My Stuff! December 2023 Update


Staff member
May 9, 2014
Well, got my first toys for my 7th birthday: X-Wing, R5-D4, Death Star Droid, closely followed by Luke X-wing. Snowspeeder, Boba & Han Hoth followed at Christmas. Ended up with around 25 figures in the end. Sold a handful as a teenager, but thankfully kept most of them + the vehicles (inc Snowspeeder box ;) ).

Super Star Wars on the SNES rekindled the love and I soon found myself digging out the old figures and starting to collect others, including my first MOC's. This all ground to a halt, mainly due to money (I was spending it all on POTF2!) and space. I stashed them all in my parents' loft, finally retrieving them around 17 years later (a few weeks ago). We've recently moved, and I've finally got room for them. Got myself a cabinet... but still can't fit all my MOC's in :(

Here are a few pics. It's still a work in progress, so be gentle! I wanted to display my childhood figures along with the later aditions, as these have huge sentimental value. I'm really not sure about the oval stands that came with the Pride Display diorama. Think I'll go with some authentic round ones.

I've recently acquired the following: White Bespin Guard, Hoth Rebel Trooper, New Nien Nunb (mine wasn't a childhood toy and was very battered), Jabba playset (not quite complete), Blue Snaggletooth (came with a repro :evil: ) and an absolutely immaculate fixed-limb Threepio.

I've now got every figure (either loose or carded) apart from a VCJ. I'm not holding my breath on that one. I've decided I want to go with SW and ESB MOC's, preferably Palitoy, as these were what I had when I was a kid. As a result, my Last 17 Tri-Logos and POTF MOC's will be sacrificed. I'll replace them with loose figures. I'll also try to pick up the odd ship/creature here and there, but I'm almost out of space for these!

Any opinions/advice would be really welcome!







Excellent display and a nice set of loose figures. Super Star Wars on the SNES. What a game! :)
x-pack said:
Excellent display and a nice set of loose figures. Super Star Wars on the SNES. What a game! :)

Thanks bud. Yeah, awesome, wasn't it? The sequels were good too, but Jedi seemed a bit rushed and was too short.
Amazing collection and really nicely displayed.
You must be well chuffed with your work so far.
Thanks very much chaps 8) it's getting there. Not 100% happy with how I've got the loosies. Just need to keep tweeking until I get it right ;)
I like the way you have split the loosies into 'their scene' - eg the Empire troops at the top and Jabba's lot lower down. Collections displayed like this are some of the best IMO.

The Palitoy Moc's are awesome 8), but so is the Trilogo Gunner
Thanks a lot guys- the compliments really mean a lot coming from fellow collectors 8)

Paul, yeah I tried to kind of sort them out roughly into films with the Imperials at the top. Obviously there are a couple of exceptions (Luke Stormy etc), but I'll continue tweeking until I'm happy ;)
Cazzavr said:
Thanks a lot guys- the compliments really mean a lot coming from fellow collectors 8)

Paul, yeah I tried to kind of sort them out roughly into films with the Imperials at the top. Obviously there are a couple of exceptions (Luke Stormy etc), but I'll continue tweeking until I'm happy ;)

Andy, that's what I like to do with my collection of Mocs, loosies and Lego bits, gives the collection a more informal personal touch that appeals to me.
I'm loving this collection and display. A very impressive array of Palitoy MOCs, especially the ESB ones. Not easy to track down.

That's a nice cabinet which appears to be dust-proof? I need to source some similar cabinets myself because a shed load of dusting just gets in the way of life!

Thanks guys. I definitely want to go ESB Palitoy direction, but prices seem to have gone a little crazy. Lando is probably my fav, as it's a 30 back and truly mint- wonder how much it would go for on Ebay?!

Craig, quite impressed with the cabinet- seems pretty good with the dust so far. Did a lot of research- needed to get the Pride Display diorama onto a shelf, and it fits perfectly 8) It's this one:
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