I agree with most of the above. Episode 3 had a great beginning and end, but what the f*ck were Favreau and episode co-writer Noah Kloor smoking to waste two-thirds of the episode's runtime (and yes, it was two-thirds excluding credits!) on Dr Pershing's incredibly drawn out and tedious story? At a time when faith in Star Wars as a brand is on exceptionally thin ice under Krapleen Kunteddy's criminal mismanagement, it seems utter lunacy to squander most of one of the only 8 episodes in the new series of the previously well-received Mandalorian, on an extended tangent about a minor character nobody cares about. Sure, Pershing's story may become relevant later (it had better do after subjecting the audience to that dreary, interminable shite for 38 minutes), but they could easily have covered it in under a quarter of that time, and interspersed even that with proper, exciting Mando action.
I view this episode as a horrible misstep, however the story goes from here (which can only be to get better.... Surely?).