol:

It's all ego - none of the special effects improved on the originals, most made them worse


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
I thought a shitty thing was taking out the original actor of Anakin in the Jedi Spirit scene at the end of ROTJ, and putting Hayden in.

Especially bad considering the actor is dead!


Grand Master
Jun 13, 2008
Sebastian Shaw was his name!

Just found this on wiki

"Ten years after Shaw's death in 1994, his Return of the Jedi scenes were digitally altered in the 2004 DVD re-release; his image was removed altogether from the final scene, which proved to be one of the most controversial and unpopular changes among fans."


Jedi Master
Oct 20, 2006
Starwarsdocumentary said:
Hi Dem,

Thanks Dem,

So what do you think about the special editions and all the stuff about Greedo NOT shooting Han first, or the use of CGI? A welcome addition or egotistical tom-foolery?


PS Han shot first :lol:

Yeah Han shot first, he was a space pirate, not some pc *****. You try and kill him,he will wack you.

The whole Luke screaming in ESB when he jumps from Cloud Cityis BS!!! He made the desicion to jump, he didn`t just fall, so why the scream? Its only because Hamill had the balls to tell Lucas to not **** about it got changed back. If Ford wasn`tsuch a pleb he would have done the same.

Don`t even get me started with what they did to Sy Snootles in ROTJ turning them into the YMCA!!!!

Like I said Lucas is surrounded by yes men and has an ego the size of the death star. It may sound harsh, but he needs to retire and leave his legacy in fresh hands before he ****s up more


Sith Lord
Nov 13, 2006
West Midlands
And in Return of the Jedi Speciial Edition (with all the new bits n'pieces) why was the original Anakin Ghost replaced by the new younger Anakin?


Dom said:
Starwarsdocumentary said:
Hi Dem,

Thanks Dem,

So what do you think about the special editions and all the stuff about Greedo NOT shooting Han first, or the use of CGI? A welcome addition or egotistical tom-foolery?


PS Han shot first :lol:

Yeah Han shot first, he was a space pirate, not some pc *****. You try and kill him,he will wack you.

The whole Luke screaming in ESB when he jumps from Cloud Cityis BS!!! He made the desicion to jump, he didn`t just fall, so why the scream? Its only because Hamill had the balls to tell Lucas to not **** about it got changed back.
If Ford wasn`tsuch a pleb he would have done the same.

Don`t even get me started with what they did to Sy Snootles in ROTJ turning them into the YMCA!!!!

Like I said Lucas is surrounded by yes men and has an ego the size of the death star. It may sound harsh, but he needs to retire and leave his legacy in fresh hands before he ****s up more

Hello again,

What do you mean by 'Luke screaming'? What did Hamill do?

Sorry for being a bit green on this one.



Sith Lord
Sep 28, 2008
Yeah I hate the SE too!
To answer the question of changing the ghost some say that is when anakin was good still before the darkside so some say it is his good spirit they see hence the younger anakin(Who was played by the biggest twat out there)!
This is why yoda and ben are old not young as ghosts as they where good Jedis all there lives!I say they should have left it as he came good in the end even if it was only 30mins worth of goodness!

Anyway once again the SE suck and so did the prequals!To much computer shite and not enough good acting/actors and whoever came up with the idea of gungans and jar jar binks shoould be shot with a ball of there own **** IMO to save on bullets!!!


Jedi Master
Oct 20, 2006
Starwarsdocumentary said:
Dom said:
Starwarsdocumentary said:
Hi Dem,

Thanks Dem,

So what do you think about the special editions and all the stuff about Greedo NOT shooting Han first, or the use of CGI? A welcome addition or egotistical tom-foolery?


PS Han shot first :lol:

Yeah Han shot first, he was a space pirate, not some pc *****. You try and kill him,he will wack you.

The whole Luke screaming in ESB when he jumps from Cloud Cityis BS!!! He made the desicion to jump, he didn`t just fall, so why the scream? Its only because Hamill had the balls to tell Lucas to not **** about it got changed back.
If Ford wasn`tsuch a pleb he would have done the same.

Don`t even get me started with what they did to Sy Snootles in ROTJ turning them into the YMCA!!!!

Like I said Lucas is surrounded by yes men and has an ego the size of the death star. It may sound harsh, but he needs to retire and leave his legacy in fresh hands before he ****s up more

Hello again,

What do you mean by 'Luke screaming'? What did Hamill do?

Sorry for being a bit green on this one.


At the end of ESB when Luke and Vader have the father son chat, Luke jumps from the Gantry rather than go with Vader. He has lost his saber, has no way out, so he chooses to jump to his possible death rather than go with. All this considered it was a heroic act so why scream? GL added the scream when they redid the OT in the mid 90`s. This was pointed out to Hamill who got the cob on bearing in mind this is the only thing he will be remembered for, he went to GL and got it put back.


Sith Lord
Apr 4, 2008
UK England , Darlington
Dom said:
At the end of ESB when Luke and Vader have the father son chat, Luke jumps from the Gantry rather than go with Vader. He has lost his saber, has no way out, so he chooses to jump to his possible death rather than go with. All this considered it was a heroic act so why scream? GL added the scream when they redid the OT in the mid 90`s. This was pointed out to Hamill who got the cob on bearing in mind this is the only thing he will be remembered for, he went to GL and got it put back.

I didn't know that! it would have looked **** if he screamed when falling!


Grand Master
Oct 25, 2006
There's a number of issues I have.

As one of the generation that grew up with the originals i feel somewhat betrayed by Lucas.. When he made the prequels, he got his target audience wrong. When he made Star Wars he made it for the kids of the late 70's/early 80's. Those same kids should have been his target audience for TPM, not the kids of the 90's. We were the ones that put him him where he is through our love of the films, not the kids of the 90's. As kids we coped with the ewoks because we were kids, but now we're adults and i'm sorry to say that Jar Jar just doesn't cut it. I'm not normally in favour of genocide, but I may leave my principles aside in the case of the gungans.

Jar Jar aside, (though my contempt for him has no limits) There were a number of other problems......

1) Way too much CGI, it just didn't look real. I know he broke the boundaries of Special Effects in the 70's, but I feel with the Prequels and the Special Editions, it was simply a case of 'look what we can do' regardless of whether it helped the story or if it looked any good....which in many cases it didn't.

2) Bizarre plotlines....Qui Gonn Jin...WTF where'd he spring from? Anakin's rather sudden transformation to the darkside. The vomit and sleep inducing love scenes with Padme and anakin. R2 flying..FFS, why didn't he do that to get down the stairs when going to the falcon in ANH? The midi wotsits...err, hello, 3 Star Wars movies about a trainee Jedi (Luke )and no one thought to mention them before? In TPM Ben wasn't particularly impressed with anakin at first, yet in Jedi he says how impressed he was.

3) Not enough done to link the prequels with the OT. The back view of Darth maul's ship..., The imperial guards, the gradual transformation from Clone to Stormtrooper, the quick shots of the Death Star, were all nice, but considering my feelings that it should have been made for the 70's/80's generations, there could have been more.

4) I loved the ending of ROTS generally, but felt that it was all too far away from the OT. There's 20 years between, There's a lot that might have filled that. And as an edition to point 2) The construction of the it takes 20 years before it's ready for testing....yet less than 7 for the 2nd (which was even more powerful) to be at least ready to kick arse, and certainly supposedly near completion

5) Too many new creatures/species, that we never see again. It's as if evolution went on overdrive between the PT and the OT, and many species became extinct whilst other evolved.


6) Too much tinkering with the special editions, and not enough of the deleted scenes, which really was what Fans wanted. Many of the changes have already been discussed in this thread.

A better appreciation of his main audience may well have solved many of the above. But hey, i'm still grateful to the guy for giving us Star Wars. And at the end of the day, he's rich and powerful and he's clearly doing things for his own benefit. There is no law that says he has to do otherwise. Pit really.


Staff member
Oct 19, 2006
My Island
Jesus Gary! :shock:
Some pretty dam good points there, but you can't half tell you teachers are off for half term!
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